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Ideas: Polycount Features

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
Mi amigos,

We're looking to make the forums as useful to us as game artists, game players, and a great community of like-minded people as possible. Are their features you've seen from other forums - or ones that you haven't but wish you could - you'd like to see here?

Please keep it in context to Polycount. We're a game art forum first before we're a general discussion forum (or thats the idea, anyway) so please keep your ideas in tune with that. Your help on this would be awesome.

Here are some things I'm going to try and integrate over time that we've thought up over the past month.
  • Proper image scaling. When large images are posted on the "polycount" theme they're resized to fit the forums locked width. The image can be clicked to see it @ 100%, then clicked again to be shrunk back down. We have this working behind the scenes right now but have 1 major bug with it we're ironing out before it goes live.
  • RSS feed of your favourite forums. This is something we're definitely going to do but have other, much larger, things in the works and once those go up we'll roll out with the feed.
  • Spoiler tags.
    I finally got this finished last night. [ spoiler] [ /spoiler ], without spaces between the [ & ] to make it work.
  • GamerTag and PSN Account right in your profile. I actually have this working atm but haven't rolled it out yet because I am going to have it show up in the user info panel seen in every post. It won't be invasive, as it looks as minimal as your Location & Age info does. We're gamers as well and this feature was asked of me more than once. I should have it working come this weekend.
Here are some ideas that've been asked of that we'll likely not implement any time soon:
  • Image hosting. As it stands, our bandwidth wouldn't handle the load and until it can, we won't be hosting images. There are tons of free image hosting services out there for the time being. I personally use a Shacknews Mercury account as it comes with unlimited bandwidth to host all my non-portfolio images. It costs money but is VERY reasonable.
  • Pimping & Preview thread thumbnails. Too many art communities use this feature and we think it discourages responses & views rather than encourages it. For now, we'll keep it out unless its unanimous that we should have it on Polycount and not join that band wagon.


  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I have a question for you guys regarding a feature. What if we could host your resume directly on the forums? If we could take your PDF/DOC and convert it to BB code and host a page for each of you here that wants it? That way, say in the user panel on the left where my avatar is, it could say "View my resume!" and would link directly to it. The first thing on the resume page would be your portfolio URL as well?

    Just a thought.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
  • Eric Chadwick
    I wouldn't use the resume feature, I'd use Linked In or my own site. I wouldn't send a potential employer a link to my resume in here, weird link, I don't think it would make sense. I can see how it might be helpful to others though.

    Spoiler tag is great! Nice one.

    Image rescaling would be great. Did you already try to just let the offending post break out of the table, but keep the rest of the thread inside the regular table?

    I'd like to see custom-size image tags. Like if I'm posting a reference shot from the web, but it's really big and I just want it to show up smaller.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    The resume deal is a nice idea. maybe limit it to registered users and have guests request access or have it as an option. Another option might be to block out phone numbers or emails so people don't get unwanted spam (probably not the easiest thing to do, so maybe leave it up to the user).

    I had my live messenger up on here, but I found I was getting spam since I didn't block unknown users. maybe have the option to limit who can see your contact information to registered users only?
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Proper image scaling. When large images are posted on the "polycount" theme they're resized to fit the forums locked width. The image can be clicked to see it @ 100%, then clicked again to be shrunk back down. We have this working behind the scenes right now but have 1 major bug with it we're ironing out before it goes live.

    i <3

    I'd actually think thumbnails would be cool for pimping threads. As long as there aren't star ratings i think its ok. Maybe there could be a server-side default image for a field you select when creating a thread? The icon/thumbnail could look cool enough so not to be nothing if someone isnt comfortable with a thumb. At that point it may be more clutter than what it is worth though.

    Im a forgetful bastard, and would be all for this idea... since i end up clicking on the same thread 4 or 5 times just from random clicking on links :)
  • Mark Dygert
    sounds like great changes. I personally don't plan on using the resume feature. I like to keep my resume updated on my site for ease of updating. It's easy enough for someone to click the link and check my resume if they really want to look at it. I don't need another place to keep updated when I make a change.

    The rest of it sounds awesome, nice work Adam!
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, they all sound like great changes! Great work Brome! Way to take this by the balls and run with it. :)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I've heard it a few times but add some smileys :D
  • Soccerman18
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    Soccerman18 polycounter lvl 18
    I don't really like the image scaling feature. I don't know if the last version of the boards had it, but I think the version before that had something similar that used different tags. Never got used too much. I know I'd always be clicking on it to view it 100%. On an art forum it seems somewhat contradictory to not show the art in all its beauty.

    Not sure if this is happening already, but I've seen on other boards where if there was a large image in a post it would screw up the formatting of that post, but the rest had the normal width. That way you'd have some sweet images and still read everything easily.

    Oh, and we need smilies. :)
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Image Rescale Option:
    I don't know how hard this idea of mine (concocted by user comments above) would be to implement but just giving some ideas to the possibility of perhaps having this as a custom user option. You would select an option to have the images display at 100% quality or have them scaled automatically by say 50% for easy viewing and of course the option to click and view at 100%.

    If you wanted to do the resume thing:
    I like what Keg said about having (Special) registered users only have access to resume/contact information ect. Since we see many representatives in the Paid Jobs section those (Special Users) could have said access to our specifics.

    The special user category could be sorted out by their registered e-mail addresses.. [Example: @rockstar.com, @gearbox.com, @blizzzard.com] special access is granted to those within the special user category specifically by the e-mail they register with of course those already registered would automatically get updated to avoid re-registering issues.

    Hope I have helped in any way!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Dekard wrote: »
    I've heard it a few times but add some smileys :D

    All of the polycount smilies are there. I haven't hooked up the smilie code to the smilies.

    Every time you post, you can easily drop one in.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    doesn't look like a bug, looks like a space betwee the 0 and 7 ;).
    would be nice to have some more standard shortcuts though, having to remember that poly 120 = :poly120: sucks ;).
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    adamBrome wrote: »
    All of the polycount smilies are there. I haven't hooked up the smilie code to the smilies.

    Every time you post, you can easily drop one in.

    But the quick reply doesn't have smileys to drop in. The forum should be able to filter out the text version and convert it to a smiley :P
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    How about a "Garage Sale" forum area? (This would be a place where polycounters can list art supplies, training dvds, books, computer equipment, etc. that we are looking to give away - sell - trade).
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps Thumbnails in the Sketchbook forum, but not the pimping and previews thread...
  • Mark Dygert
    [MILES] wrote: »
    How about a "Garage Sale" forum area? (This would be a place where polycounters can list art supplies, training dvds, books, computer equipment, etc. that we are looking to give away - sell - trade).
    Awesome idea, but watch out for reselling training DVDs and some books, there is a HUGE uproar at other forums almost monthly about someone trying to resell training DVDs.

    Most of the authors rally to berate whoever it is doing the selling. Same goes for books, I wouldn't want Polycount to get into any legal battles but I fully support the idea of a mini-craigslist forum for supplies, computer parts, and certain out of print books/DVD's. I hope it doesnt' turn into a "I iz hauck moi modelz here k?"

    Just know that certain materials have some heavy hitters who go to bat regularly to protect future sales.

    I don't think its as of a big deal for out of print stuff. But considering how much crossover there is between forums I'm sure it would come up pretty quickly =/
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Even if there are rules established, I think a garage sale area would be good. I use to have one on my site :) If it's a big deal, then a rule against training items could be used. People still have hardware they would like to unload, or even beyond modeling (like used games).

    Thumbs up from me.
  • Slingshot
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    Slingshot polycounter lvl 17
    Pimping & Preview thread thumbnails Feature:
    I vote no for this one. I agree with the discouraging factor but it would be cool if the thumbnails were optional, but that could get out of hand tho.

    Resize image Feature: Ok by me

    View my resume Feature:
    Sounds fine but as said before make it optional.

    "Garage Sale" forum area? oh I like this Idea too. Yes it will definitely need some sort of rules and regulations on what you can sell.

    Nice Ideas
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Garage Sale : "Craigslist Polycount"

    I like the optional resume though...with it converted to code the owner can edit with ease...
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    P&P Thumbnails: As nice it would be to have, I'd rather be inconvenienced than have a lesser artist's work overlooked because of this feature. Perhaps a compromise could be reached if certain conditions were met. (IE: CONTRIBUTION CONDITION: Thumbnail becomes visible for a specific thread, if the viewer FIRST contributes a comment in the thread. TIMER CONDITION: Thumbnails stay visible for 3 days before another comment is required for the thumbnail to become visible again). The downside might be an influx of two word comments just to make a thumbnail visible. But hopefully the aforementioned "timer" and the currently implemented "report" feature would help curb its abuse.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Alrighty, little bit of an update for everyone.

    XBL Gamertags and PSN Accounts can now be added to your profile! To do this, you must:
    1. Click on UserCP
    2. Edit Profile
    3. Scroll down to the bottom
    4. Add info if either fields apply to you
    It'll show up in the info pane thats made whenever you make a new post. If you take a look to the left of this post, under my avatar, my XBL Gamertag is ready to be added to your XBL!

    Polycount Garagesale, while a good idea, will not be happening on Polycount. I actually had the forum up today (and public! I'm a ninja, I know...) but there was a mini-meeting and the powers-that-be decided such a forum can cause far too many legal issues for us AND it pulls the focus of our site away from game art. Go to eBay if you want to sell your stuff or make a post in GD if you absolutely must sell it to someone who bleeds black & green.

    Image Resizer - It's coming! I promise! The bug we have right now is its installing itself to all of our themes. For Polycount_wide, it isn't needed. For the main polycount theme, the one locked @ 1024px it should be installed. Once we iron out this bug we'll roll it out to the masses.

    RSS - same as originally thought.

    Resume - mixed feelings. I'll throw it on the backburner for now and move on.

    Anyone else have any ideas? Now's the time to speak up...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Now that we have plenty of user info on display (gamertags, IM, location aso) we need an option to turn these off on the user side. Just like we have tickboxes for:

    Avatars, Signature and Images display in the CP, I would like the same for Number of posts, Join date, Location, XBL, PSN, IM, Is Online/Offline, status, and Name.

    As a matter of fact I would love to be able to switch many visual elements on and off to streamline my browsing experience. Especially since sometimes these pieces of information take more vertical space than the post themselves :P

    Also! Could we have a zip file containing some bogus pages (main, subforom index, thread) to mess with CSS wise? I'd love to be able to submit styles, we could even have a nice library of those!

    I remember (this was back in the older forums days) a collegue (FunsharkkxXx!) overriding the forum theme with a default one on his computer. I tried the Stylish extension for FF but can't find a way to properly use it...
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    pior - for reasons we'll get in to later we're going to stick with a single theme for now. There's a number of things happening with Polycount at the moment that'll warrant this, I promise.

    As for the ability to turn options on & off, that's something I'll have to look in to and is a fantastic idea. Thanks!
  • TheSplash
    It would be really great if there was an option to view all posts of a thread on a single page or be able to set how many posts per page you want to view.

    I like the idea of awards, ones that get added to your profile. Like the cg choice awards or the comp awards they have at gameartisians.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    UserCP -> Edit Options -> (Scroll to) Thread Display Options -> Number of Posts Per Page
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    instead of image scaling why don't you just pop the thread out of it's table, into divs and then the offending image wouldn't stretch the entire thread to the moon and back

    Also every page served has inline styles and Javascript. Why don't you link these chunks of code externally so they can cache? It makes for a very heavy page that will tax the polycount bandwidth un-necessarily.

    I copied all of the un-necessary code out of a single page serve into a blank text document. It added up to 20k on every page served, or 670 lines that do next to nothing. So that means if polycount is serving 5000 pages a day - for example - thats...

    20kb x 5000 = 100000 kb = 100 MB

    100 megs a day?! And thats a conservative estimate. You could easily host images for that, giving users a 100k limit per post, or even 200k limit. Once someone has seen an image it is cached, but thats not true for polycounts HEAVY pages.

    You complain about not hosting images but you are throwing bandwidth to the wind my friend.

    To make matters worse, most of that code is commented out!! madness
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    On a lighter note. Awards get my vote. We've been wanting to do this for while with the challenges.

    Also if you're adding XBL and PSN numbers, please add DS and Wii gamer codes
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Ah yes, DS & Wii gamer codes. I shall do that soon enough!

    AS for the code, I'm no wizard so it is likely that theres some waste in there. Would you be willing to help by showing me the code you removed? I can do that immediately after being shown what it is you had done. Thanks in advance.

    UPDATE: You can add DS or Wii codes the same way XBL and PNA's can be added. Good idea :)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Image rescaling would be great. Did you already try to just let the offending post break out of the table, but keep the rest of the thread inside the regular table?

    I would prefer the post breaking from the thread as many others have said. Conceptart does this with their board and it's win. Last I checked Gameartisans does the image resize thing and I can't say I like it that way, I just want to browse through. Same goes for the use of thumbanils within a thread, although it obviously is useful for slow connection users.

    Thanks for all your efforts dude.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    I would prefer not to have the image resize option either.

    Thanks for your hard work Adam.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I'll look in to breaking the forum. The thing about this, is that the forum is now offset. When a large image is posted, you're now scrolling to the right from the middle of the page. Besides looking horrible, it seems like it'd be an annoyance to me. But! I've never seen it, so I'll throw it in and we can see how it goes.

    Good idea, and thanks!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    here's an idea for your "likely not implement any time soon" list:

    Visual Markers for better crits!

    creating visual marker

    display's visual markers per layer around originally posted image?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Ha! That'd be awesome. I'll check if theres any mods available that do this already. If not, I'm no code wizard so it may take time. Also kp, I've put in a request with vB to tell me how to achieve the cell breakage.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Adam, if you send me the templates I can take a look at how to trim them down. I may even be able to fix the cell breakage problem
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    that pic is hot!!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Hawken, I'll see what I can do to get you the templates. vB uses a back-end interface where they can be edited so I'm hoping theres a download feature. As well, the cell breakage is something we'd like to have - or at least try out.
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