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Helping others:(

polycounter lvl 18
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Spark polycounter lvl 18
Just curious to see how many of you have gone out of your way to help someone else, get into this industry or teach them alot of your knowledge, just to see them get somewhere and then flip you the bird? I for one have had this happen to me more than a few occasions, and quite honestly will never, and I mean never go out of my way for anyone else as the numbers just prove to great that your going to be helping an asshole.



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    All the people I've helped, as far as I can remember, are still great people and doing well. Similarly they have helped me in return.
    There's always a minority of people who will just take what they can get, for as long as they can manage, then run off and do their own thing without any gratitude, but fortunately they are a minority, in my experience.
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 20
    I've had good experiences all around helping people. I can see why that would tick you off.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I help when and where I can. If at the very least I try to offer input when someone asks me directly for it. I've definitely recommended a few people to where I work. It's the least I can do to return the favors done for me from this community. Can't guarantee anyone a job, but at the very least the experience of getting their foot in the door can be very helpful in itself. It can't be helped if someone's a jackass, you try to pick that out beforehand, but even then it can be hard to tell; one of my best buddies is an extremely casual guy, but he's the biggest pains to do any work with.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i combat this with helping people, but also being a total asshole as all times, so then when they want to be an asshole its no biggie. Ask anyone that knows me, i am the nicest asshole you will ever meet.

    but seriously, yeah this happens, best is just try not to be that guy.. i try to keep in contact and on good terms with all the people i have met in person in the industry that has helped me or i have helped them. sometimes it jsut comes down to motives and such, some people only want to talk to you cause they want to be in a similar position as you, or be like you, once they do that your not really needed any more. i tend to only really help people i know pretty well. and if they fuck me over i usually just bang their girlfriend or mom, it makes me feel better about myself.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I told you arsh, You leave my mom out of this!

    I'm actually trying to be more of an asshole I find a lot of people are looking for help in the form of a hand out. I still try to help people and will definitely answer questions when asked...Just not devoting as much time to it as I used to.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    "i usually just bang their girlfriend or mom, it makes me feel better about myself."


    I try and help people whenever I feel I can,stay friends with people I meet and help those friends,again whenever I feel I can.
    I think its only the minority who take advantage and at the end of the day its you who will get the benefits,be it someone you end up meeting people,a place you go or simply feeling good about yourself.

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I find my techiniqes are kind of peculiar to me and so I don't have a process that I could write down very well apart from the obvious zbrush stuff.
    My work seems to just throw itself together. I do share anything people want to know though.
    I was taught art by a very good airbrush artist and he showed us all his techniques.
    He reckoned by the time we had learned them all properly, he would have moved on five years and discovered new ones.

    Some people in the industry will not take advice/help as they feel they may be at a disadvantage to you. bloody politics.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    I pretty much just expect people to ignore me these days. If they do, then I don't pay them any further attention.

    For example, I went to a portfolio review a the local Art Institute recently. We were looking for a couple of entry level positions. The portfolios were by-and-large terrible (as is to be expected), and the students were largely clueless.

    A couple of them, however, really just needed to redirect themselves a bit, and I could see them getting jobs. Like, one guy had solid game art environment modeling portfolio, but was just putting photos on his models. So, I advised him to work on using or creating better textures - or to go the Level Design route. I did this same thing with a couple of people and I could just see the thoughts behind their eyes: "who does this asshole think he is telling what to do with my art?"

    I have had some people appreciate my help, at which point I'm more inclined to offer more. Usually these are the people who are actually dedicated to getting better at what they do, as opposed to just coasting along with the least amount of work possible.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    this reminds me

    *flips cholden the bird*

    aw hell

    *flips polycount the bird*

    anyone that I've helped seemed genuinely grateful for whatever I was able to provide.
  • bounchfx
    that sucks big ones, Spark. it ruins it for all the potentially awesome people that want to get into the industry that don't mind asking for help. it hurts getting shot down but hey, people are busy.

    it just makes it that much better when they agree to help though, because their(your) time is worth a lot and we realize that.

    but for the life of me can't imagine why anyone would turn on someone who has helped them so much. it's aggravating.

    "For example, I went to a portfolio review a the local Art Institute recently. We were looking for a couple of entry level positions. The portfolios were by-and-large terrible (as is to be expected), and the students were largely clueless."

    gotta agree here too. I graduated from an Ai in december and 95% of the students were trash. I'm not trying to sound mean it boggled my mind how they graduated. there were maybe 2-3 good artists total. Most were also unprepared on how to talk to people when they were visited at their spot as well. Unfortunately there were only about 6 employers that showed up.. turned out to be pretty much a waste of time :\ (considering we were there for 2-3 hours)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, I got Adam his first contract gig, then he got a job with ThreeWave and never writes anymore. All I get are stinkin' TF2 game invites! :'( hehe

    On the flip side, EQ helped me quite a bit with Lightwave in my earliest 3D days. Though I must say, he was a pompous ass! Cocky, arrogant..wait, what's changed? laugh.gif He helped me quite a bit.

    I've never helped someone that's turned around on me, though.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i've helped a couple of dudes get jobs over the years, and i had a couple help get me jobs.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I've been helping people out for years, not just in games, all sorts of crazy things. Training is just something I enjoy. The people come and go. Some listen, some don't. At this point, they are the faceless masses, but I've had some great success stories from people who've made it and quite successfully. I can't take credit for that thought. It's the trainee who has to have the drive to apply the knowledge. I'm merely a parrot of what I know.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I dunno, I'm extremely grateful of the help I've been able to get here in the past few weeks I've been here. I spent a long time asking people around me for help or looking for good forums to ask the dumb kind of questions that I do, only to be ignored when I ask for critiques or technical question, or silent views, or be told just to forget what I was doing and start over and even to switch software I was using.

    I'm already sort of in the game industry, and looking to spread some roots into 3d to learn for shiggles and maybe turn it into a job when I get decent at it.

    It's the assholes out there that are going to ruin it for newbies coming in, motivated to learn, but have tons of questions. Guys who don't want to share knowledge and the guys that throw it back into your face once you've shown them what you know. That's going to hurt any community in the end, and hurt the industry as people aren't motivated to better themselves.

    I've also found the more I teach, the more I learn too, not 3d.. I still suck at it but other stuff that I'm decent at.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    I've helped others and they've helped me, from training and job-getting to pie-tossing and post-holing. Has yet to backfire.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I am a proctologist for games...I look at assholes all day long.

    From my experience I've helped people get leads for jobs and then helped myself get jobs...up to this point.

    If they got out of line, you can't help with that.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i hate people that wont accept help or advice when their work reflects on you and they cant accept your help cos they are pompuss assholes. you either have to give up caring so much or make sneaky adjustments heheheheehehehehhehehehehe
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    The times when I've helped people I haven't really expected anything in return, so I haven't really gotten disappointed. Sure, on occasion it's crossed my mind that maybe their attitude perhaps could be better towards me. Though I kinda wonder then if it's something I've done to deserve it. Not that it happens often, but normally they are just having a bad day.

    I hope I don't end up disappointing any of the people that help me out. It's difficult, especially when I get suggestions on art, and I simply don't agree with it. It's not that you blatantly ignore it. You do take it into consideration, weigh it against your own opinions, and then make a decision. You can't forget there's sometimes bad advice.

    Anyways, I'm sorry to hear you've had bad experiences with people, Spark. Don't give up on everyone, though.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    i've helped a couple of dudes get jobs over the years, and i had a couple help get me jobs.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'll try to answer anything I can to help people. I'll critique people if they want it. Sometimes I'll critique it if they don't want. Sometimes I'll critique it because it can make my job easier (cut a loop in there).

    I get emails asking questions, and I'll take the time to answer any email I get that is written with some semblance of effort.

    I'm still a cunt though.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Haha Josh, I only talk to a small group of PC'ers on a regular basis. You should play TF2 more with me smile.gif My server is west coast, yah nutter. And.. thanks :P

    I try and help people, but rarely in the real world, just on boards such as this. Er, that sounds bad. If asked of me I'll help out anyone the best I can - real world or not. But, its just on boards do I go out of my way to offer help when its not directly asked.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sure, on occasion it's crossed my mind that maybe their attitude perhaps could be better towards me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll give Vidar a slap for you if you want.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm still a cunt though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well you do work in Leith don't you? tongue.gif

    Can't say I've been in the industry long enough for much experience in this area, but at work we're always helping each other which is great, as you learn a lot and have no qualms about asking for help when it's very much a back and forth thing.

    Though apparently not the same everywhere :/
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I try to be greatful when people help and do whatever I can in return, and also have helped one or two people along the way. Usually just pointing them towards gigs or recommending them etc. Hopefully those who I try to help try to return the favor if I need crits or something, no pressure though.

    I think it could pay to help others in the long run, you get a good rep and people may be more inclined to help when you need it. But I wouldn't go way way out of my way, I've done that before and it has backfired. Don't put your nuts on the train track for people you dont consider real friends.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sure, on occasion it's crossed my mind that maybe their attitude perhaps could be better towards me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'll give Vidar a slap for you if you want.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Haha, that one came from out of nowhere ooo.gif Vidar has always been friendly and very helpful, but if I ever come up with a reason to have him slapped, I'll keep you in mind wink.gif

    Now I just need to make sure all the knowledge he has bestowed upon me doesn't go to waste, and start applying for jobs tongue.gif
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I had a few people including Ancient_Pig, Poop, and a few others help me out a ton when I was getting going. I kept in contact with them really well till they moved. Come back to Los Angeles already!

    I've helped a few people get motivated. Usually it's just good friends of mine that need a push. Though I have given advice to the occasional person that asks for it. I just try to be cool everyone cause it seems easier to just be like that then not.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I like to offer help and advice to anyone that needs it, especially if I'm in a position to do so and/or have the knowledge to share.
    Sure, you're going to get dicks who think they are better than you and will not listen to an ounce of what you have to say. In the end, it is their work that generally suffers because they couldn't take an honest crit to help them improve.

    As for getting someone work, I have offered to help out a few people who I know are genuinely interested to work in the games industry. Not just dudes who want a QA position just so they can play video games all day. Giving them honest advice on demo reels and letting them know what is expected from them.
    The ones that leave you alone and never bother you again are generally the ones that wanted a games job because they think its playing video games all day and designing the latest game that will blow everyone away.
    The ones that stick around know that they may have to make Hello Kitty Happy Fun Rainbow Racing and not Gears of War, but are willing to make the odd shit game because they are doing something they love... Making video games!

    But, helping people here at Big Ant has gotten me noticed by the leads and producers, and in the long run I will benefit from that over someone who sits in the corner and just does their work.

  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    [ QUOTE ]

    I'm still a cunt though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like cunts when they're loose laugh.gif with the info that will help me fix shit. No bullshit assessments are the best.

    I don't care if people cut up my work or me as long as they give something to why they think it should be like that. It shows they're willing to share and help. Any response is better than no response at all.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    A simple way to put it...there are still too many people who are too sensitive to be cut up with the truth when it comers to critiques for one.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    All the people I've helped, as far as I can remember, are still great people and doing well. Similarly they have helped me in return.
    There's always a minority of people who will just take what they can get, for as long as they can manage, then run off and do their own thing without any gratitude, but fortunately they are a minority, in my experience.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ditto. I have helped out some very awesome guys in my day and they have all either returned the favor or shown extreme gratitude. I keep in touch with most of them as well.

    [ QUOTE ]
    and if they fuck me over i usually just bang their girlfriend or mom, it makes me feel better about myself.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    holy shit arsh, that is one of the funniest things i've read in a long time.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    As someone who's come here looking for some older brotherly advice I've found everyone here to be awesome! I tend to think of myself as someone who takes direction and advice well and am ALWAYS looking to improve. I say lay into my work because it'll make me a better artist!

    But I hope that one day when I DO improve and maybe even land a job somewhere I'll be able to still hang around here and share my experiences with anyone new and old!
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guy's, good to hear that it sounds like I am in the minority to this happening ( which makes me breath a little easier to our industry ) I think I will live by what Asmuel stated:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't put your nuts on the train track for people you dont consider real friends.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Most artistic fields are full of assholes, even if you are a nice guy you have to at least put up the mask of being an asshole, its half the fun of being an artist :P

    Jokes asside, I don't know much but almost all of what I do know comes from the fine fellas here at polycount. I do my best to share what I have learned with anyone who could benefit from it. Not actually aiming for a job in the industry though means that I have less to be concerned about than a lot of you guys already in the biz. I am a specialist system builder (PC) and although not quite the same as 3d there is still a lot of knowledge I have accumulated in my 10 or so years of experience in the field. I always share what I know with anyone willing to learn and in return, I learn something new. Even the lowliest tech/artist might know something useful to you. Unfortuneatly though I have also had a fair few people turn on me. I teach them enough to be good at what they do then they go into competition with me. Its infuriating. I solved the issue though by simply not teaching anyone EVERYTHING I know, so at the very least I still keep my edge.

    On the art side though, I find it hard to comunicate at times, I can often come across unappreciative or rude. I don't mean to be but it sorta comes out wrong. Any and all crits I have recieved since I have been here have been appreciated. (just incase someone was thinking otherwise :P )

    My advice, if helping people makes you feel good then keep doing it, even when someone "flips you the bird" its there loss not yours. I would just stay clear of being resposible for them, you don't want your good name draged through the mud.

    my 2c
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I've helped a guy move to my old company before, put him up at my house, he finally went freelance and earns great wads of money as a programmer - from middle of nowhere country boy to city life coke snorting playboy.

    He turned on me like a ravenous animal. Not doing that again
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