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Unreal Tournament 3



  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    motz thats just crazy talk. It sounds like you are mad they are making the grafics better? Does it really bug you that much that you won't be able to turn the grafix up to 11.

    btw. some cool screen popping up over here:
    but be warned.. the grafics could be tricking you into buying it..
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    BTW if it crashes , the error/crash message seesm to be copied to the clipboard, so if you go in to wordpad or whatever, you can paste the error message.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Has any workarounds been posted for total machine locks/black screens? Not total in that the keyboard lights still respond. But even a soft power off is ignored... well not ignored. The Hard drive does respond, but then stops. Like its run out of virtual memory or something.

    First the screen locks up with the sound looping. Then the screen shuts off to nothing. Then your in limbo to a cold restart.

    Overheating Vid card? Memory leak in the game? Or just needs more optimization? (This happens about an hour into game play)
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Could be onboard sound (i've had hard bsods and crashes with full acceleration on ac'97 in UE2 games): Try going into dxdiag and turn sound acceleration to basic in the Sound tab.

    This might affect 4pt or more speaker setups (forcing 2 speakers) on some sound cards.
  • Mark Dygert
    I really like it, I wish it supported SLI or if it does I haven't figured out how to enable it. Or if it is enabled it's not doing much... I get some chop at the demo's max settings (mostly coming from the AI I think) so I'm a little worried how it will run at release. But even turned down its still classic fun with plenty of new twists and lots of awesome stuff to gawk over. Some of the art direction leaves me scratching my head. Some things are perfectly detailed and other things are really noisy and overly modeled.

    I wish I could get the Vaseline off my monitor...
    Seriously though, the bloom/blur/post processing crap is annoying when they really stick it in your face but for the most part its kept under control. Meh, one mans trash is another mans wallpaper so I'm sure more people will like it than don't. It hasn't annoyed me to the point that I've gone digging thru the settings looking for a way to turn it off.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Here is my logic broken down for people who aren't getting my point, Ill speak slowly so you can catch on. Considering I didn't insult it and just pointed out something, I don't think you needed to belittle me. Weather you know this or not Id like to mention to a prospective employer that I frequent the boards. If all they see are responses like you going off on me for no reason it hinders my rep. And no I really don't give a fuck who you are or what company you work for. It doesn't stop you from being out of line. I didn't insult the game, I questioned the validity of a demo where max settings would technically be false.

    Company A says here is an example of our game. Customer A says wow I can play on full settings on my comp, this is great. Company A releases game with the real art content. Customer A says hey wait wtf is this not running right on the same max settings as the demo. Customer A find out that the demo shipped with mid level art content. Customer is a bit irked they demoed something not par with the real game, BUT happy about the extra art content should he in the future buy better hardware.

    You forget how uninformed most of the consumer base is.

    How is that logic flawed per? I could care less about my frame rate if the demo was an example of full game performance at the same settings. 45 isn't bad, but it makes me what hardware you targeted. I am not wrong, I've had several people make that comment both online in matches and off line in observers. I'm pointing out what most of the user base will see. Notice I say I like the game, and I will buy it?

    Pull the sticks out of yer arses.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    per:communist :d

    motz:how do you only get 45 fps with a 8800gtx ? I get more than 100 with a 8800gts

    vig:you can remove the blur/bloom/nextgenbullcrap, just edit the UTEngine.ini that should be in your my documents/games/ut3/something folder.
    you can uncap the maxfps there too (which is how I manage to go above 100)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I think his point is that use of the word "max" is misleading.
    Yes they'll be able to run the same settings at the same performance, but it won't be "max" anymore, which will probably annoy some people.
    Doesn't bother me, but I can see Motz's point and I think you're just arguing for the sake of it, Per.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    haha, lamest complaint about a game ever

    "omg they're going to offer me more in the full game than the demo? WTF?"

    Secondly, come on man, you really shouldn't need this spelled out. If they included all the full rez assets in the demo, it'd probably be a 5 gig download.

    it's like he couldn't find anything reasonable to complain about so he thought and thought and thought and finally decided that maybe, somewhere, there's an idiot gamer that would actually be offended by this. Now, if they were including assets that were BETTER than what shipped, and the customer ended up buying a game that wasn't as high quality as the demo, then they would have a reason to be pissed. But getting irritated because the highest settings in the full game are twice as high as the demo? Come on, surely you have something better to do with your time than argue about this.

    Obviously I dont.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey guys it's not called 'max', but '5'. End of the argument! 5 stays 5, 10 will be nicer. Bah!

    Back on topic. I'm surprised no one mentionned the loading times - this is what struck me the most when trying the demo. 5 to 10 seconds to load a complete map! Sooo nice. I don't think I've seen such fast loadings screens in recents games, be it console or PC.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    Time to deviate!

    There should have been a notice on the installer or splash images for the main menu that said "BETA version; graphics not at full resolution" or something similar.

    On topic: i enjoy it so far and i cant wait to see the full version of it in action. the load times are also incredibly fast compared to other betas i have played in the past (BF2 anyone?).
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, it plays nice. Only the interface bugs me.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    Yup loads up super fast. How can Stranglehold be such a POS when UT3 runs this well? I tried online multiplayer last night and it was as fast as a bot match, awesome.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    What is up with that? Team Fortress 2 literally takes about 1:30 to load maps in comparison.

    Sometime Im going to raid my drives together since they are the sanme/make model.

    I wonder if its because its only having to load 1 character model type?
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Darkwalkers are bad ass. They make me want to build a bluff map with lots of step bluffs for walker combat and interconnecting passages for infantry.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    For those of you with crashing at startup, try to start the game and immediately set the cpu affinity to one single core. Helps out a lot of people I know.

    As for the textures...people do know the demo only shipped with the medium dtail level textures, right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, true, but this doesn't even look as good as UT2k4 on medium settings. A big part of the problem is the pallette. Everything is pretty washed out and dull. Also, is it just me, or does the game literally look like it's rendering in software mode in some ways? Something just doesn't look right to me.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but I got a black screen here until I upgraded my nvidia driver (as per the readme), thereafter smooth sailing.

    Great demo, kudos to Epic.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I know you want it too!

    Was quite surprized to see the game run okay on my computer. Time for plugin player models!

    Besides that anyone knows how to enable gamepad support? Yeah I know its gamepadareformoronsfastermoreprecisebetter with a mouse and keyboard but I am quite curious to check how it feels to play the game ps3-like ; with the correct difficulty settings and adjustements it could be good fun, esp for the vehicules and hoverboard. I've seen some gamepad related lines in the config files but the game does not seem to recognize a ps2 gamepad plugged via a USB adapter. Ideas?

    Cool demo.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I was finally able to get the game to run, although I didnt change anything, so...not sure why it bluescreened the first 3-4 times a few days ago.

    Looks good! I cranked the settings up to check out the max detail, although I guess I'll have to wait for the full release to see that. Some of the post processing I feel was overdone, but thats a minor issue.
    I love how when you're inside the hologram in Heat Ray the world blurs out after a certain radius. Neat effect.

    I confess I dont play multiplayer shooters, but love the aesthetic. Well done!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i was also quite surprised that the demo ran so well on my machine.
    but in CTF mode, where all the players and vehicles are colored over with red and blue shells? to me that says there's some essential breakdown in the visual design. why even bother with the beautiful, intricate art assets you have for player and vehicle assets, when 99% of the time they'll be seen as red and blue silhouettes? something's wrong. all that stuff about designing unique silhouettes and easily identifiable colors... if you're doing a HUD overlay on all characters and vehicles, then i think it's time to go back to the drawing board.
    this looks like the first entry i won't be buying; well, i won't say that just yet. the upgraded Conquest Mode could still be a lot of fun.
    though this entry seems so set on that kind of retro fun that i'm personally not really interested in anymore--unlike a lot of people, i'm going to credit that as a personal
    change of interest, not a fault of the UT series.

    i've got an 8800 on my work machine, but the demo crashed on start... i'd be really curious to see what the full game/texture res looks like on it.

    Hawkprey did some of the most kickass concepts for this game, but unlike Gears i don't see a lot of that love coming through in this demo... maybe i need to be playing it on my widescreen tv like Gears to appreciate it? oh someone help me, i'm turning into a full-fledged console gamer, noooooo! laugh.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    I'm gonna have to have a little moan about some of the texture and shader work. Whatever the texture rez, there's this downright strange extreme high contrast, high noise silvery look to everything, that really hurts my eyes at times. Its worse in some maps than others, but sometimes the noise is so intense you cant tell the floor from the walls. There's a distinctly multiplied, procedural feel to a lot of it too. Not the best use of detail and normal maps that I've seen in a game tbh, which is weird considering what pioneers epic were of some of this tech. Having fun playing it though.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    At first I was really really let down by the game. Probably because my expectations for it were so high (graphically and gameplay wise) but after playing it for the past couple days I'm really starting to like it. Think I'm going to pre-order it and pray the graphics are somewhat better in the retail!
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    why even bother with the beautiful, intricate art assets you have for player and vehicle assets, when 99% of the time they'll be seen as red and blue silhouettes? something's wrong.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know, and the only ones who go for simplified graphics are "professional" players, and motion sickness victims frown.gif I get that argument all the time for my own stuff since I personally despise the abuse of picmip/vertexlight since it makes the game look ugly.

    This could be discussed as a seperate issue in a new thread on trying to make good art while dealing with the competitive gaming public. Could be interesting to see why they absolutely must play like it's 1991 on hardware like the Geforce8800.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    hehe I remember doing that in quake 3 : r_picmip 5 and vertex lighting or something. Makes the characters really easy to spot cause the shadows arent so harsh and there arent so many confusing shapes in the environment textures. The graphics in these latest games is sooo beautiful though that I would feel really bad doing that.
  • eld
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    awful laugh.gif in another time, stories like this were told in two-liners on the backside of a game cover which you never read anyway. and for the better it was.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Gears of Tournament!
  • Mansir
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    Mansir polycounter lvl 18
    Jeesh.. it's looks beautiful but man, can they put every cliche action movie line in there?

    I was waiting for "I've only got 2 days left until retirement, lets do this!"
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Someone forgot to tell the marketing department that you don't try to sell an Unreal Tournament game on its storyline...
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    I dont care about story, i only want to shoot stuff! wink.gif

    The UT3 site was updated
    A lot of nice Concepts, especially the robots designs are awesome.
  • Scott_W
    The latest beta nvidia drivers (released for the Crysis demo) have native support for antialiasing in UT3. Just go to the UT3 profile in the driver options, set your overides, and play! I've only tested this on an 8800 card; I don't know if it works on the 7 series. It gives me all sorts of new fuzzy feelings about the engine >:)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I see they are showing some of the UT3 characters on the website now. is it just me or does jester look like jessica alba? hehe
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Ha, i thought the same Ged! laugh.gif
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