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Setting hotkeys with 3Ds Max

Recently I came into a little bit of cash and decided to update some of my old equipment. My purchase you might ask? The fine Logitech MAX Revolution mouse. It's comfortable, it's fun, and has lots of potential for hotkeys and the like.

Problem is, I'm not certain how to set them in Max. I tried searching for some threads that might explain it but I can't seem to find any. Currently pressing in my wheel doesn't even let me rotate around in my view anymore. I was hoping someone might be able to tell me how to go about setting some of these things to the different buttons on my mouse.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately like most of the big 3D apps, Max doesn't let you customise mouse buttons from within its hotkey menus.

    You'll have to try some programss like AutoHotKey, which always run in the background and allow you to set up shortcut keys and assign them to other buttons.
  • Valkier
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    Could someone help me a bit with this? Scripting was never one of my strong points. Basically I just want to be able to click a button on my mouse to rotate the view around in 3Ds Max like a normal mouse would allow me to. I can probably figure the rest out on my own after I see an example of this using AutoHotKey.
  • pior
    Online / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Maybe you can try other familiar programs also relying on middle mouse button and see how your mouse behaves in there? Middle mouse button scroll in Firefox, zoomed aim in Q3A...
    I believe Max relies on something very basic and standard for this (but unfortunately, not editable...)

    [Edit] Wait a minute... Was reading through a review, loved the idea of switchable wheel modes but :

    If hyperscrolling isn't your cup of tea in free-spinning mode, you can just use the wheel slowly to glide more precisely across a document or photo without the clicky, jumpy scrolling. You can switch between modes on the fly by clicking on the scroll wheel. Doing so will sacrifice that precious middle click button many of us have grown to use on a daily basis. If you absolutely can't live without your middle click, you can disable manual mode switching in the SetPoint software and reassign the middle click to the scroll wheel.
  • Valkier
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    Darn, I thought I edited my last post. I actually did figure out how to solve my problem. The drivers let you tell your PC what button you want to have what function depending on what program you're in. It's really neat cause I can have the switchblade mouse everywhere else, but have the middle button in my Max program instead.

    I was looking around at the logitech site yesterday for fun and saw a mouse you can use to just point at your screen with. I was wondering if anyone has tried that one out or seen it in action? I can't imagine it would be too terribly useful for modeling and the like, but maybe one of you have tried it out.
  • stalsby
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    Is there any way to set a hot key for Bridge? I have tried it on numerous occasions and for some reason I can't! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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