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Max 2008 Demo

polycounter lvl 17
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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
Ok so Autodesk has released the 30 day demo. Time to check this out and see if there are any improvements.



  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    My shift left mouse click, copy shortcut no longer works frown.gif.

    Why autodesk why!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    so, since autodesk bought out mudbox, when are we gonna get some mudbox in our max?
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    I may feel the same. As I get older and crustier, I care less about new features that I know from experience are going to be more trouble than they're worth, and care more about continuing to deal with what I've got. The devil I know, I guess. Maaan, when was the last time I felt excitement about a new release of my graphics software? Max ... 5, mebbe?
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I got excited with max 7 due to the normal mapping and the same for max 8 for the relax feature. Is it me or are all the other tools in Max like Patches and Nurbs exactly the same as in version 4. I think the only update to patches is that you can shift drag on them to extrude edges, but that's it. Skin modifier got some useful updates in 8.

  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    I wish they would improve the shader support and fix the bugs. I started downloading this then thought wtf, not much point. I am still using max 8.
    Sage , the patch support is swful, its barely changed in ten years and nurbs should be just dropped IMHO
  • skankerzero
    I still use max 6 as my 3d application of choice. I totally skipped 7, and now i use 8 a little bit. I still jump back to 6 when I need to do useful things, like unwrapping.
  • Pedro Amorim
    yeah. still use 8 with sp3.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Still on 8 as well. Just give me fast ambient occlusion baking that takes opacity into account, and I'd be happy. Oh, and being able to set Material IDs while still in Unwrap. (Can you do that in 9 or 2008?)
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    And a universal scene format that we can use to pass scenes between Max, and Maya completely flawlessly.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    I'd have to agree with those selection issues.(selecting the wrong polys) Seems like every 3d package has better selection than max in that regard. Very weird.

    I do dig those realtime shadows. About time:P

    Hey Per, what is iso mode editing? am I missing some cool 3d fundamental?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Jay: Iso mode editing is when you can directly manipulate the verts/edges/polys of a subdivision surface's control cage, directly on the surface of the subdivided model. For example, this is how Silo (and Modo, I think) handles it.
    With Max, if you turn on subdivision it gives you this fugly orange cage overlaid onto the subdivided mesh, which is quite horrible to work with.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    ahh nice. That makes sense. Silo is the one 3d app I've been meaning to try.

    That orange cage drives me insane. I usually reference copy the model then subdivide it. Work on one model, look at the other, to avoid the orange cage. I can see the benefit Iso mode editing would have.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Per, don't give up on harassing them, particularly on their wishlist board. For several years straight I went over there and rallied the troops for basic cylindrical and planar mapping within Unwrap, and they finally listened to those of us crying for it after a few years. (Think it took two releases before they got to it.) Maybe you can convince some polycounters to help you storm the boards even? I know that many of us don't have a ton of time to spend over there, but if it's an issue that a lot of people have problems with, it might be worth a try.

    I think Autodesk should really take a closer listen to what the game development community is asking for. I mean, for whatever reason, they are constantly implementing tools for architectural rendering, which I'd think makes up a very small percentage of their sales. I have friends who work for large architectural firms, and these companies are lucky to have 2 or 3 seats of Max, whereas every game company in the area has dozens. Shoot, even those running Maya will have more than 2 or 3 seats of Max scattered somewhere around the office.
  • Mark Dygert
    They just need to buy Silo, and use it to replace E-Poly and E-Mesh.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    The only reason I've been using Max lately is for animation, and importing/reexporting OBJ's from Silo, since Xnormal wont read them correctly straight out of Silo for some reason.

    Per: Layout a proposal for them to take that shit over! Perhaps they really do just have a stable of retards working over there and need somebody to come in a clean house.
    Demand a ridiculous salary and deliver the awesome results you're known for and you'll make many a 3D artist happy.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Per, regarding the selection bug, are you talking about an error in the Ignore Backfacing option or something else?

    Also, I know that King of Daveness was doing some consulting for them regarding features. If he's still doing that, maybe we should let him know some of the issues we're having. I haven't seen him around here lately, but he shouldn't be too hard to track down.
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    Ryno, fire up a complex model in maya with some overlapping faces. Start clicking around selecting random faces. Then try the same thing in max. There is a world of difference. Now I much prefer Max as a package, but this is one thing Maya does very well. Max quite often just selects the wrong face, I guess that’s the easiest way to describe it. Yes, fiddling with the ignore backface does help but not 100%
  • Mark Dygert
    Selection bug or "feature"? The more you click on something it will cycle thru the objects that are underneath the topmost object. Eventually you will get back to the top object after going thru them all. Also Max prioritizes edges over faces when you select, so if you have your mouse over the face of the topmost object but it happens to be over an edge of another object it will select the back object. I've had to adjust the viewport slightly to get around this "wonderful feature". I also hate selecting biped fingers, at times its like they aren't even there as far as selection goes.

    I'm going to start sending them big hair turds, if they didn't fix the excess biped collections issue...
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Ahh... Got it. Been awhile since I used Maya, but I do remember selections being a lot cleaner, definitely. Vig's explanation of the error makes sense.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    why not select by name instead?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    How do you select a vertex or a face by name, Ruz? smile.gif
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    any info on modelling/complex scene handling speedups? at the workplace, we're still on 8 so we missed quite a notable performance improvement in the last update. now is max 2008 topping this again? hope so, cause we will probably be getting it.

    and - relax brush? what? where? laugh.gif
  • Rob Galanakis
    We use 3ds at our studio and we spend all day complaining and dealing with crashes.

    My max has a bug where if I move an edge, it crashes... has happened across several scenes for several days completely unrelated to each other. It constantly crashes, and is so unbelievably bloated, as has been stated here.

    A little anecdote that I think sums up Max very nicely, from a packet I received at the Autodesk 2008 launch this Tuesday in Seattle:
    MAXScript ProEditor
    3ds Max 2008 marks the debut of the new MAXScript ProEditor. This intuitive new interface for working with MAXScript ncludes multilevel undo functionality; fast, high-quality code colorization; rapid opening of large documents; line number display; regular expressions in search/replace; folding of sections of the script; support for user-customization; and many other features.

    I'm not sure how many of you use the awful language known as MAXScript, but the current Maxscript editor has ONE UNDO, no code folding or line numbers, and the code coloring is completely FUBAR (doesn't update after a paste unless you actually edit the line). Max 2008 is adding, in other words, the functionality you expect from any basic, free, text editor... except this is a program that costs thousands of dollars that has not bothered to even update its native scripting editor for the 21st century. Scripting, which is arguably one of the most important issues in this generation of games, given how important pipeline is.

    Max is such garbage and I'm glad even industry vets are getting upset with it... the only reason that its still around is as has been said above; so much infrastructure was laid in the preceeding decade, so many people learned it, so many studios created pipeline around it, that to dislodge them from those seats, to try a new app, will really require the benefits of switching from Max is worth the risk (a risk assessed, unfortunately, by the more senior people who are more likely to have solely 3dsmax experience and don't want to switch).

    They need to take a year off, clean up and streamline the program, and rework it from the core, especially exposing more through scripting (and fixing the absurd maxscript language rules which are unlike anything I've ever seen...)

    Its telling that a review of Max7 I read a couple weeks ago in an old CGWorld mag was mentioning how max is bloated but autodesk is addressing the issue... huh?
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I actually got a call from Autodesk and they had me go to their demo on the software...I just got really unenthusiastic afterwards when I tried it out.

    I'm still using the older versions as of now.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Go XSI?...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd second that. A decent sized studio could go all essentials or split essentials and foundation (dunno if that will work with 6.5 being essentials/advanced only) plus there's the amount of support Softimage gives. They apparently flew in a few guys to valve's studios to assist in converting over the pipeline.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You'da thunk with release 10 they would have really tried to make an effort...

    Softimage to XSI (ok not version 10, but they realized it was time to rewrite)
    Mac OS to OSX
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    If only the mudbox guys(Dave,Tibor etc) could be allowed to redesign the way max runs hehe, theyve really got a handle on simple effective ui design. Max is such a dinosaur in terms of usability and interface. I really enjoy using cinema4D simply for this reason but max still has more overall power as an app.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    cmon Per you just like to argue tongue.gif . Yes mudbox is simple and therefore has a simpler, easier to design interface, but in my opinion it really works well. I wasnt saying copy the design style, I just meant that those mudbox guys have a good idea of what an artist needs an application to do for them.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    haha great post per, i agree completely smile.gif
  • Dan
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    Dan polycounter lvl 18
    Per, try XSI, it doesnt have a modifier stack, but the operator stack is similar and you can alter mesh, UVs and rigging without it imploding and it does an excellent job fixing the others around your edits. You can script in VBScript, JScript, Python and PerlScript. It has a pretty sweet customisable UI thats organised in tabs so it hides the animation, rendering, etc. shit when you don't want it taking up your screen. It's really easy to get up and running from Max (took me only a few hours to be modelling much faster) and i have not had one single crash on XSI 5.11 x64.

    And XSI|Foundation is only $495.
    Fuck Max, haven't used it since version 4 (But I still enjoy reading these threads, same fucking broken promises and complaints every year ;-)


  • Rob Galanakis
    Per why would you be freelancing and using max? Just have a copy for any pipeline, rig, or animation issues if needed, but just use another app for everything else, no?
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18
    omg prof you are playing with your life wink.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    I liked max 6 the best . simple and friendly, never seemed to crash that much.
    max 8 is ok, but since I spend most of my time looking at 3d heads with real time shaders on them, i don't want max to freeze/cash/blow up my computer every time I fart.
    I also wanna make more use of the the save fx button, but since half of the stuff I try doesn't convert properly, its a waste of time.
    For example if I use falloff in my reflection channel, save fx just totally ignores it. why have something implemented if it only half assed?
    TBH, Max still does it for me overall , but I am tempted to look at xsi in the future.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Per XSI has all the toys Max has, the only thing is they are slightly different at times. The only thing I really miss is how edge constrain works in Max, which only works 75% of time anyway. In XSI it works all the time as expected. The deal breaker for me is that it doesn't stop when it reaches edge boundaries like in Max. Silo is pretty much the same in terms of modeling. I don't like how you have to dig through the operator stack in XSI, maybe I'm missing something. wink.gif That said it's a lot more reliable than the modifer stack. Per I'm not sure what you mean by power user, part of the problem I have with XSI is how much control it gives you over everything and how it doesn't simplify things like Max does. So if you want access to every little thing check it out. XSI gives the user a lot more power and control to the user than Max does in my opinion and it's support for high polygon modeling is impressive. Max is very clunky for that in comparison. I say death to Autodesk's half assed upgrades for Max. wink.gif If the other apps decided to add the nice things that Max has going for it Max would be finished.

    The updates to Max that I liked the most were 3.1, 4 and 7. Seven because that's the first version where they let you share shortcuts, which would of have been nice if they had added that to max 6 and a relax feature. In seven they had Bridge but it only worked in border mode, 8 fixed that and 9 added better support for high poly or that's what I heard.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Just reading quickly over the XSI thing, the Operator Stack seems a lot like Maya's History... which is not what you want really :/
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    For Immediate Release:

    Autodesk (NASDAQ) has purchased the company Softimage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...that would pretty much be the day innovation died in 3d.
  • Dan
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    Dan polycounter lvl 18
    Check out the part under "Construction Modes and Regions"
    There may be another way but this is how i do it:

    All general operators (stuff i dont care about being able to change later like moving verts) go under "modelling construction mode". Stuff i want to keep so i can alter later (like a bend deformer) I put under "secondary shape mode". then i freeze the "modelling" operator stack as i go, but still have access to all the deformers stored under "secondary shape mode" so i can go backand alter or delete them later.

    It sounds convoluted but it really isnt
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    material building and unwrapping is a pain in xsi , but its a really solid program, a bit slower when you forget to freeze everything, but its a tad annoying having to freeze from 20 to 30 stuff you do . It has realtime shadows and FOG ahahaha ! i liked it. Spline building to make tubes is a bit awkward imo . also the way primitives are done is weird, doesnt allow you to position where you want . But the list of things to fix is like 1000 smaller than max imo.

  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    does xsi have equivalents of the following?

    Haven't answered all of them Cause I don't know what the modifiers do, and if XSI has a equivalent.

    - displace, = Yes
    - normalize path?
    - shell,?
    - vert projection,?
    - FFD,?
    - morpher,? (if it's like making face shapes/morph targets, Yes)
    - 3d noise,?
    - push, = Yes
    - relax, = Yes
    - skew/bend/those kinds of things,?
    - symmetry, = Yes
    - spherify, = ?
    - tesselate, = Yes

    other features:
    - solid render-to-texture (including normal map bake), = RenderMap and Ultimapper
    - fast GI render, = Yes, but Final gather can be fast too
    - hardware shaders in the viewport, = DX9, DX10, OpenGL
    - pivot point control, = Yes
    - coordinate system presets (local, world, object, etc), = Yes
    - angle snap, = Not sure
    - good layer manager = Basically same as Maya

    modeling related:
    - preserve UV, = Yes you can cut the mesh to hell and the uv's remain constant (unless it's along a seam and you will need to tweak that)
    - edge/face constrain, = Not Sure (I know you can constrain objects to a vertex/edge/face of a mesh)
    - some form of sort selection (tweak brush etc), = Yes Move to "m" key along with turning on proportional (prop on right hand tool bar aka soft selction)
    - good cut tool, = yes "\" key
  • Dan
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    Dan polycounter lvl 18
    Rwolf beat me to most of them

    Displace? like adding a greyscale displacement map. If so yes and you can paint them in real time straight onto a mesh in the viewport i think.

    FFD - yes its called deform by lattice and the lattice is not tied to the mesh or operator so you can deform multiple meshes with the same lattice if you need to.

    Morpher? Like blendshapes? Yes it has a built in shape manager and you can mix them in the animation mixer.

    Push/Relax/Skew/Bend - Yep. A full list of the options under deformenrs: Bend, Bulge, Shear, Taper, Twist, Fold, Push, Relax, Smooth, Shrink Wrap, Quick Stretch, Wave, Randomise, Shape Jitter as well as deform by curve, cage, lattice, spine, surface and volume. I cant comment on how the compare to max but im sure youll be able to get the deformations you need.

    spherify - theres a script called Spherisize

    Angle Snapping Yes, set the increment and hold shift while rotating to turn it on

    The remaining ones I'm not too sure what they do
    - normalize path?
    - shell?
    - vert projection?
    - 3d noise,?
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, Per, you were telling me how awesome Max is, so now I'm giving myself aneurysms trying to learn the interface. The modifier stack and features rock my world, but holy shit, I had to go model in Silo afterwards just to lower my blood pressure.

    It truly is a dinosaur. I used max first in 2002-2003 on version 5 I believe, and I can't seem to find much of a difference between the modelling tools and options. Except what I thought was awesome back then for modelling a 200 poly box, isn't so hot now after working with the vastly superior modo and silo UIs. It's almost as if autodesk doesn't want you to use max.

    But yeah, seeing the shell modifier in action with a user drawn path made me wet myself, so I guess I might have to suck it up. frown.gif
  • Rob Galanakis
    Another thing to consider is in Maya and XSI, if they don't have it, there will probably be a script for it.

    Likely, Per, there will be some things without 'equivalents.' That is what being a power user is, right? You know Max, your workflow takes full advantage of Max, which is why you stick with Max. There will be ways- sometimes similar, sometimes different- to not just make what you want to make (obviously) but do what you want to do, for the most part. However, it will take some refactoring of your workflow if you do switch, no matter what. It will be beyond just 'learning' the new program, you will have to re-shape your max-specific workflow.

    This is really a good example of why max is still around... people don't want to switch workflows and pipelines and relearn what they've taken years to acquire and perfect. It's a perfectly legitimate reason for not switching and I wouldn't blame them for not switching, as it very well may not be worth it. Unfotunately I don't think any amount of complaining or petition will force autodesk to really rewrite Max as everyone knows it really needs... I think they can see the trends and reality plain as day, but what it would take to 'fix' max is so expensive and expansive, that, like for those of you who don't want to switch from max, its not worth it for them. They are still bringing in plenty of cash from licenses for studios that feel the same way Per does. My guess is they will retire max as we know it once that stream dries to a certain point, but the odds of them fixing max in the next few years are I think 0.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Per I know what you mean, I love, hate Max just as much as you.

    XSI has something different that's kind of like modifiers. Deformers and other things that fall under operators.

    Deform by spine, curve, lattice, cage, volume, surface,

    randomise, bend, shrink wrap, push, relax, smooth, shape jitter, quick stretch, wave, cluster center.

    Randomize and shape jitter seem to do what noise does but it looks like it's on steriods.


    Tweek tool, it's kind of like silo 3d in one tool. It does the following, you can select any subobject, do the constrain to edge, face, stuff, and target weld. You can also activate all the transform tools and they will behave a little different when you are in tweek mode. It feels like modeling in Max but nice like when you extrude edges by holding shift. D in XSI by default extrudes and duplicates, it depends on how you set the option. If you have a face or edge select it extrudes by 0 so then you can move it to where you want. It doesn't feel as quick as shift drag but it is. I timed it.

    Texture editor is powerful, but for simple things if you are used to max easy way, which people that like node base editors hate, it can be a pain in the ass. If you like how you set up materials in Roboblitz then you'll like this a lot. Pretty similar.

    XSI has supra mode for most of it's tools, fancy work for toggle. so you can activate the cut tool for example by holding down a key while you use and then it switches back. Presever UVs in XSI isn't that good but it's there.

    Displacement in XSI is soo much better than Max, you can paint in XSI with vertex weights too. Softimage XSI has Mental Ray. Softimage made it if I'm not mistaken. You can write real time shaders in XSI as well. The texture Editor is pure power, kind of overkill for a lot of game art, but since you are a programmer I'm sure you'll enjoy it right away. Solid texture baking.

    All this

    other features:
    solid render-to-texture (including normal map bake),
    fast GI render,
    hardware shaders in the viewport,
    pivot point control,
    coordinate system presets (local, world, object, etc),
    angle snap,
    good layer manager

    seems better. The linking of objects in XSI is real nice.

    Cut tool is way better than Max and the constraints and snaps in XSI are awesome.

    The only reason I like Max better is because I learned on it, if not I would have to kill someone if I went from XSI to Max, because the UI alone in Max is terrible.
    Per I wouldn't tell you to try XSI if I didn't think you would like it. I use XSI but I consider myself a Max user. It will be a bitter sweet experience though, so give it month if you do try it. You will have to learn how the app works and there is a lot to it.

    Per what does normalize path and vertex project do? I never use spherify, I'm wondering what you use it for.

    XSI equivalent

    Shell = Soldify sort of does what shell does
    Tesselate = can be done with Dice for example and there are a few other ways as well.

    Noise modifier = shape jitter or randomize can do this and more

    the basic twist, bend stuff is pretty much the same in XSI

    The FDD are deform by lattice in XSI but XSI seems to expand on this with other deformers.

    Most of the deformers can be driven by other deformers so you'll have to experiment. You can use Push to deform a model and control the values with a weight map, which is like painting with vertex colors.

  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 19
    I won't say that i'm a fan boy or anything, i actually just want the best software that can possibly exist. I've professionally used max maya and xsi. I like the way xsi is going. I see them as having the most scalability of all the big softwares. Max being second but i don't think they stand a chance in the realm of scalability. Maya is just god fucking awful. It's like comparing web1.0 to web2.0.

    Little things that are frequently over looked.
    -entire interface is xml based. (check the interface with hiding panels)
    -Scripting Language
    • VBScript (the default)
    • JScript
    • PerlScript
    • Python ActiveX Scripting
    -Custom display host--> http://softimage.com/products/xsi/videos.aspx?video_id=10 (if you wanted to, you could load photoshop into the viewport)

    -gigapoly core--> http://softimage.com/products/xsi/videos.aspx?video_id=0 (I usually load all my zbrush models (5million +)in xsi and model over top with little slow down (amd 3000+ radeon 9800 1 gig ram)

    -Ultimapper--> http://softimage.com/products/xsi/videos.aspx?video_id=8 (best render to texture there is IMO)

    Others to watch in there: import zbrush, emboss geometry, tweak tool, shape manager, gator, motor and crosswalk.

    Sorry for hijacking a max2008 thread. There really is no benefit for me to tell anyone about xsi. I just honestly think that the majority of you would love it if you spent a little time with it.
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