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Warhammer table top armies?

polycounter lvl 19
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Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
I ordered the Battle for Skull Pass box yesterday along with an extra box of night goblins (so I can convert the spider riders into night goblins) and some fanatics. This is my first army besides my half finished Blood Angels that I played 2 games with back in college.

I was just wondering if anyone else plays and what kind of armies they have?


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Night goblins are awesome, as are spider riders.
    I used to have a whole bunch of Warhammer Fantasy Orcs & Goblins (mostly orcs with some goblins, a dragon and a bunch of boar riders and wolf riders). They were fun to paint, I played a few games against friends now and then but it was generally too time-consuming and in-depth to arrange that sort of thing.

    My brother had a whole bunch of High Elves, I think those (along with my old Orcs) are still somewhere in the basement at my parents' house.

    I always liked the Lizardmen models, I had a Slann priest (that model is awesome, will have to look for it!) and the big triceratops-style thing. Also had a Greater Daemon of Nurgle, that was fun to paint :O

    In the end I stopped buying them because they got too expensive and my paints all dried up due to lack of use :P

    There's a Games Workshop store just down the road from where I work though, every now and then I look in the window to see what's new, they always have nice displays of the models painted up to a high standard.

    I feel like I'll probably buy one of the nicer models soon just to get some painting practise back in, I always enjoyed doing that, especially on the more detailed and impressive miniatures. Some of them make good desk-top toy placements smile.gif
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I must get some
    They can chill with my russian soldiers
    Warhammer figurines are awesome
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    I used to paint alot of them a few years ago, eeven won one of them golden demons. haven´t touched them since thoughe tongue.gif
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    I'll have to see if i can take some pics sometime, i'm hella proud of my Warhammer work =]

    i have a complete 5000 pt High elf army, and an "in the works" 3000pt Chaos undevided army. the high elf army focuses on infantry, mainly Lothern sea guard (very useful in a fix, thanks to being able to use 2 ranks of spearmen, and a rank of archers as and when needed). i have a converted high elf lord on foot, who i place in my army with a unit of white lions, and the close combat specialists of choice are the swordmasters of hoeth, i love their ability to use different fighting styles =] if i'm fighting anyone particularly nasty, i'll take phoenix guard for their fearless attributes.
    i do have other lords which i take, but they are standard models, no real conversion at all.

    the Chaos army is going to be used in conjunction with the previous ruleset (part of a private tournament we'll be having here in MK), and will be as beardy as i can get away with. for example, by giving my chaos lord some magic armour, mounting him on a barded steed, and give him a shield, he now has a 1+ save. with a 4+ warded save against anything.

    feel free to bring on the goblins, anything with strength 3 or less, can't even force him to make an armour save (in the previous ruleset, rolling a 1 didn't mean failure on a 1+ save). BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA.

    i've always seen my 3d art as a step forward from my warhammer converting/painting... only problem is, my painting looks much better than any of my 3d work ever does haha.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah those Chaos guys can really be assholes in a fight, their armour save is ridiculous, even just the regular warriors!

    Some funny tactic I found when playing against them, though, is to field several small-ish units of Night Goblins, and place as many Fanatics in each unit as possible - they only come out when within a certain distance, and with 3 chances are one or two of them will go in the right direction and really break some heads ... I think they ignore armour save or something, gotta pass a 6+ or you lose one guy smile.gif

    That way a goblin force can really put a stronger unit to the test - will they avoid the goblin unit or risk getting smashed? Tactical! smile.gif
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    yea, fanatics are kinda strong
    a girl at the gaming club I went to had an entire army based on squigs/fanatics. there was like a 50% chance that the army would totally crush the opponent and a 50% chance that the army would destroy itself tongue.gif
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I got a 1480pt 40karmy from a guy at work on the condition that I use it and don't sell it. I've played 4 games of 40k so far (we had a tournament today so three of my games were today:)I won a game!) Even getting the army for free I've dropped $70 on this game and am planning on spending more before I even get to buying my own army stuff (I need armybuilder and blast templates!).

    The game is wicked fun to play though, and I love the detail on the sculpts. The army I inherited came pre-painted by the guy who gave it to me and I want to repaint it - it's an awesome paintjob but I feel the need to make it my own.

    This game is ridiculously cool.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    fanatics are freaking awsome. (that's why i enjoy the 4+ ward save).

    i've always found the most deadly special character in the game was the skaven deathmaster sniktch (i think?) as he not only had 2 special items which made him practically invisible any time you wanted, and could allow him to appear anywhere on the battlefield. but he was allowed to take another item of your choice.

    frostblade = instant kill.

    there are plenty of high powered characters out there, but he was just badass.

    my favorite army to play in 40k was Eldar, they were just so versatile. i do have a large khorne army too, it was like, a whole army of berzerkers, a full squad of aspiring champions with a chaos lord of khorne, all armed with axes of khorne and pistols is LETHAL in close combat.

    if you assault, you get 4 attacks each, with strength of 5 (mark of khorne), power weapons, and any to hit rolls of a 6 give you another roll. you can tear through any unit with one assault.

    genestealers pose a problem if they strike first though...
  • seantree
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    seantree polycounter lvl 18
    got a dwarf army box along with the skull pass set. Sitting here checkin my email everyday for a beta inv to the mmo, but I guess its not in the cards. lol. Anyway, I love the stunties with the skaven coming in second. Gotta love warp snuff addicted ratmen. I'll prob start a skaven army when the new army book comes out, if its not already. I haven't kept up with the updates lately.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i love the way the Warhammer story has progressed... i just don't like the new ruleset as much as the last. the up-side, is that you focus more on troops and less on over powered characters as they die too quickly.

    the downside is that the game seems to have lost its "epic" feel. i know it's marketing and they wanted to move people over to warmaster to keep that feel, but i still feel a little robbed, and don't enjoy the game as much with the new rules.

    i can't wait for the next chaos incursion though. i can't believe Archaon lost, to a greenskin of all things!!! then again, he did almost anihilate the empire first...
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    A few of us at work are putting together Warhammer Fantasy armies. One guy's got High Elves, another's playing Vampire Counts, another Skaven, another Bretonnians, and I'm painting Orcs 'n' Goblins. None of us are quite up to fielding an army yet -- still struggling toward 500 points! -- but it's tons of fun to talk army lists, and what we understand to be the rules (most of us never having played), and comparing painting efforts and such.

    I have ... most of a unit of Night Goblins painted. That's all. wink.gif
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Oh god, I used to play the hell outta some Warhammer.

    My friend who played the Undead (back when it was just one army) would summon units of like 5 skeletons right next to my goblin units, just to draw out the fanatics....bastard undead. Honestly I'm glad to hear the game has taken a step back from the super powered characters. Nagash was the most rediculous thing to ever stumble out of the GW designers minds. I only won against an army lead by him once, and it was because I landed a catapult shot right on his big boney head. Unfortunatly most of my minis have either been given to younger counsins, left with friends or simply lost in the couple of moves that have been made since. When I went away to college I pretty much stopped as I didn't know anyone who played, there wasn't room...and I discovered partying crazy.gif

    However recently I've been thinking about getting back into it, as I really did enjoy painting the minis, playing the game, and the whole style and feel of the Warhammer world. Still don't have anyone to play with though...gotta look around at some hobby shops and see if they have a weekly game day/night. Nowadays I actually have the money to buy the models I want too!

    On a side note I think one of the best games Games Workshop ever made was Necromunda. I think the only reason they discontinued it was because you didn't need to by a mints worth of minis to play it...which was the good thing from my perspective. I loved the style and concept of the game, the persistent characters and RPG style character upgrades, the looting of enemys territories, the individulized equiping of each gang memeber. Plus the models were awesome. House Cawdor was my baby. >:-) BURN THE INFIDELS!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    oh sure i don't mind stepping away from uber characters (although some of the special characters are still pretty damned beardy). i just don't like the fact that in doing so, it's almost taken away the spirit of the game. i mean, epic dueling when after 5 turns your leaders finally make it into combat etc.

    Nagash wasn't SO bad... i remember the Lord of Change special character, Amon Cha'kai, who was just... stupid lol, greater deamons are bad enough as they are, but a special character?!

    Undead were never a problem for me as high elves, under the previous ruleset there was a spell called Assault of stone; basically it allowed you to move any terrain piece on the board. if it collided with a unit or model, it dealt 3d6 hits of strength 9 damage. which, if cast properly, could kill any vampire/necromancer in the game, and cause the army to crumble to dust. cheating a bit? probably, but that's why the spell no longer exists hahaha.

    now that the story has progressed, and Malekith has hatched a clutch of black dragon eggs, i'm looking forward to seeing if any more of the dragons of caledor will wake up to confront them.
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