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I need some help ,please help me,thank you!

polycounter lvl 11
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darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
Thanks for all dude,i have one questions,please help me.( if this thread is

irrelevantly,please delete it,thanks)

i am yuteng zhang,works in game industry for many times.for those years,i get

many helped form polycount,thanks for all people again.

in here,i just wanna ask one question,i am a chinese,live in china,i think

everybody know china is an very low price 's country.i have a plan for a

verylong times,i wanna create a art studio( outsource).and i want to looking for

someworks from any large game company or publisher.oh,i don't mean i need find

any business form here,i just only wanna find some"way".

so,If any dude have some good ideal,please help me,how will i start it?and what

can i do this?

i think the first i need make DemoReal.and then i need send E-mail to any

company or publisher.yes,i do,and i really need hear from everybody,i need your


thank you,thank you verymuch,and please pardon my poor English.


  • darth.perry
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    darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
    It's really,really wasn't a business thread,just only wanna get some help......thanks......
  • Pedro Amorim
    i think i had a stroke reading your post
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know where in China you are, but there are a few cities that have IGDA meetings. It would be a good place to get some help on your business idea and hear the experience of others who have attempted such.


    Look under Asia-Pacific
  • darth.perry
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    darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
  • darth.perry
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    darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
    Does anybody have more suggestions?please,thanks.......
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    i think i had a stroke reading your post

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because he's not too good with english? That hardly seems fair, intelligent, or whatsoever relevant to his question.

    Perry: I can't really offer much help, aside from seconding oxynary, but could you try and specify a bit more clearly what you're asking? You want advice on how to start an art outsourcing company in china, targeting large western game developers?
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Edit:: Post suffered from half asleep, sick grumpiness. confused.gif
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    I think your first hurdle if you want to do work with american companys is either hire someone to translate, or spend some time bettering your english. working remote means even more communication over the phone or the internet.

    Beyond that, get a good portfolio and demo reel and just start shopping around.
  • Pedro Amorim
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i think i had a stroke reading your post

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because he's not too good with english? That hardly seems fair, intelligent, or whatsoever relevant to his question.

    Perry: I can't really offer much help, aside from seconding oxynary, but could you try and specify a bit more clearly what you're asking? You want advice on how to start an art outsourcing company in china, targeting large western game developers?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what just happened in here?
    am in in the twilight zone?
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    I’ve worked with a few Outsourcing companies in the past. My biggest suggestion is communication, communication, communication. You are going to need someone who speaks, writes, and understands perfect English. This isn’t just for sales, and getting new jobs, but also to translate feedback you are going to be receiving from your clients. One of the biggest breakdowns I have seen is when client feedback has to make it all the way to the guys actually pushing the polygons and they speak different languages.
  • Mark Dygert
    humm I smell a troll...

    Oh well troll or not here's my 2 cents:
    Perhaps the term you should use is "off site contractor" instead of overseas outsourcing? Many people react negatively to the term overseas outsourcing and using it might close more doors than it opens. As mojokey pointed out if you are thinking of starting up an outsourcing company you'll need to work on your communication skills.

    If you focus on doing contract work like textures, models, animations then I think you should call yourself an off site contractor and drop the outsource title. It would be easier to find work with less than perfect communication skills but don't expect the company to do all the translating for you, that is part of your job. Good luck I admire your ambition, even if I loath overseas outsourcing.

    Look bitmap is bleedin' Polycount Piranha ATTACK!
  • Pedro Amorim
    musttttt noottt posttt kitttehh
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    bitmap: if you can't actually contribute to helping this guy, go post in another thread. please.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    kub representing with the claws!

    Most of what was said here is great advice, I'm not that knowledgeable with starting up an outsourcing company, but our studio has worked with some before. All of which were non-English speaking countries and the hardest part was the communication. Pick up a few English lessons or get an interpreter/translator, you won't regret it.
    Also what oXYnary mentioned is a great idea! You're guaranteed to get some exposure through that.

  • Pedro Amorim
  • Mark Dygert
    go limp and play dead I hear it hurts less... heh
  • darth.perry
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    darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you very much, in this message inside I felt like warm friend, I make bad English, I can not help restore every one of my friends, but in any case, thank you all.

    What I want to say is that I do not have great ambitions, I have also been released here works,also find some outsourcing work, and get a good return, although not many, but for me, I can pay in China is very rich. I think everyone will have close friends, who I have a lot of art in the development of the game artists, but they endure hard work with very low payment. I just want to find some way to help those people around me, that's it.

    Even, I hope only to find a big company, get some more work opportunities for friends to get some fair compensation, That's enough. I could not bear all of my close friends, only 120 US dollars monthly payment!yes, only 120 US dollars per month.

    Once I was told. Let me pick up in a personal way to get some freelance works, and then allocated to other people,
    but I think this is dishonest, I hate cheating.

    Once again, thank you all, I will try hard to be around people will be able to better opportunities, thank you.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Darth,

    Glad we could help. I'm curious, we have had people here claim that 3d artists in China have a higher income than many others in China. Is $120 above the average and is it a livable income where you are at? Or can your friends only barely survive/pay rent?

    I understand your English may make it hard for you to understand what I ask and reply. But any insites you can offer from first hand experience would be appreciated. I thinks its something we all need to understand here.

  • darth.perry
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    darth.perry polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you, oXYnary,and,please call me perry:)
    can not be denied, many outstanding Chinese artists can be very high

    reward, however, will be limited to certain areas, such as Shanghai, or China's

    capital - Beijing.
    However, very regrettably, I live in a city called Tianjin, the level of

    economic development is not good, and devoid of the game development

    environment. My friends have all kinds of reasons not to leave their home. Of

    course, for us, 120 US dollars can barely survive, because we here very low

    level of consumption, but those salary and works disproportionately, I often

    think, even if they can get 500 or 600 US dollars per month income, but ...

    ofcuz,we aren't beggar,We can work.

    thanks again.
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