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New character artist reel; freelance for hire

polycounter lvl 18
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Jinian polycounter lvl 18

I'd like to showcase my recently completed demo reel.


(right-click to save target as)

Please feel free to visit :



I am a freelance character artist specializing in the modeling and texturing of both low res and hi-res characters, environments and any other visual asset. I have over 2 years work experience and have contributed 3d art and texture painting to more than 5 animated features and/or tv shows.

I am now available for hire doing freelance remote work over the internet. I ensure the quality of the work to be of high standards and will deliver it on time and polished. I am very efficient with my workflows through experience and am able to handle multiple tasks and projects.

I will also charge considerably less than the standard amount given to local western industry artists for outsource freelance work online.

Feel free to contact me at 3d47jin@vfs.com for any comments and suggestions apart from consulting me for hire.

Here are some samples of my work:

[img]http://student.vfs.com/~3d47jin/clutch pose.jpg[/img]








  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    you have some nice stuff, but your website is a mess . i couldnt locate the gallery with all the works , and closed it since i am lazy.

    You also have some cool high rez stuff, but you seem to be texturing it like if it was for game, if it is high poly why not use fancy techniques that are allowed ? right now you only seem to have difuse maps on your high rez stuff.
    I REALLY like the alien smile.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    That's funny, I thought the alien was easily the worst piece. Anatomy looks off [those tubes!] and looks a fraction of the polycount. the texture's too simple, too rusty, and too noisy all at once, and looks mirrored despite having unique texture space for everything. You're much better off leaving the animation off it - it is really quite bad and brings down the entire reel. I'd probably drop it entirely if I were you.

    that bed turned out nicely. I thought it was a ref picture at first.

    tim curry devil is good, instantly recognizable. I'd like to see some sharper forms in it, it is all very soft right now.

    Thade also turned out great. as pointed out, though, you seem to be using low-poly texturing techniques. I thought he was a game-rez model before the wireframe went over him - mostly due to his texture treatment. not a fan of the holes in his sword - if those were in the movie, my mind blocked them out.

    also, it's not specialization if you specialize in everything. tongue.gif
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    I would kill the animation on the Alien in your reel. I’m sorry, but animation isn't your strong point at the moment so I wouldn't show it. Your reel would be stronger without it. Additionally, I would take out your reference shots for the demon. It's too jarring and creates confusion. Just give credit at the end of the reel. Oh and name your reel with your name. Many people who would file you away for future work may overlook your reel if it is just called “Demoreel”.

    I have to agree about your website. It looks very amateurish at the moment and is very off-putting. You might have the best work in the world but I’d never make it to it because your website is repelling.

    That might sound harsh but I’m only saying it because your work shows a lot of promise. These things might seam minor but looking professional in all aspects of your presentation will go a long way to get you business.

    Good luck!

    - BoBo
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    Moving back to the top of the heap..
  • Mark Dygert
    You have some good stuff but you really need to...
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  • bounchfx
    they all look like they are singing lol (cept the monkey!)
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    Experimentalist for sure,
    crazy guy.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    also in your portfolio section you have a lot of images that do not show up.

    You have them labeled wrong, they should all be / and some have \ instead and ditch the frames.. :/
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I think you'd better remove the alien animation ... if you don't it might soon end up as a fan-favorite animated gif!

    Sorry, just being an ass :P But you get the point. The Nosferatu would be kinda nice with a more dramatic lighting. And in black and white, obviously.
  • Rayne13
    I agree, the alien animation either needs a lot of help or needs to be removed. And most of your characters (with the exception of the monkey) have almost the same pose. Get more creative with that. smile.gif
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    For a character artist, you are not showing any good anatomical understanding in your models. I don't think you're ready for a professional/freelance yet, try to get an intern or some actual sculpting/anatomy/art classes would be more suitable.
  • Mtg_kirin
    ya I would keep the tail animation in the 360 view of alien. but the running up needs work... feels static
  • Jinian
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    Jinian polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all your critiques and comments. I agree, the animation for the Alien is pretty bad, i had to have one of my collegues animate that for me in a hurry just in time for a local conference, i will take it out. As for my website, i couldn't agree more. I am right now in the process of renovating it, but this time with a professional's help, i did that website with very basic HTML and positioning of text through Microsoft Word, little did i know it would actually turn out looking wrong at different display resolutions. If any of you are experts and "know-hows" in web design, please visit this thread of mine where i posted my questions regarding HTML.


    If the link doesn't work just go to the main page of the forums, my post will be under the HTML showthread.

    Thanks of any of you guys and give me a helping hand.
  • kolbyjukes
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    kolbyjukes polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Jinian,

    I remember alot of those models (Nosferatu, Lord of Darkness, and maybe the alien) from your VFS demo reel, that was like...4 or 5 years ago right? I'm surprised you're still using the same models all those years later. Have you not really done anything new since then? The little creature sculpt and the bedroom shot look like something that could be done in an afternoon, so I'm wondering what's going on. The VFS pieces are okay, but they also are showing their age, they look like something that was made 5 years ago - before the advent of digital sculpting.

    I'd suggest, especially if you wanna make it as a freelance mdoeler. That you take a month or two and whip up some nice sculpts and low polys, try not to spread yourself too thin.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    yeah i gotta echo kolbys comments and say this stuff does look a bit dated compared to what guys and gals are rolling out these days to get jobs.

    I would spend some time cranking out some newer pieces.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    For your website dilemma, you could try using blogspot to upload your images to. I've seen quite a few artists take advantage of the free parking spot. You can personalize it a bit by adding your own banner and you can always upload your reel to youtube and link it within that blogspot.

    I dunno if that's looked down upon by prospective employers when applying for a job...so maybe someone might have another solution for ya just so you dont have to pay for professional help and paying for a host and all of that.
  • _Eclipse_
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    _Eclipse_ polycounter lvl 10
    i agree with kolby too, cg models aren't bad but i don't think they can lead you on a job, also the lowpoly alien have a lot of things to improve like was said on it's thread
  • Jinian
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    Jinian polycounter lvl 18
    My new website is finally up, used dreamweaver and realized i should've ditched notepad a long time ago.

    Thanks for dropping by kolby. I haven't been putting up too many new stuff since i've been busy working on children's animated features for the past 2 and half years. I'll continue to post my new CG game art here at polycount, because of all the useful feedback i've been getting. Digital sculpts should follow along as well.

    Thanks for all your comments.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    All I would say on top of others' comments is:

    "I will also charge considerably less than the standard amount given to local western industry artists for outsource freelance work online."

    Delete that from life. It makes it sound like you aren't too confident in your work and have to sell it with cheapness. End of the day, if someone likes your work they'll hire you regardless of if your cheaper or not(of course theres an upper limit)

    I like the idea of, when having W.I.P's on a site trying to sell yourself, if you post up work blogs of them, showing they're still alive, and an insight in to your workflow. I dno, just would add a bit more interest in it if you want a W.I.P section.

    (I think you've done similar there just in pictorial form.)

    There should be countless threads and articles on good, cohesive, portfolio design/presentation knocking around so I won't say anything that'll be said repeatedly.

    But the last thing I'll say is lol, they DO all look like they're singing (cept monkey). You should make that your gimmick.
  • Jinian
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    Jinian polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the tip ISbored. I guess you may be right or not, but anyways i removed that from the line in my home page.

    I never recognized that i've been reverting to that same theatrical, singing like pose all this time lol. I will write it down in my hands never to repeat or resemble in the slightest, that pose again in my future works.
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