Statement on re-thread:
So I know there was a thread already on this... But it was 4 month old and in the title said "2007". So I wanted to start a new thread non date specific.
Anyways The point of this post is to check out all the peoples areas or places they do art, hobby, or anything else (no dirty bedroom pictures guys)

. This can be an office at home or work, studio, black room, kitchen if you love to cook, garage if your a gear head, and so on. Basically a place you find yourself alot

Part of my new year resolution was to start up personal 3d again

. So part of that was to setup my office at home. I finally finished it this weekend after much work:

My second newly found passion is racing autox, So I spend quite a bit of time in the garage fiddling with things. Most of the stuff is stored in a shed out back.

Here's mine:
At Threewave:
here's my WIP room. moved in about a week ago. still have lots of plans for the place
Nice hookah I think I have the same one.... good times
My cube at work. Terrible photo.. my camera is shite.
8 foot metal sign, on the wall near my cube.
The Luchador wasnt in the office but when this picture was taken. Spooky.
We are extremely proud of our Spartan clock.
The effects of the crunch.
Ryan, I already told ya I'm going to come steal your house and car : D
Mangled, care to talk further about your autox'ing experience (maybe a new thread with some photos)? My current 'vette is an automatic, so I can't really use it for track racing. I'm already considering trading it for a manual transmission vette in a few years when I've got a few bucks to spare.
There's a bunch there. Maybe I'll take a pic of my actual desk if I get the chance.
Freaking awesome office man.... that is pure wicked
terrible picture, but shows it how it is.
Flaagan I will pm you tomorrow about autox stuff
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Hey, some of us also want to see :P
Hawken: You're expanding. Last time you just had that small desk on the right (or that's all you showed us)
Clean and (except for the wires) minimalistic. Me likey.
Alright my swank workspace (working from home) It's a little outdated, there's now a spiffy samsung lcd, and a new comp. This is just a little corner in my livingroom, not a seperate office or anything.
The numbers are there because this is a pic I used for a devblog when I was working on spellborn and had to do some ramblings from time to time. To check the mad blog and see what they're about go here:
and after...
...HP zd7000 burnt out piece of shit!
(notice its off)
I like mine, but hate the support. I won't buy an HP again, but overall the device is fine. It wasn't a jab at you at all
i spy a fire exit hazard with that fish tank
[/ QUOTE ]
eh. you win some and loose some i guess. Needed the light it cast behind my eyes.