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polycounter lvl 10
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AndyLittleton polycounter lvl 10
Hello All.

Im new here. First time posting on poly count.

Here is my first normal map project I did for my demo reel. It was a big learning curve.

Anyways wanted to post some pics of my stuff.

Comments, critiques and paint overs very much welcomed.

Here are the Stats.

12,500 Tris
2048x1024 Texture Res
Diffuse, normal, Spec.
Screenshots grabs has around 4 lights with real time render.

I had a few questions. What do you guys think about the spec map? I haven't done much spec. Also for maya material settings for this blinn shader what do you guys set the diffuse setting at. Current its at .8 but i heard somewhere for metals you can go lower.


Specular Map:

Normal Map:


  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    nice work, the scribbles on the specular map look too much like ummm scribbles, perhaps less obvious scratches and wear and tear would be better?a little bit of photosource or something maybe?
  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    Before I even read the text of your post, I thought that the specular was the weak point here. I would suggest experimenting with different hues for the teal and the green in the specular.


    These two refs make me think you should use a similar brownish color for the green, and the underbelly looks more like a silverish blue. For the scratches, so you should go back and take the time to use custom brushes and the smudge tool to make the scratches look more natural.
  • bounchfx
    yeah man, everything looks solid but those freaking specular scribbles kill it for me. I sure hope those were saved on a different layer :),

    as Slainean said, try to make them look like, you know, actual scratches and wear and tear. Then, instead of bringing down the piece it will do it justice. Try making or finding custom grunge or scratch brushes and using those in spots where the scratches would actually occur.

    If I recall correctly there was another recent WIP thread around here where someone posted their grunge brushes for free use. search "Hugo" and you should be able to find them
  • AndyLittleton
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    AndyLittleton polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the advice everyone. Yes I do got those sractches on a different layer so it will be easy to tweak it. I was having 2 much fun scribbling those scratches on and now its time to get serious and make it look natural.

    I'll go ahead and fiddle aorund tweak those scratches and play with the specular map color more.
  • AndyLittleton
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    AndyLittleton polycounter lvl 10
    Hey I was curious if any of you know how to convert maya Y up normal to Y down? Is there any way to flip maya normal Y axis to get it ready for a game engine?

    I hope I odn't have to reflip and rebake every normal layer that I created.

    Anyways here is an update. I errased more of the scratch layers out and also played around with the specularity map to try to get it more realistic. Any better?

  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    just invert the green color channel in the normalmap?

    and yes you're on the right track with your texture. grab some more grunge textures to avoid the painterly look n feel of the dirt stuff - if realism is what youre aiming for.
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