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Devil May Cry 4



  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Fucking fuck. I am on the part with the spinning blades and you slow down time to climb them. Fucking bullshit! With the run ability you all of a sudden gain uber speed and it fucks you up when you're trying to jump up them.

    Damn this game.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    just double jump from blade to blade, sonic
  • sherrell
    yo i am one of the biggest DMC fans. Im not that impressed with DMC 4, i dunno if u noticed but using Dante compared to Nero, Dante sux in this one
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    yo i am one of the biggest DMC fans. Im not that impressed with DMC 4, i dunno if u noticed but using Dante compared to Nero, Dante sux in this one

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only if the player sucks. tongue.gif

    Dante's technical, but absurdly powerful. Enemies that took three or four EX combos with Buster from Nero can be killed with a single lvl3 swordmaster combo from dante. Didn't try any of the other styles on my first run through,
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    If anything I feel like Nero is the harder character, once I get Dante the game seems to get much, much easier. At least if you're trying to play as stylishly as possible. Nero seems to be all about how well you can time the exceeds, dante seems more about button based combos and style dancing.

    I started playing through on Dante must Die mode and I'm just getting frustrated as hell with Nero and the enemies in general. Those ice demons are a serious pain in the ass all the sudden, and they seemed to have taken other enemies that were fun to fight and just made them irritating and frustrating.

    It feels like the game is starting to fall apart at this difficulty level, I'm having way more issues with the targeting and camera all the sudden. One example is on mission 3 they dump me into a room full of those flying sword things and the scarecrows, I was trying to take out the swords first by grabbing them and throwing them at other swords, but the targeting system focused on the scare crows every single time I tried to lock it onto a sword. With Dante I'd just shotgun the swords till they were all dead, but Nero's gun sucks ass so I dont even have that option.

    The boss fights still seem fun, they're definetly hard but they don't feel cheap to me and that's the difference I guess. The ice demons and dogs and blitzes and mephistos and anything chimera infected are typically just annoying and a chore to kill now.

    I'm seriously missing the old huge xbox controllers too, my hands hurt like hell after my last play session.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    nero has his advantages, buster is really powerful, and you can pour his dt gun attack in to the enemy while you're smacking them about with the buster move, very handy against bosses and the gold angels.
    on dantes second mission in dmd and i've got a blitz owning me, they're easier with nero frown.gif
  • sherrell
    DH_: I see wat ur saying, I guess both characters have their good points and bad points for fighting against certain enemies.

    I just liked how smooth the moves intergrated with one another as nero, but dante i didnt get the same feeling, i felt like i was button mashing.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I like Nero more. I've gotten really used to his format of attacks and abusing the Instant Rev. Snatch is really convenient for stopping attacks. And the Buster does a lot of damage. He seems like the easier character to play with. Snatching monsters towards you is an easy way to rack up style points and just control mobs in general. His gun does suck, and takes WAY too long to fully charge up.

    Dante is a little hard to use. You really have to make use of the different styles and different weapons to make him worthwhile. He involves a lot ability managing. Which, to me, is a little too much to hand for a fast paced game. More so in the later difficulty levels. When you're not mixing up the abilities he feels limited.
    I still need to mess around with remapping the buttons for him.

    I've been going through and farming red orbs to get ready for the next batch of Dante Must Die missions. I S ranked all of Human and about to S rank all of Devil Hunter. I've got 300K red orbs. Hahahaha! Just need another 40K proud souls to buy the last ability for both characters.

    Got S rank for all of Devil Hunter. Then played some Dante Must Die... WTF? I HATE those floating cloaked dudes. Specially the gray one with the hat.
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    When exactly are you supposed to hit the rev trigger to get Max-Ex? I've only been able to get it occasionally through dumb luck.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know what the timing is... I just look at it as a bonus here and there to dish out major damage.
    I feel like it might be at the actual point of impact by your weapon. You can rev-trigger any attack. For the most part a majority of my max revving happens from after I do the aerial downward strike.

    I'm on Mission 15 in Dante Must Die. I farmed 350K red orbs getting S ranks on Human and DH modes. And they're all spent already. It took me 45 minutes to complete Mission 11 because the boss WOULD NOT fucking stand still long enough to be hit.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    I beat Dante Must Die earlier tonight. Good luck on Mission 19. Stock up on health, DT potions, and Holy Waters if you can. I got kind of lucky with the dice game, but still ended up using almost all my inventory.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    You can control the dice, it has a repeating pattern. It always goes trough the same sequence, you have to hit the dice with the devilbringer when the number you want is about to switch to the top. You can climb that annoying 'stair' getting a shitload of orbs that way laugh.gif
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    So, I'm still on Devil Hunter trying to beat the last part of the game (when the priest guy is flying around in his ball). I am trying the same strategy from the last time I fought him as well as some new ones and I can't even land a fucking hit.

    Any tips?
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    I just played the demo having not played a DMC since beating the first one back in college.

    Combat is awesome and the graphics are great but what's up with the same crap camera angles a la Resident Evil and completely needless cut scenes? Nothing is worse in a fluid, fun to control action game than taking that control away from the player every couple of minutes.

    It ruined the experience for me. Are we still in an era of bad camera fly throughs with monsters in idle? Just have them pop out so I can fight them while I play. I know exactly what I'm supposed to do around them, thank you. No laughable 'establishing shots' required.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    For the priest...
    Just jump at him and do attack, attack, pause, attack. That will get the orb red. And he'll scoot off and prepare for an attack. But just follow and attack more. It should only take 1 or 2 more hits to break the orb.

    By now you should be able to pick up on what kind of attack he's going to do. He does 6:

    There's one where he blasts the ground for a cone shaped AOE attack. He'll spread his arms open and own't say anything (I think he just grunts). So just jump up and attack.

    2nd attack is where he opens his arms and light beams come out of the ground. You'll know he's going to do this because he'll say something before the attack. Just run away to not get hit.

    3rd attack is when he shoots that line of fire that comes from the ground at you. Just jump towards him to dodge and try attack.

    4th attack is where he shoots fireballs at you. Just run around in circles close to him and you'll avoid all the fireballs. When he's done shooting you have a small window to jump up and attack. He'll block your attack with his sword. BUT you can buster him to break his block and stun him. Just jump in for some aerial attacks to bring him to the ground.

    When he's on the ground just do whatever combo you want. Obviously if you have DT use it. I've been doing attack, attack, pause, attack, attack (I don't continue the last hit), then snatch, repeat the combo above, then buster.

    Rinse and repeat.

    He has 2 additional attacks that are done on the ground. One where he pops up and attacks you with his sword. Just jump out of the way and when the sword comes around for a 2nd swipe, go in for a quick stinger attack.

    His 5th attack is where he flies a at you with this sword. If you're Table Hop/rolling dodge skills are good, you'll be fine dodging these attacks. The first few attacks he just sort of comes at you with some warning. The final attack has a big charge up so get ready. When you dodge, and he misses, he'll be on the ground for a little bit so get in quick to attack. He'll block, but just use the buster to break it.
    If you're too slow he'll start up his shield again, you can jump in there and attack to stop him but it's a bit dicey.

    I never found snatching the orbs or the priest himself to get close to attack usefull at all. Because he'll eventually just back off real quickly OR the snatch will make you over shoot.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome. Thanks! I used the snatch thing to pull myself towards him every time but it would always put me too high or he'd pull away.

    I'll try this in a minute.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Beat Bloody Palace with Super Dante.
    I have officially exhausted this game. ~75 hours... geez.
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