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e wing low poly concept

Hi, first time poster hear, just recently discovered this site and think it is really helpful. This was just a concept model im working on of an e wing starfighter from star wars. I aiming to make as low poly as i can while still being detailed. Later i intend to texture it etc. Basically i have 2 versions. 1 thats 720 polys and the other thats 544 polys. The difference between the 2 is the drive pods and lasers being more rounder between the two.

This is just a small side project im working on thats nothing to do with my university work. There is no limit on the poly count other than what i set myself.

Any thoughts and criticisms would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

Lower poly version (544)

Higher poly version (720)


  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    Looks good so far
    I'd go with the higher poly version and then add in a bit more detail to the edges on certain parts - the nose in particular, as that still smacks of lower poly model in contrast to the rounded pods.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    you've got a low poly thats not low enough and the high needs a little more.

    basically the poly distribution isnt that great, you have large areas with not much going on, and areas like the ends of the guns which have too many polys and too much stuff going on.

    one of the major issues is that you have small things that are rounded and large that are very square with n extra detail to make up for it, try reversing that, or add more to the body.

    personnaly id reduce the low poly one by seriously murdering the guns (pod things could be just a cylinder) and getting it looking good with the texture, this is by far the best way to learn how good low poly stuff can look
  • _Eclipse_
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    _Eclipse_ polycounter lvl 10
    i personally think the opposite shepeiro thinks this time :P
    i've found that the model just lacks of fancy details.
    the original e-wing is pretty rought too, but i think you can sharp the wings a bit or made it attach in a cooler manner to the chassis.
    Also the guns seems are floating under the ship, apparently not attached to it
  • spideyscott
    Thanks for the replies. I plan on making a low poly version then later on a high poly model. Im still learning about uv texturing etc but will be trying that at some point. This is just a small project when im on a break from university. When i get back i'll be working on my project which will take most of my time.

    I have made s slightly lower poly version (280) as i want to get that right before making a higher poly one. Both previous examples where low poly tests. I have made some changes to lower the polys but will keep in mind what has been said about making a higher poly version.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    It looks like all your cylinders have the same number of sides, not matter the actual size they take up. The drive pods are much bigger than the lasers, so it's not unreasonable to give the more sides.
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