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WIP Dunny

Hey hey guys. grin.gif Our teacher (known as Dabu/Daniel at this forum) gave us this model to unwrap and texture. Shouldn't really touch the geometry, but we're allowed to add some small props and/or do minor changes to the model.


So I'm basically doing a half-half thing with this dunny. Texture size is a whopping 1024x1024. So I better put in some crisp details...

Been looking through referance on mutation and actually warhammer since I've been reading a lot of it lately. Maybe put in some chaos mutation style in there... Got some ref on my home computer which I will add tomorrow.
Ref for skin on "evil side": Deviantart

I want the evil side to have a very skin like texture with seething boils and blisters. Any tips on how to hand paint stuff like this is more than welcome since we're encouraged to do so. The left "ear" I will try to make like a tentacle or fungus-like mushroom thingy sprouting out. Doing a crater or something on the skin round the base. Some gaping, teethy mouths at various places would also be cool. Topped by a fancy tribal tattoo at some places, if not all over the evil side. And yeah he's ripped out his heart and taken a munch out of it. To his better half's horror. crazy.gif

For the good/pink/sane side I'm planning to give it much less texture space. Want to try and make it pink and fluffy basically, and shade it properly. I may try to cheat by reusing some of the pink body's texture for the legs and arm, but I'm not sure how much more texture space I would need to make the best gory skin like texture on the evil side. And if there would be an apparent contrast in texel density.

How to handle the seam in the middle of the body in the best way? I could maybe let the pink slip a bit over into the huge uv'ed evil side and then paint a visible border of decay between furry pink side and evil, ugly skin side... Or just shift the whole seam a step to the right... The latter sounds more better I think.

Anyways this thing needs to be done fast. And I'm going to clock in a lot of hour on this thing.

So, again please post any tips on hand painting real/semi-real stuff. I have this knack for always making my stuff "cartoony" and I want to try something else for this one's texture.


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    too much text wink.gif keep working smile.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    much easier to give tips once you start the actual texture.

    advice for now - ditch the tribals. they ruin characters [in my opinion]
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    hah! i have 2 of these action figures i bought at kid robot in sf last time i was there =D keep goin man, but u got alota very good designs to compete with!
  • Dazzle
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    <font color="orange"> *Update* </font>


    Did a pretty hefty rework on my uv's. Fullsize uv-layout: here

    Not as far along as I would've like to be. How's the graininess working out? Render clouds + reticulation in Photoshop. Going for some puss pouring out of a crack on the back of the head to cover up a seam.

    Finishing this tomorrow I hope. smirk.gif

    Johny: Wall of text attacks you for +3 damage laugh.gif

    Sectars: Yeah, tribals may ruin it. Maybe after I'm done with all the other stuff I want to do I'll try it.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    why not instead of detaching the parts you make the map stitched and you texture the material separation on the difuse ?
  • Dazzle
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    Well. I wanted to try and give the most texture space to the left side... Don't know if this was a smart move or not... :S
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    you're going to have a hell of a time making the seam anything other than the harsh vertical line it is now. since your pixel ratios are so different, any details you paint on one side will look vastly different on the other, should you try and make the split look more organic.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Blend out the seam and don't shift too much details ot the other side...basically what you are doing now is bringing out what you shouldn't be (Seams)

    Even them out first.
  • Dazzle
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    <font color="orange">*Small update* </font>

    Ran an ambient occlusion on it just to see how it would turn out. Picture is no lights, only texture. Haven't touched the seam on the back of the head yet, will see if I can't trick it away.

    Things left to try and add:

    - Mouth
    - Something gruesome on the left arm
    - A gaping hole in front
    - Making left foot look stitched on
    - ++
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    hmm... all dunny's have hands, yours just has a pointy stump. Spare some polys and give the little bugger some mits.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    the texture is coming out nice- It would be cool if the separation down the middle was a little less straight, but It also has a bit of an edgy feel to it being str8 so I`m a bit conflicted. Due to your UV`s however you really cant do much about that. Generally its best to have seams where:


    you wont have to battle them and curse them at every brush stroke

    where they are least visible-

    that said- considering your layout, this looks pretty good.

    I actually really like the skin you have now. its pretty stylized, but doesn't look anything like skin. Actually, it looks more like he got rolled in some sesame seeds like some delicious Asian dessert! MMMMM

    I don't know if you can, or want to use ref, but photo ref is usually the way to go, unless your going for PURE cartoon, or you plan to HEAVILY paint the bejesus out of it.


    those are the best ones I know of. If anyone happens know af anymore that would kick ass-

    Anyways, none of those sites have any kind of human looking skin, so usually whenever I`m looking to do something kind of gross and flesh, scower the internet for "pig flesh" or "pig skin" or really pig whatever.

    ANYWAYS with all that said, I hate to badmouth your teacher, but he should have given his class a model that was at least semi-half decent. I hate to be a polyflow nazi, and maybe he just wanted to knock something out fast for the exercise, but I think its important to note that you should NOT use this model as an example of how to model. /end rant
  • Dazzle
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    Finished! Not truly finished, but as finished as I can get. Suddenly lost time tonight. Basically got kidnapped to a night out.


    Damn that one seam on the back of his head. Gave me a handful of grief. :S Well, I figured that every dunny must have a zipper. smirk.gif

    Edit: Tnx for the comments guys. smile.gif Much appreciated. smile.gif
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    I was expecting a toilet. Americans smirk.gif

    Doesn't look too bad though man.
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