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Zack and Wiki...

polycounter lvl 17
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[MILES] polycounter lvl 17
...comes out tomorrow. smile.gif


  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Oh damn!
    I was wondering when they game was coming.
  • seantree
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    seantree polycounter lvl 18
    damn, I want this title. I still need a Wii though. Stores here are still sold out :/ I did get to finally play Sin and Punishment on a console though. My previous attempts at it on emulators did not go so well. If you missed out on this game on the N64 and love Treasure games you need to download it. It's so damn fun. Man, and Mario is out soon too. must.get.wii.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    It's getting good reviews and if Gamestop has it instore today, I'll definately be getting a copy. Man, how I miss the old days of Kings Quest, Space Quest, Quest for Glory, Full Throttle, etc.

    Seantree, Wii systems are pretty easy to come by in my town. Smaller towns (at least here in Texas) seem to have them in stock quite often. The same cannot be said for the larger cities.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    I think I'm going to gamefly it. Wasn't looking forward to it at all, but after reading some reviews it got my attention. It has cool graphics plus they say it's like a point and click adventure game?! I'm there!

    Cool stuffs. However, even after it gets here, I'll have to see how much time I have free (school/cod4/gh3)
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    Here’s the IGN review: http://wii.ign.com/articles/829/829301p1.html , looks like a cool game full of that Capcom awesomeness we all know and love. I finally bought a Wii about two weeks ago and still have to get through Metroid before picking this game up, though it’s definitely on my short Wii holiday list!


    Artist - Kaos Studios
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I really like it so far. I've only played through 4 levels, two of which were easy-cheesey. The other two actually took a bit more thinking than I was expecting. I can easily see how this game has the potential to get really hard, really fast!

    As for the the overall look/feel/story...

    The dialog boxes can sometimes be a bit annoying but the dialog itself it is stacked with a ton of humor, which is great! Also, the way the game is put together is quite different from the typical story driven type game. It is more mission based, I think, putting you in front of an interface of sorts (disguised as a pirate hideout), from whence you select which stages you wish to attempt. The jury is still out on how much I like that. I think the 3D Pitfall game for Xbox/PS2/GC may have pulled it off a bit better (using the Journal and Map, to allow a smoother transition between areas). Zack and Wiki, rather than remaining in the environment they just finished to travel to the next, always head back to the "Bat Cave" so to speak. While it isn't a bad feature..it just interrupts the immersion, imo.

    Those things aside...the actual gameplay, levels, and puzzles are EXCELLENT! The art style and animations are EXCELLENT! The music and atmosphere are EXCELLENT! I hope the game doesn't end up being too short...because I'm having a blast so far! It would be really great if they offered episodic content perhaps via WiiWare, but I expect they are going to be developing a full-blown sequal for this one. This really is a great game for the Wii.
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