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spline IK and ncloth

polycounter lvl 18
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PaK polycounter lvl 18
Okay guys,

I'm no animation guy, so I'm gunna need some babysitting here.

I am trying to bake dynamic animation from ncloth to a spline IK rig. I have troubles on all fronts:

I cant get my rig to work. I set up my joints, i did the spline IK thing, I added my CV handles, particles, and all that *stuff* and I still cant get it to animate properly.

Here's my file:

Okay so...assuming i get that part to work, what will ncloth recognize? The particles? the root joint? what! I have no idea what to hook ncloth up to. It seems to work fine with verts but i cant get it to work with anything else.

Lots of help would be greatly appreciated.



  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    im pretty sure it will only work with verts. i did this a while back. i had to download a script off of highend called rivet or polyvertexconstraint. what it did, was constrain a locator to a vertex. from there, you could point and orient constrain a joint to a locator, then bake that down. then re-weight your object using the joints. it was super-tedious and a massive pain in the ass.
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    but locators cant constrain to compnents, only to objects. Are you sure its locators and not something else?

    edit: Now that I have found the script you mentioned I understand. This might work!

    edit #2: Worked perfectly!

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