- free download again which is really cool.
Haven't had a chance to listen to it all the way through yet but first impressions aren't as good as they were for Ghost which I thought was a great break away from the formula which NIN slips into alot of the time... might change my opinion the more I listen to it though.
As a long time NIN fan, I found Ghosts to be a bit of a disappointment as a NIN album, but a fun experiment as a Trent Reznor album, if that makes sense. I was excited when Discipline was officially 'leaked' but found it lacked the stuff that NIN used to do so well, like memorable lyrics and an experimental, confrontational feel. I like 'pop NIN' too, though, I seem to be one of the few people on the net that enjoyed With Teeth, but With Teeth and Year Zero had strong melodies and singalong choruses to back up the sound, whereas these songs seem a bit forgettable for me at the moment.
It may grow on me, it's early days yet