At around 4:15 pm this afternoon my xbox 360 died,I recieved the rings of death and wept for several minutes, I have not contacted Microsoft yet but i will on my monday. it sucks i was really getting into tf2 and after 14 hour days at work it realy sucks not having anything to do on my one day off

my launch had one ring. ugh. cost me 50$ to get a new one
Personally, I'm hoping mine dies... I have the circuit city warranty on it, which means they give me store credit to replace it. So, i get the current version, with hdmi and free games
The cause of the 3RROD in the initial xbox line was a crappy heatsink clamp on the GPU that put pressure on all four corners of the processor. When the mobo gets too hot, it warps, and the solder on the BGA of the GPU gets soft and shifts around until there is a short. This towel basically makes it uber hot again and if you keep it relatively flat it should warp back into a usable state.
I bought an uber broken 360 a few years ago off some guy for $75. One of the problems was the 3RROD and I fixed it using the towel method (then I modified the cooling a bit so that it would never happen again). It still works great and it never freezes and I never have any graphical glitches.
edit: beaten to it.
There is another better method of fixing it, but it would void the warranty.
:shrug: so just send it back to MS since you are covered.
That said, there's always the xclamp method
So upgrading to the elite this weekend. YAY!!!!
great job microsoft. on top of that i can play all of their first party titles on my pc,as well as use the controller on my pc. whats the reason of getting a 360? halo3? i am sure i will see that on the pc soon enough.
6 people here at work all got the 3 rings of death in less than a week from each other.. whats the deal? on top of that i hear the post billion dollar fixed up ones are failing now too.
considering windows has never really worked well, i am really taken back on how this company has done anything with itself.. i guess it doesn't really matter at all, people will buy broken software and hardware for apparently no reason at all. stability doesn't matter, elegance doesn't matter, its all random. And on top of making a broken machine they expect you to pay to play your games online, and people do it..and microsoft still hasn't even came close to breaking even and i doubt ever will after the billion they poured into taking broken machines and turning them into re-broken machines,also considering they haven't even sold 15 million units...
that rumor thats going around about there not being another xbox, i honestly cant see how there could be one, unless wow2 is a 360 exclusive.
Yeah there have been issues with the 360 but I still think they have the best games available.
I don't want to turn this into a console war and get off topic but I have played 4 player split screen COD4 on the 360 and the PS3 and I never had lag on the 360 like I did on the PS3. It was really bad.
your silly..
how can i be a sony fanboy when i dont like the playstation?
your silly..
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ahh I am a fool then. Haha. But to my defense I did say "sound" haha
i am also old and bitter.
the older you get, the more you hate.
bring back the days when all i had to do was blow on the game to make it work.
i am also old and bitter.
the older you get, the more you hate.
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Preach it, my geriatric brother!
360 has to be the most faulty piece of consumer hardware ever produced.
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yep, it really is. after working on consoles for many years, I can say the 360 is the cheapest piece of shit i have ever seen. they cut so many corners to make it look nicer or to cut costs down. the ps2 was shitty as well, but the ps3 is built very nicely. the wii/gc are both tiny and not very powerful, but they are built very sturdy and I have never had one fail on me.
So why hasn't anyone who had their 360 die tried to the towel trick? It doesn't void your warranty and its worth a try. It worked for my first 360
will most likely dump it in favour of that other console as soon as that one has got a few nice titles. can't see myself spending a lot of money on a unit that seems to fail so often, when i check with coworkers.
they do have the better controller than the competition this time around tho.
anyway, this particular type of console i regard as a POS in terms of reliabilty so far. and it's too noisy as well.
How fucking common is this problem that the guy behind the desk ten feet away from me recognizes the 360 return shipment boxes on sight? There's nothing written on it, just a plain white box with some cellotape. Dude said he sees three or four a week. I don't live in a small town, granted, but it's a goddamn epidemic of Xbox failures if the UPS staff can tell what I'm shipping before I even open my mouth.
I am suddenly rather concerned about the quality of what MS will be shipping back to me next month.
I think mine was about 6 days from when the courier came to work and picked it up until I got it back.
ive seen two dev kits three ring,
ive seen my mates old (really ancient!) 360 die a three ring of death
and ive seen my new (3 weeks old) elite go three rings when i turned it on after moving house (no it wasnt damaged i moved it on a cusion of velvet) luckily i turned it off and its been fine since
this is all in the last couple of months
I guess I freaked out there for about 5 seconds until I realised what was going on, and I felt ever so slightly embarrassed.
The way mine was dying was rather odd. I could turn the console on and get a minute or two of successful operation, enough to load a game or a DVD, etc. Then, things just froze, along with some minor artifacting on the screen. Upon rebooting, I'd get the three red lights. I'd let it sit for a while, start it up, and go through exactly the same procedure.
It'll be worth it if I get a replacement with the HDMI jack.
Last time I went to the store it was 430 CDN.
(it is based on N. America though)
I was hesitating to get one myself as I was aware this instability, but still being attempted from every moment I got a spare bucks..
For sake of saving some bucks, I was searching through eBay, and price gap was quite huge compare to retail store (around 100 USD) It was done based on 'NEW' xbox 360 on eBay, but I wasn't 100% sure whether I can still register the xbox I got from eBay though... Just talked MS rep, skeptically, replied 'you'd better get the consloe from regular store in order to get full warranty service'
Is this ture?
Anyone here was successful to get register the console purchased through non-regular store?
edit: i got te premium version too so it was and awesome deal came with pgr and everything
... but I wasn't 100% sure whether I can still register the xbox I got from eBay though... Just talked MS rep, skeptically, replied 'you'd better get the consloe from regular store in order to get full warranty service'
Is this ture?
Anyone here was successful to get register the console purchased through non-regular store?
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i bought mine from a coworker who upgraded to the elite. was able to register it just fine and it's under warranty for the exchange program. what you do need to be aware of is that someone might sell you a dodgy console - modded and/or banned from xbox live. i imagine a warranty repair would become slighty more difficult then.
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