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Trying to put together a portfolio, need advice

Joseph Silverman
polycounter lvl 17
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Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
I don't wanna write too huge of a post, so I'll keep this quick:

I want freelance game art work, doing pretty much anything. I want a portfolio that might get me hired, and realized I'll never get anywhere unless I start with something. I found a bunch of old/new art which is vaguely presentable, and before I put a website together I would love advice as to what:

-1 Is worth keeping
-2 Is worth refining
-3 Needs to be thrown out
-4 What kind of things I should add
-5 In the case of the highpoly stuff, should I make lowpoly/normal/textured stuff out of it, put it in as is, or get rid of it?

For props, I've got:

For characters, I have:

Should I bulk up on environment work?

I seriously want to get hired someday, so be honest. crazy.gif

(first sculpt is from arshbust, wouldn't wanna use that without giving credit)


  • Mark Dygert
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    1) Its all worth keeping

    2) if by refining you mean finishing then yes.

    3) Ashbust = great for practice. BUT having to comment out that your work was based off another's (even as much work as you did to it) is still a tiny black mark in my eyes. It will help if you post a link to an image of the ashbust so they can see how much work you did. Really since it isn't textured, isn't baked into a low poly and more than likely not unwrapped AND based on someone elses work I would chuck it, unless you finish it off.

    Unfinished work is another black mark. Does this guy not like to finish what he starts? Does he only work when inspiration hits? Does he stop working once he finds something better to work on?

    4) For environment art I would work on a few drop dead amazing scenes that show off composition, the props and your sense of lighting. For characters I would show more finished characters, rigged and in different poses always helps but is just gravy on the cake most of the time.

    5) Finish what you start. More than likely they won't contract you just to bang out high poly sculptures all day long (I doubt that sweet of a gig exists and if it does its in house). They want finished assets and you shouldn't make them guess as to what your finished products will look like.

    Some of the images are so tiny its hard to comment on, make sure that doesn't happen to the site. It might be a good idea to get a simple 3 point lighting set up going and render out all your final images in that same setup. It will help keep a consistent site look as well as let them grade each model on the same playing field.

    good luck you have some great stuff, some really good talent and if you can pull off a good portfolio you should be in good shape =)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    worth keeping:
    4l95y5s.jpg = 2. 3. (strong pieces)

    worth refining:
    4l95y5s.jpg = 1. 4.
    4hm4nec.jpg = 3.

    needs to be thrown out:
    4hm4nec.jpg (not up to snuff)

    what kinds of things I should add:
    [ QUOTE ]
    I want freelance game art work, doing pretty much anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    add that which you want to be doing. (pretty much anything) so in otherwords, either make more awesome weapons or make anything other than a weapon. ... uh yeah.

    i think you do have talent, you can model and texture, but your work needs to display these abilities. you need to decided if you should begin to develop your strengths or weaknesses and what those benefits are.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Alright, both of you, thanks. smile.gif
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