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Hiring 3D Environmental Artist

The America's Army Development Team is looking for a talented, self-motivated Environment Artist to join our team in Emeryville, California! The ideal candidate would be someone who has worked on at least one major PC and/or console game title and has a wealth of Art skills. This position will require a strong knowledge of software packages such as Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, Mudbox, and Xnormal, as well as a solid understanding in execution of Normal, Specular, and Diffuse mapping for the Unreal 3 Engine. Excellent skills plus the ability to discuss technical issues with both programmers and non-technical people such as producers, artists and designers are a must.

Please send online portfolios, work samples, COVER SHEET, and RESUME to:

Jonathan@armygame.com (You can also AIM me at Digitalgannon)

If anyone has specific questions feel free to ping me. Thanks.

Jonathan Nascone
Lead Character Artist
America’s Army


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