i ordered an intuos3 a4 wacom like two weeks ago, and i finaly recieved it a couple days ago. very happy and proud to own and i finaly could get to work on the dominance war.
untill.. i notices my cursor kept freezing a couple times each hour. this mostly went away when i shook the pen a bit or moved the tablet around. not the first time i used this type of wacom, and also on the same pc, never any troubles with it. i tried another USB portal, and installed the software again... too bad.
i called the helpdesk of the store where i bought it, they said i needed to fill in a form, and i could send it back tomorrow so they could take a look at and send it back to a wacom company itself, or something like that.
this will take at least two weeks before i can get a new one, or even 5 if im unlucky. so the story probably ends here.
i can see what i can do with a mouse, but its not going to get me far in zbrush or photoshop. it may be cool to try and paint my texture outside the pc, like print out the uv set and get some oilpaint, wich i never used before, or at least work on the 2d entry outside the pc.
just felt like writing my frustrations down

plus i used the same type of wacom on this pc with that driver earlier without problems
i did notice it freezes more often when i switch from msn messenger to another program, and believe it also freezes more often when the tablet is tilted a bit. besides that it just occures when i lift my pen up and set it down again
im not touching any buttons, so thats out of the way
going to try a laptop with windows xp on it, see if that makes any difference.
i want to make sure it aint a software problem before i send it away :S
i just noticed the side of the wacom is busted.
there is a really small gab between the side of these boards and i can pinch it up and down a bit :S
the thing probably hit something down the road.. bleh just my luck