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Unreal Tournament 3 is out



  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have gotten the collectors edition and cannot figure out how to install the editor. WTF . I must be the biggest turd becase no one else seems to not be able to figure it out.

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    It's in your start menu.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    oxy:its under my documents/my games/unreal tournament 3/UTGame/Config/UTInput.ini

    the binding structure is a little different than it used to be, but the personal bindings are last in the file. You should be able to get what you need out of the rest of the file.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Actually I read on the Epic forums that there currently is no pipe command for weapon switching. Theres something like it, but it will select the best weapon from the weapons you assign to a key versus toggle through them. frown.gif

    I was having a hell of a time tonight with the game either crashing or going to a blank screen. I finally updated to the nvidia beta drivers, and that fixed it.

    You can mod the engine ini to bypass the startup advertisement/notices to get to the game right away.

    Edit: So like, whats everyones tags...???
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    My tag is Legendary_Lee Whats yours?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I ordered the collectors edition and today I recieved the standard edition in the post frown.gif Stupid play.com mustve got mixed up. So Ive asked for a replacement.

    I cant even install it cause the collectors edition comes with a free player character or something and I wont have that if I install this standard version and get my CE version later?
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Umm...I have a question. If we can make our own player models...whats to stop people from exporting out the free player character that comes with the CE version later down the line so that its available to everyone? Not that this is a bad thing, I'm just wondering why Midway views it as a special CE version only bonus...
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I think thats a code they give you. The actual games are the same. Someone already posted the code to unlock all characters. I know mine didn't come with a bonus character, just the artbook and bonus disk.

    something like unlock all in the console.

    clee, I already posted it, but its oXYnary
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    [ QUOTE ]
    Umm...I have a question. If we can make our own player models...whats to stop people from exporting out the free player character that comes with the CE version later down the line so that its available to everyone? Not that this is a bad thing, I'm just wondering why Midway views it as a special CE version only bonus...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All characters data are included with all versions, its' just an unlock code included with the CE version. You can edit ini's or enter console codes to unlock all chars. I've done it, the extra characters are not really impressive.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Bought it at best buy yesterday with 2 more gigs of ram; it runs smooth as butter and looks pretty, but no AA (nvidia 6800)??

    It came with a code to unlock Necris or someone in the game, the player select/customize screen is done really well.

    One gripe I have is the gamespy id crap, wish I could use steam instead. I tried adding the game to my steam games list but only the editor shows up, anyone else tried?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    but no AA (nvidia 6800)??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    since the engine is all nextgen and new most drivers refuse to enable AA for its binaries to make sure their cards still play as new cards and not slugs lol. It's kinda like the forced texture compression ATI drivers have
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    One gripe I have is the gamespy id crap, wish I could use steam instead. I tried adding the game to my steam games list but only the editor shows up, anyone else tried?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The editor and the game use the same executable. If you click on it, it will still open Ut3, and the steam friends list will still work in ut3 (have done it this way past 2 days).
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    I've read a lot obout the technical features being talked about here and being a lowly environment modeller I can't take on any real feedback from that.

    Those of you who are managing to play it, what do you think of the environments? I would genuinely be curious to hear your thoughts them.

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Rorshach, my system is kind of low end, but what I see I do like. They the one thing that missing for me is the brighter colors of the older UT games. Everything kinda blends into one another making it harder to get a grasp of layouts and where you are exactly in any particular map.

    Of course, I haven't played outside DM, my first love yet. laugh.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Burned through the basic level tutorials this morning. Will do the next batch tomorrow morning. Really liking this editor (I'm completely new! CRAZY!)
  • Scott_W
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've read a lot obout the technical features being talked about here and being a lowly environment modeller I can't take on any real feedback from that.

    Those of you who are managing to play it, what do you think of the environments? I would genuinely be curious to hear your thoughts them.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's no question that you guys really hit it out of the park with the fidelity of the environments. I sometimes get shot in the face with a rocket because I'm staring at a terrain material or a corner piece when I should be running my orb to the next node confused.gif

    The only thing I'd love to see is an option to force an Extreme detail mode, where every diffuse, specular, and normal texture are able to be LOD'ed to -1. You guys put a lot of work into those pixels, I wanna see them!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    just got the demo up and running and I loved it.
    The environments were stunning. Characters were pretty low res though.
    The oriental environment was really sexy as was the really big outdoor environment in the demo.
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Ror

    The environments are really cool and some quite unique ones too. The new Torlan shows the kind of large open spaces the engine can do very nicely and this time around it doesn't use the all encompassing fog to help with the frame rates.

    While I love the game, I don't like many of the levels, the gameplay is there but many seem overly techy (is that a proper word?). Almost as if the designers couldn't stand to leave any bare BSP and covered it all in meshes.

    I also think that the Chinese levels are probably the equivalent of the old Egyptian levels. One or two in the game look great but you just know mappers are going to release hundreds of similarly themed levels which all look the same smile.gif

    Also old favorites like Coret should have stayed (at least visually) a little more faithful to the original. Don't get me wrong, I like the new theme but it just doesn't seem like the old map I used to play.

    The characters...why do they all seem to be big n chunky? As well as looking a little low rez, mine seem quite dull, perhaps in need of a little more specularity and saturated colour?

    Anyway, back to the UnrealEd videos smile.gif
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    The game seems like alot of fun so far (played about 5 hours), but it definetly has its fair share of flaws. Putting asside the bugs (skipping audio at load screens, missing terrain when un-minimizing, etc.) their are balance issues, several repeat missions, and many other annoyances. Just off the top of my head:

    - Teammate AI is borderline braindead, making missions where you have to both attack and defend an act in frustration sense you cant be in two places at once doing what the AI should.

    - Vehicles have no apparent health bar so you have very little idea how much damage they can take before you get blow up.

    - Spawn points always seem to be as far away from where the actual battle is taking place as possible, making it so you spend 70% of your time in some maps just getting back to the battlefield in between respawns.

    - The HUD is a joke. You can't restart missions, you have to wait till you lose or quit to the main menu and reload the map to restart. Even though you have an in-game way to tell the AI what to do, it doesn't seem to work, and you have to exit out to a full screen menu instead to do the same job. beyond that, you have to go through what seems like dozens of menus just to get to the most basic features.

    -All the maps in the campaign have generic map screens instead of individualised ones so you can't tell what the map looks like till entering it.

    -Almost every game in campain is either capture the flag or connect-the-nodes (I've done about 20 missions so far).

    I'm sure theirs more problems, but those are the ones I can think of atm.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Ror thanks again to you and the team for a fantastic game. Wish I could go into more detail on why I like these maps but I really haven't stopped to look that much wink.gif Here is just a quick run through of some of my favorites right now.

    Environments look bad ass. Sanctuary is one of my favs right now. The necris style mixing of tech and old age is really cool.

    Deck - is still a bad ass map and the first I vote for in DM. The updated look and the added tunnel get a thumbs up from me. Holy shit on the shock combo that animation rules.

    Torlan and Torlan necris are a great time. Still fun to kill whore in a manta or viper on this map. Like the added trees and rock outcroppings. Helps for infantry on boards. A little more cover would be nice.

    Floodgate is another of my favorite maps. I need to pull that up in UnEd and check it out closer but I like the dark dead city look.

    Avalanche is another sweet map. The snow levels in general look nice. The tentacles dropping down are cool.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Polyhertz: The menu order preference thing seems to be *your* preference. So switch it to orb carrier or flag carrier and the bots will tend to let you take the orbs more often. (not always of course but if you're around it seems to make them ignore the orb and let you get it)

    The vehicles have a numerical readout of their health in the lower left corner over a diagram of the vehicle which is also a graphical rep of its health. The more gray the diagram is the less health you have.

    Also you can set your preference as to where to spawn. The issue is that if a node is under attack at the time you respawn you can't spawn there. Same as in UT2k4.

    Also there are a lot of TDM missions in the campaign, but there are more Warfare missions, as it is a war campaign. wink.gif

    I'm with ya on the AI though. They need to be a bit better, especially when they have an orb. The real issue becomes the campaign maps where you are severely out numbered. The bots are just not good enough to make a dent. I suppose that is what co-op is for, but :shrug: your friendly AI should get a bonus in that situation just to help even it out.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    So I broke down and bought the CE version (for the tuts disc).

    I've managed to play two quick DM with bot maps, before the game crashed to my desktop.

    The space-station map's pretty fun.

    Nice to see they got rid of having to wait for the first patch for disc-free gameplay (at least they got something right).

    I can't map the scoreboard to my Tab key (f1... really.. come on..) and I can't seem to find the option to bring up the console with the ` key.

    Oh.. and does anyone know how to get rid of all the vids at boot-up... enough goddamned advertising, epic?

    I kinda dig the custom character thing, but I want a much bigger list to choose from (where's my in-game twin, Torch?).

    This game will grow on me for certain, but some design aspects (like the menu setup and the *extreme* overuse of bloom) are gonna take a while to get used to.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Flagg: for the bloom check the video options tab. Set the post-processing setting to "subdued". It might help that.
    (but yeah there is a hell of a lot of bloom)

    There is a fairly large number of characters to choose from, but most of them are locked to begin with. Editing the associated INI file is the simplest way to get them all. And the classic characters are going to have to be community creations I think.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I've heard the're going over the UI in a/the patch.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    I havent enjoyed a multiplayer twitch shooter this much since... well since UT2k4

    bring on the mods!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Well.... looks like I won't be playing any time soon.

    My system crashed to desktop the first time I tried loading the second map, and completely locked up / black screened my system the second time I tried loading it.

    Looks I just spent $60 for nothing for a while. frown.gif
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 18
    i get the same problems when i load it up with the 3gb switch enabled
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    i get the same problems when i load it up with the 3gb switch enabled

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When you do wha...? poly132.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Flaagan. Use the Nvidia Beta drivers on their site (ones for Crysis) and pla with the environment settings at 1.

    Trying to play with Envionment settings at 2 caused what you had. Think its a bug with UT3 and older Nvidia cards. The beta drivers made my system more predictable with the game (even steam friends works in it now).

    If you want to go the extra step, get the MS DX9.c Nov 2007 rehash, use openAL, and download the newer physx drivers.

  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Oxy, problem with using all those beta / customized driver packs is I'm using a laptop, and even nvidia's site says to go directly through the manufacturer. I've never had any luck on towers in the past with beta / customized drivers. I'm going through the hp-update process now, and then I'll try dropping the settings in-game (though the game was running smooth at whatever settings they were already at).
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Set a restore point, and if they dont work, go back.
  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    Anyone plan on making some characters for ut3? I'm still waiting for my CE copy to come through the post, pre-ordering is lame!
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I read for Gears of War (also can't skip intro logos) you can go into the game directory and find the movie files (epiclogo.bik for example) and renaming them to something like epiclogo.bika causes the program to go "eh?" and move to the next line of code, being the menu. Might work for UT3 too.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Lupus.. it'll be amusing if it's that easy, cause that was the same trick I used on BF2 to skip those damn intro vids EA forced you to watch. I find it odd they put all that on there (that you can only skip by left-clicking) but no amusing little character related bit (like they did with the Nvidia logo in the past).

    Thanks to orph and oxy for helping me find a driver that'd make the game work on my laptop.

    oh yah, anyone who wants to add me to their friends list, it's the same for me as on Live and Steam... flaagan
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh.. and does anyone know how to get rid of all the vids at boot-up... enough goddamned advertising, epic?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    in your shortcut, you can add a flag that will turn off video. However, be warned it will turn off *ALL* video, including load screens, and cinematics. Not sure if renaming the videos will cause problems but you can give it a go. I wouldnt recomend it if you want to play single player though smile.gif

    to turn them off, in your shortcut add "-novideo" to the end of the dir path:

    c:blah/blahdeblah/blahdebleh/utgame.exe -novideo

    you may be able to use that flag as well from the UnrealFrontEnd.exe, by checking some boxes and launching the game from that... cant remember offhand though.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone plan on making some characters for ut3?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    The intro ad vids on UT can also just be clicked right through once they load.

    I'm playing as IronHawk and will add the rest of you guys. Damn this game is fun. Looking forward to the patch though wink.gif
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Honestly, I was floored at how amazing the environments looked and played. I would catch myself getting gibbed while staring at the levels. The remake of Hyperspace (I think thats what it was, xan's level from 2k4) is just.. wow. The design changes and gravity volumes, were perfect. I never ever felt bored with a level visualy or design wise, and kept that 'wow, something new' feeling through most of the campaign. I've never had a problem with collisions with any character, hoverboard, or vehicle. And the loading times, I just dont know how you managed to load all of that in 20 seconds...

    I'm a tad dissapointed that there was no equivilant to Facing Worlds, that would have been something to see with the new engine, but i'm sure your team had a reason.

    Actually as much love that went into the environments, I would have thought carried over to the characters, they seem intentionally left bland this time. The team design and concept of the armor is good and consistent, but there are not enough variations to get me attached to who I was playing, even with the slight costume changes. I miss the old teams, Xan, Egyptian, that dead guy with the top hat etc. Then again, this is'nt an actual lliandri tournament, so you just have 'military?' factions.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Motz...

    No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


    I think my favorite bit so far is the 'slowdown cube', watching a redeemer fly through that at someone stuck in it was a good laugh. laugh.gif
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    just got the CE from the store
    congrats Epic, it looks amazing and the feeling the gameplay gives is awesome
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Guys & the odd Gal

    you can find the answers to a lot of your problems/questions here in the .INI tweaking theread... http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=191933 and also here http://planetunreal.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Articles.Detail&id=109
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Fellas, fellas.

    Its much easier than what you are doing to turn off only the front end videos (all of them).

    Go to the UTEngine.ini

    Go down to startup movies and change as needed.

    I go directly to the login menu and the in game movies still work.

    (Edit: Missed Fords entry. Yes, his link is correct. Though for the record I did figure it out by myself.)

    Smart.. Genius.

  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    Just for the record theres a skel available for gears too smile.gif

  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Just as a side note... Cicada FTW!

    I loved this vehicle as an add-on for 2k4 and it's become twice as awesome with ut3.

    Oh yah, and when is Epic gonna team up with with Spawn.com to make some UT figures? laugh.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    As soon as Mcfarlane isn't a hypocrite and gives on packaging credit to the designers.

    (sorry, political message for the day)
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, this hasn't been a great week for me and Epic.

    I buy Gears, install, try to play single player and it won't let me submit the product key. Thus no savegames, therefore no playing.

    I buy UT3 CE, install, type in the cd key from the manual (carefully and checking multiple times), it says the code is invalid. Thus no playing.

    These monitors are drawing close a heedbuttin'. Och aye.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Just picked up my copy of the CE, so I know what I have planned for tonight after work. Will be definitely looking at the how the whole character setup thing works to try and get a custom character in.
    PPM revival BITCHES!
    /me starts Photoshop and starts concepting.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    if you want lupus, you can recreate the gears pc experience by playing a game you like and randomly jabbing the reset button
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Just bought UT3, going to install it sometime tonight. smile.gif

  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Casey, hell yah!

    I'm looking forward to re-learning the fx system, been skimming through some write-ups on it and I like it.

    If you're at all interested, I always wanted to create an entirely / partially fx based character for 2k4, but never got around to it. Would be fun to give it a go with this system. smile.gif
  • MacD
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    MacD polycounter lvl 18
    rooster...try the Gorvi (or whatever, his post is something like 'stuttering FIX 100%') cracked exe posted on the GoW forums. It basically strips out games4winlive and makes the game run error free for me (appart from some textureload stuttering on my 512 mb 7800). I was highly sketical about the files at first, so I checked 'em out as best I could.

    But now they work so well (not a SINGLE crash so far! And I've played through the first two acts smile.gif!) that I have a new conspiracy theory: it's someone at Epic who has decided to give us poor crash-affected a break and release the stripped file. Of course, the one problem is no Live, so no MP...which kinda sucks balls, but at least I get to play the SP part of the game, so not ALL my money is wasted. And I have to say, GoW SP is fun smile.gif
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