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Updated my website

polycounter lvl 10
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evlm0d polycounter lvl 10
Hello everyone. Im new to polycount, but Im a 3D Artist, worked at Paradigm here in Dallas for 2 years, shipped Stuntman Ignition. Im currently looking for a new gig. Im available now and willing to relocate.

my site

Crits/Comments most welcome!


  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Very nice work. I think when you click on an image, and it opens the large size, you should be able to navigate between images with back and next buttons without having to go back to the home page.
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    i love your car models and props, id even say that you should post a tutorial of your work flow on the site. The 2d stuff is kinda avg though...id maybe leave that out because i think your strongest skill is modeling and you don't want anything to hurt your chances of getting a job.
  • evlm0d
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    evlm0d polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I've been considering overhauling the 2D section as alot of those are pretty old and need to be updated.

    Thanks again!
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man make a low poly for your M4 and render out a normal map for it. If you are showing a highpoly model don't display the triangle count for it. Oh and put your props above your cars. Your props are your strong point right now. Make more highpoly pieces to, keep practicing =D
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Your car models are looking fantastic. Geometry for the props could be optimized a little more, but overall quite solid.

    I must respectfully disagree with EggE about your drawings. I think you SHOULD have them in there because it displays your ability to capture form in more than 1 medium. Yes they're good, no they're not the best, but the only time it matters that they're the best is when you're applying for a strictly 2D drawing position like concept art.

    And where you've placed them, at the very bottom, I think is perfect. Its as if you're saying "look, i can model cars! I can model props! and i can render in 3D on a 2D medium!"

    But yeah, as Cojax said, props before cars. Props are more common in games than cars.
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