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Meet the best iPods ever.

polycounter lvl 18
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jam polycounter lvl 18


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    8gb for $299? Ouch.
    It's cool that it's got internet and all that, but still. That's a hefty price for such small storage.

    I've got 9gb of music sitting on my work PC right now, and another 15GB at home. A paltry 8gb for that price seems steep.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah thats a bit much to say the least, for $300 i expect atleast 40 or 60 gigs. But obviously they arent marketing to people who want the most memory for their money, they already have those products. They want the wankers who just want to have the prettiest new piece of crap to brag about.
  • jgarland
    It feels like Apple is really just grasping at straws here. They're churning out new iPods every other month, and there's no real innovation. The touch-screen is a nice feature, but is it really practical? It seems gimmicky, to me. I'd much rather have an iPod classic, given the extra storage space and cheaper price tag.

    They either need to stop changing the formula, or start making real innovations. The buzz that once surrounded the iPod has died down, and I can't see it coming back unless they've got something really impressive up their sleeves.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Erm. The new nano looks...childish. And the new colors aren't that amazing either. I guess this is Apple's version of marketing, "You better go out and buy it before we make it look like crap!" I also like how its "Newly Redesigned". Umm...doesn't redesigned imply a new design (ignoring the fact that it borrows from the iPod Mini's design). -_-
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    It feels like Apple is really just grasping at straws here. They're churning out new iPods every other month, and there's no real innovation. The touch-screen is a nice feature, but is it really practical? It seems gimmicky, to me. I'd much rather have an iPod classic, given the extra storage space and cheaper price tag.

    They either need to stop changing the formula, or start making real innovations. The buzz that once surrounded the iPod has died down, and I can't see it coming back unless they've got something really impressive up their sleeves.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd argue quite the opposite actually, and I am in no way an Apple fanboy. In fact I think I have owned one Apple product in my entire life (a G3 mac). Apple seems, at least to me, to be one of the few companies that actually tries to innovate and capture new audiences. Look at all the other MP3 player companies. None of them try to innovate or add anything new to their products. The most innovation I have seen anytime recently was in the Zune, and most of that was only done half assed (WiFi that is basically useless, a big screen that is low resolution).

    The real reason I praise them is because they usually bring something new to the market, and then all of the other companies end up trying to keep up and have to charge less than Apple. That way it keeps all the other companies on their toes and keeps their prices at a decent level.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    While most people already know my dislike of Apple (and I live only a few miles from their HQ, yay)... the amount of damned "news" flooding tech sites I frequent every time Steve Jobs farts out a new damn gadget is beyond bearable. It's a goddamned media player... there's hundreds of them on the market, many for a lot less and offering a lot more storage, and honestly the ipod / phone interface was never that revolutionary or for that matter convenient. Really, people need to get over the whole Apple deal... it's the WoW of the gadget market. confused.gif
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    While most people already know my dislike of Apple (and I live only a few miles from their HQ, yay)... the amount of damned "news" flooding tech sites I frequent every time Steve Jobs farts out a new damn gadget is beyond bearable. It's a goddamned media player... there's hundreds of them on the market, many for a lot less and offering a lot more storage, and honestly the ipod / phone interface was never that revolutionary or for that matter convenient. Really, people need to get over the whole Apple deal... it's the WoW of the gadget market. confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted for truth.

    I was hoping the ipod touch would actually have decent memory not an iphone without the phone part.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    All products are not made equal.

    It's like drawing a comparison between a Ford Lincoln and a Merc. Sure you could argue that you get all the same luxuries and features for the fraction of msrp of the Benz. Newsflash! People like branding and people will pay for a premium badge. Because branding is very appealing and the badge says "expensive". The Ipod brand has saturated the market so well that most competent manufactuerers are offering ipod connectivity with their automobiles.

    What's more puzzling is that there will be many who are either bitter because they are broke, or just too cheap to dish out the cash for premium products. Which is fine, until they open their mouth and unleash their verbal diarrhea.

    There's surely a lot to like about the Ipods. Utilitarian sleek design, smooth interface and certainly it's got the badge for those who really like to look up to date. You pay quite the premium for style and it doesnt look like i, personally will dish out for an ipod just yet, but guess what ... Noone forces you to buy one, so get over it.

    More on topic.

    It seems like Apple wants to maintain the ipod in a certain price bracket, otherwise it would come too close to the Iphone. At the same time the low memory capacity somewhat offsets the expensive touchscreen display. Luckily the Classic looks like quite a nice deal, which is most likely what most people will purchase. Perhaps their 2nd iteration of the Ipod Touch will be positioned more competitively.
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah arguing price point on something like this is a bit retarded. Think of it the same with video cards, do you buy the $700 brand new one? Or the $300 version that performs %85-90 as good. Now most sensible people will get the non extreme high end product, in this case jsut the classic ipod, or an older ipod if thats what they want. But there definately is a good share of people that will buy the most expensive product the offer, just beacuse thats what it is. Of course apple will market to these people, they would be fucking retarded if they didnt, and yeah of course people will still mostly buy the classic, but they will sell a shitton of these too.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I am going to design a Gpod... it's going to be excuslive and expensive as shit ... $5000 for 12mb of memory, made of platinum and diamonds. Only 10 will be made each year!

    I'm gonna be rich smile.gif
  • greenj2
    If I were an apple/ipod enthusiast this might be something like the holy grail 2.0. Personally though I want a media player to be just that. Give me an assload of storage, a simple mp3 drag and drop interface with my PC and I'm happy. I'm currently using a 40gb brick of an iRiver and probably won't upgrade until it explodes.

    Also, iTunes is ass.

    (Mark me down for one of those diamond/platinum bad-boys Fuse.) wink.gif
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Haha sorry, 50cent got all the preorders frown.gif
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    The ipod touch looks cool. Handheld wifi connection..
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    So...there will be no more iPods after this?
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I am going to design a Gpod... it's going to be excuslive and expensive as shit ... $5000 for 12mb of memory, made of platinum and diamonds. Only 10 will be made each year!

    I'm gonna be rich smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only made of platinum and diamonds? pffff.. laugh.gif
    My new uPhone will be armor-encased in depleted uranium and will be powered by its own portable mini nuclear reactor. Now you wont have to worry about damaging your phone when you drop it, nor ever having to send it back for a battery replacement. Prices start at 10 bajillion dollars, not including warranty and service contract.
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