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WIP new age wizard

hey, i posted this in the low poly character thread but wasn't sure if that was the right place, i thought i'd post it here as it probably gets more traffic. (in case you haven't guessed it my first post. so hi laugh.gif)

this is a very low poly wizard for a fantasy game on handheld. the limit is approx 300 tri's. any crits on this would be greatly appreciated
dave Multi.jpg


  • Daaaave
    Offline / Send Message
    hey. final design on the wizard, the arm is bigger on the one side as it will be a mech arm, to add more off an effect of "new age" to it. also the hat and cloak have been exaggerated to give more of a wizard silouette. bearing in mind that this character would be for use on a handheld and would be tiny on a screen, a more of a wizard shape was advised.
    any thoughts would be appreciatied.

  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    None of the pictures look like they are showing up man.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Looks like you may be able to remodel the feet to shave a few polys..does the mesh need to be contiguous or can you just have each limb as a seperate model? You may be able to get more bang for your buck that way. Does your handheld support transparency?
  • Daaaave
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    just an update on the model. i think you're right. by looking at the feet i could shave some. unfortunately due to this project having to be completed by friday. i had to get started on the textures.
    as far as i understand it the transparency is handled through the aplha channel in the textures. which may come in useful for the beard. i've added some updates and the textures, textures are 64x64
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I kinda like the odd silhouette of this!

    Could you provide a self-illuminated (texture only, no shading) view of this? Might be more true to the handheld nature of the asset.
  • capsung
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