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Goblin Warrior

dj snyder
polycounter lvl 14
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dj snyder polycounter lvl 14
This'll be my first try at modelling a human (with pointy ears anyway). So far I've just been working on the body...the neck area's proving a huge hassle. mvelasquez gave me some ideas, but if any of you guys have suggestions I'd be glad to hear them...this is rough going wink.gif


this isn't a concept per se, but if I hadn't drawn it I probably wouldn't have decided to do the model:

i'll probably use it as a reference for the face, at least.



  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 18
    looks like a great start, a nice base mesh for sculpting if you plan to go that route, the only nit pick I have is you may want to even out the poly distribution just a tad on the collarbone bone area just so you have more uniformly sized polys

    Also the the deltoids look a little small in comparison to the rest of proportions on this character

    keep up the good work!
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Fix the bicep like i told you, it should be one section and merge into the forearm (right now it looks like it has a 2nd joint). Maybe pull out verts at the back to make the lats stand out slightly.

    I'd move the verts between the pecs so his upper chest doesnt look like plated armor wink.gif.

    WHAT I THINK: you should make a generic head and then create your concept, it's good practice and will give you a nice basemesh to work from in the future.

    Keep going!
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    this looks fine. it's strange that you've posted a concept that is only a head, and a model that is only a body.

    i personally wouldn't offer many comments regarding the model for two reasons:

    1.) it's not fully realized.

    2.) it's not at a stage where it's ready to be talked about, unless there is something specific that is preventing you from moving forward.

    if you're looking for encouragement, you have it. keep going. what you have is okay. continue forward with what you have until you actually have something to show.
  • dj snyder
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    dj snyder polycounter lvl 14
    mainly I just wanted to make sure I was putting the polygons in the right places--I don't have much experience with this at all


  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    your mesh is looking good and clean, i don't like the idea of throwing a goblin head on a human body. it just kinda seems like a tacked on idea.
  • dj snyder
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    dj snyder polycounter lvl 14
    Well, I've got a pretty good idea of what I want it to look like--I think the skin'll do a lot towards tying it together.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    guy on the concept look like devil more, than the goblin itself; maybe the way, all about horns.
  • dj snyder
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    dj snyder polycounter lvl 14
    yeah, I've been debating whether to give the model guy horns.

    you think i should?
  • Carl Brannstrom
    You should put the thumb more in the palm of the hand... Or how should I explain..

    If you are going to bend or twist the thumb as you have modelled it now, the whole hand will be deformed.
  • dj snyder
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    dj snyder polycounter lvl 14
    I don't follow, sorry D:

    could you maybe draw a picture?
  • Carl Brannstrom

    I hope you understand haha.

    Look at your own hand. Try to model this "triangle" and make the thumb go slight downwards. On your model, the thumb is going straight out of the side of the hand. That will result in that the hand will look really weird if the hand is gripping something or bending the thumb...
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah try to give the hand a more natural pose wink.gif
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