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I’m having “Virus issues”, any advice?

polycounter lvl 17
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Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
Okay I’m just about at my wits end, I’ve been having recurring issues with Trojan e-mail links going out to everyone on my MSN contact list and it’s starting to become a serious problem! At first I brushed it off as a harmless thing and simply updated my virus and malware apps, after running a number of scans and removing the bugs I thought I was home free. Sadly this is not the case, even with daily scans of my system I still seem to be sending out malicious e-mail links to people on my contact list! Not only that but my all in one antivirus software seems to be coming up with infections on a daily basis. For example I ran a scan on my system and the app came up with a few “low risk level” bugs, then I ran the same scan again and it came up with a whole new batch of infections “what gives”! Lately I’ve been looking into getting some new software and even going so far as reformatting my drive and doing a complete reinstall of windows, though I’d rather that be a last ditch effort. Anyways I’ve spent more time and money investigating this issue than actually getting any work done and would really appreciate any and all advice you guys may have.

By the way I almost forgot to mention the software I’m using now:

Current Antivirus: PC tools / Spyware Doctor with Antivirus “so far it blows”
Current Firewall: Comodo Firewall Pro “seems to be doing a good job”

Prior Antivirus: Avast Anitvirus home edition
Prior Firewall: Sygate Personal Firewall

Looking into / Antivirus: AVG Internet security version
Looking into / Firewall: Zone Alarm Firewall

At this point I’ve paid for the software I already have but wouldn’t mind spending more cash for better security and piece of mind.


  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    stop going to russian porn sites.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Sounds like a rootkit virus.

    Download Hiren's Boot Disk 9.5, burn the ISO to a DVD and boot to it. Run it's Windows Virus Removal tools...

    This will prevent windows interacting with the removal tools, thus removing it's "hiding spot".

    Finding a rootkit takes hours, so you better have some extra time.

    A lot of anti-virus/anti-spyware programs do a lot for preventing infection, but do almost nothing for after-the-fact removal, no matter how much you pay. Just be careful what you download, and scan EVERYTHING you download BEFORE you run/open it.

    Good luck.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    stop going to russian porn sites.

    None for me thanks ^_^!
    Sounds like a rootkit virus.

    Download Hiren's Boot Disk 9.5, burn the ISO to a DVD and boot to it. Run it's Windows Virus Removal tools...

    This will prevent windows interacting with the removal tools, thus removing it's "hiding spot".

    Finding a rootkit takes hours, so you better have some extra time.

    A lot of anti-virus/anti-spyware programs do a lot for preventing infection, but do almost nothing for after-the-fact removal, no matter how much you pay. Just be careful what you download, and scan EVERYTHING you download BEFORE you run/open it.

    Good luck.

    Thanks a bunch for information PfhorRunner it's really appriciated, I'll look into this a.s.a.p!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18

    Since I don't know which virus you got I have some links below that might help you out before you go crazier and reformat, even though every 6 months to a year that should happen on a regular basis.

    Newest info:


    Hope this helps.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
  • danpants
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    danpants polycounter lvl 14
    Hey Marcus Dublin,

    I know some info about viruses since I always try to protect my PC.

    Best thing I recommend is reinstall your OS "if" you still can, since some computer companies are not giving backup disks anymore. I just reinstalled mine toke me about 3 hrs and another 2 hours to install my programs again.

    If you still want to try to find every virus on your computer its going to be hard. Its getting harder to stop entry's. I found these spyware programs helpful, but I still still wanted to wipe my entire OS since I want more space on my computer.

    1.Spyware Docter

    These are the programs I use when I want to get rid of a virus/malware from my computer. But unfortunately some malware won't let some of these programs delete the virus such as VundoFix . You have to run it in safe mode, and then sometimes it still won't let you delete the virus not even in safe mode because it latches onto explorer.exe and thus have to shut down explorer.exe and then delete the file.

    That's why I recommend reinstalling your OS. I just got Norton Antivirus which comes with Spyware protection. If you want full protection and got extra money I would get Norton 360 not Xbox 360, Norton 360. That will give you full shields on your PC.

    Hope that helps.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Re: danpants

    All major computer brands still have their ways of reinstalling the OS, they're just different. Be it a separate partition on the hard drive (Dell, Gateway), or having to make your own recovery suite (HP). They would never restrict you from installing it again, since you're also buying a license to the OS.

    It shouldn't take much more than an hour to re-install windows, the problem being is that you have to baby-sit it and answer a bunch of questions.

    Like I said before, Hiren's allows you to not boot into explorer, so you can do an effective scan and clean with a multitude of removal tools.

    Any Norton product will take up quite a bit of your system resources, I would recommend something like Kaspersky Anti-Virus, where it takes a little more knowledge to use, but is also very lightweight. The problem with Norton besides being a resource hog, is that it is also difficult to take off. You have to get a removal tool for it, which in-itself makes it similar to a virus (which is most people's complaint).

    Even with "full shields" on your windows machine, there is a risk, you can never be fully protected, but you can also never be too cautious.
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
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  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Hey guys I’m up and running again and I’d like to thank everyone for they’re input, it’s been a big help! When it came to my system I not only formatted my C: drive but the other two internal drives as well "3 internal HD and two external drives", better to be safe than sorry. Of course before doing so I ran multiple scans on all of the files that I moved to my external drives. While it’s not 100% bulletproof everything seemed on the up and up which gave me a bit of peace of mind especially since I scanned them with two separate programs. Seeing as how I would have to go through all of this anyway I took the opportunity to upgrade my OS to Windows 64bit, this was something that I’ve been planning but never got around to. Now that I upgraded my OS I’ll be able to jump from the 4 gigs I have now to the 8 gigs I wanted, I guess all it took was a nasty little virus to get things in motion^_^. Anyways I’ve learned some valuable lessons and hopefully I wouldn’t have go through this ordeal again, cheers!

    Security Apps running:

    Comodo Firewall
    Peer Gaurdian
  • Mark Dygert
    Awesome news, congrats on the upgrade and the speedy fix!
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