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Death in the family



  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    it's amazing how often this is happening, and yet so many shrug it off as being no big deal. it is a huge deal. it's a company thriving with profits after giving you a shitty product...again. imagine if it were some other expensive investment by a big name. how would you feel about it? probably not the calm acceptance you have for this tiny modified overheated PC that sits quietly on a shelf and dies. that's fanboy-ism. when peices started falling off my PS2, it stilled worked. still works now, aside from the shitty controllers Sony manufactures. i would be more upset, but the system was given to me, so no loss.

    honestly, I'm thankful for this thread. it's saved me some cash. when the console becomes obsolete, i'll be willing to take one off your hands to enjoy some of the small XBLA games. that appears to be the only true value to the system.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    it's amazing how often this is happening, and yet so many shrug it off as being no big deal. it is a huge deal. it's a company thriving with profits after giving you a shitty product...again. imagine if it were some other expensive investment by a big name. how would you feel about it? probably not the calm acceptance you have for this tiny modified overheated PC that sits quietly on a shelf and dies. that's fanboy-ism. when peices started falling off my PS2, it stilled worked. still works now, aside from the shitty controllers Sony manufactures. i would be more upset, but the system was given to me, so no loss.

    honestly, I'm thankful for this thread. it's saved me some cash. when the console becomes obsolete, i'll be willing to take one off your hands to enjoy some of the small XBLA games. that appears to be the only true value to the system.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, to be fair, reports say that the 360 has a 30% failure rate. Back in the day, many sources were reporting a 50% failure rate with the PS2. I guess it wasn't as big of a deal because it was cheaper.

    Either way they are both unacceptable. The new 360 motherboards are nicer though. I have yet to see one with the RROD.

    When you say the 360 has no value you are going against what you just said. If people can buy a $279+ console and it fails but they wait patiently for another one it must be one amazing console, right?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Right, the only value to the system is Xbox live games. confused.gif
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    it would be a really bad problem if MS made it hard to get it sorted but they seam to be so resigned to it that they dont question it any more just send it in and get it back pretty quick (with test/dev kits) whats the norm for retail?
  • nacire
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    nacire polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    when peices started falling off my PS2, it stilled worked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gotta disagree with ya. I went through two PS2's, the first one was a launch system and they wanted me to pay 170 US dollars to repair it because it wasn't spinning the disc evenly or some shit (aka faulty disc drive). At the time the internet was rampant with similar claims, yet Sony kept insisting it wasn't faulty hardware. Then after some period of time I just outright bought a new one and low and behold I had the same exact problems within less than a month. I took it back and got a Gamecube with my money and haven't looked back since. Sony is going to have to package in some hookers and blow to win me back!

    At least when my original xbox finally bit the dust (long after the purchase) microsoft sent me a refurbished console for no cost. And contrary to the PS2 and Sony, at least microsft is admitting it's error and trying to resolve the issue on some level. I've seen mixed opinion on Microsoft support concerning the Xbox, but until I see different they get a gold star in my book. They have always been courteous, prompt and have yet to cost me any additional money for console issues.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    it's amazing how often this is happening, and yet so many shrug it off as being no big deal. it is a huge deal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is a big deal, but its not like they are ignoring it or trying to brush it under the carpet. Anyone who has the problem can send their 360 in, and for free (or damn well near it) you'll get a new/refurbished one. In my instance they even gave us a completely new Gears of War game to replace the one that got chewed by the system (we also got a free "month" of Gold on each account that was registered for that system). They are also taking measures to improve the 360 lineup so it doesn't have as many problems.

    Technology can and will break, its how a company handles this when it does happen that it should be measured by.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i can't recall ever haveing a console die on me. atari, nes, snes, ps1, xbox, ps2,gamecube, xbox360, ps3, wii

    i guess maybe i'm lucky. i will say my 360 is currently the most played system. and i've never had any problems. the ps3 has probably been played a total of 6 hours since purchase. the wii a little more than that (mario galaxy.)

    buut my 360 gets a pretty good workout.. and its going fine. actualy 2 360's i've owned / co-owned and no issues.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    woot just got my xbox 360 from repair smile.gif
  • rybeck
    It's been descending to hold intention of getting xbox 360 for myself because of RROD syndrom.
    Now after watched this RROD on GDC floor, I lost interests of that expensive dummy box completely..

    Too bad for me since I am still holding Halo 1 and Halo 2 even after I sold out xbox long time ago imagining play them on newer console. Guess I will let them go sooner or later..
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 17
    yeah you might as well, pick up turok 2 as it plays the same as halo only better.

    /justified troll

    On the subject of dying 360's, my mate had one for a grand total of two days, then it got RROD, and he just sent it back to the shop.

    Two days lol, it sort of puts me off buying one. But I've heard the wii will bugger itself up on some games if you smoke around it...
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