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Iron Man



  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Went to see it this afternoon. My conclusion: Lots of cool factor (Great effects and that suit was just awesome) but very little substance. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the film but I didn't think it was anything special amongst the myriad super hero movies that are currently bombarding the cinemas. This coming from someone who went into the film knowing next to nothing about the Iron Man universe (Yes I am a comic book philistine).

    I think Iron Man had more substance than most comic flicks. What did you think it was missing?
  • Mister Sentient
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    vermilion wrote: »
    I think Iron Man had more substance than most comic flicks. What did you think it was missing?

    I don't think it was necessarily missing anything in that it probably accomplished what it set out to do. It lives up to the expectations of most of the fans and is entertaining. It just suffers from what most comic to film adaptions do, a lack of any real depth to characters and a plot which is basically subserviant to what I call the "cool factor". Which is fine. I never go to see a comic book film expecting Schindler's List.

    Edit: The term "comic book" it perhaps too broad. I am referring more to super hero comic film adaptions.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    i'd agree with mister sentient.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I completely disagree. The character development was really well done, especially for a comic book movie.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    I think it had the perfect tone for an Iron Man movie. Try and do something different and you end up with Ang Lee's Hulk. . . which I enjoyed but apparently was not well received by the vast majority.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I got to see Iron Man last night and really enjoyed it. Iron Man is one of my favorite Marvel characters and it was great to see him portrayed so well by RDJ.

    I also liked Ang Lee's Hulk, despite popular opinion. We'll see how this new one turns out.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Think what killed the old hulk was that the hulk was sad... hulk is not supposed to be emo hes supposed to smash! Banner sure he can be all kinds of emo and rightfully should, but not the fucking hulk! i also have a hard time believing that Eric Banna as a science nerd. Banner = wimp, hulk = ripped not the other way around... Other than that and the "comic" style transitions it wasn't bad, its just that at its core it wasn't true to the hulk.

    Ironman on the other hand was quite true to its characters. The only one that seemed a little off was Terrence Howard's. He did not feel like a military guy to me.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Woo, going for lunch tomorrow to see it!
  • bounchfx

    I also liked Ang Lee's Hulk, despite popular opinion. We'll see how this new one turns out.

    honestly, I did too. I'm looking forward to the new too though, there's an actual enemy in it XD
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Anything like that beats seeing King Kong...
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    Think what killed the old hulk was that the hulk was sad... hulk is not supposed to be emo hes supposed to smash! Banner sure he can be all kinds of emo and rightfully should, but not the fucking hulk! i also have a hard time believing that Eric Banna as a science nerd. Banner = wimp, hulk = ripped not the other way around... Other than that and the "comic" style transitions it wasn't bad, its just that at its core it wasn't true to the hulk.

    Ironman on the other hand was quite true to its characters. The only one that seemed a little off was Terrence Howard's. He did not feel like a military guy to me.

    I agree. On top of that, the guy who played Bruce Banner did a horrible job of portraying his character. He was amazing in Munich, I just don't think he did enough research for his role.
  • Mark Dygert
    IronMan Rocked hard, I loved every min of it.

    yea, I agree emo Hulk ruined it, along with Nick Nolte's over acting and the fact that my boney ass fell asleep 2 times. Learn 2 edit out crap... Also the rubber dogs where horrible... Just so much wrong with that movie I don't know if its worth getting into all over again.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    They finally made a Marvel Movie not suck balls or just be alright. It was fun all they way especially towards the end, all that saw it, know what I mean. I wish this guy had made many of the other Marvel movies, and the Transformers as well. I think he should remake them, they owe the fans, not that they should have made a movie of Electra or Daredevil to begin with. While I like the Hulk, it was mostly because it reminded me of the lame, sad stories of the Hulk that were made for tv and cartoons. I'm not refering to the comic book stories with that comment. I imagine the fans of the books would have been looking for blood. Really lame villians. Killer poodles, yeah, thats was the cool part of the movie. LOL. I liked how they updated the origen of the Hulk, so that was like the first 15 min of the movie, the rest of the movie was like, oh this is going to be good, waited, waited, it ended.... Despite that I still liked it.

    Back to Iron Man, I'm really glad they didn't make Iron Man's armor be like the Green Goblin mask, that ruined it a bit for me in Spiderman. Really good CG, there could have been a few min of the movie that could have been better, but really, compared to the other films this was a grand slam, and there was plenty of character development in this one, especially for an action movie. Oh and no soft porn to boot. It was rated R? Are you kidding? Lord of the Rings was more violent and disturbing than this, why was this rated R? I guess when super heroes kill people it rated R, when heroes kill orcs it PG 13. I liked the Stan Lee appearance, to bad he wasn't in the Punisher, he could have been one of the victims.

    I checked the rating on Yahoo and it says PG13

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