I've had the concept on HDD for a year. Always wanted to make a model for it, but never got started.
Anyway, made a quick mesh today. Hopefully I can do a highres in mudbox for normal maps, but my laptops b*tch slapping me x).
First pic. Concept&mesh.
:edit- The concept is "surprice" a blade forged cold. As the blade gets warmer towards the handle, the iron cracks and twist.
for some reason when I look at it I kind of want some of the debris part (right where it stops being so icy and turns kinda ashy) to cover the icy part so it could shine/glow through.. I'm basically thinking of a couple planes scaled out just a tad bit from the blade right where it goes ashy.
but thats just me and I probably explained it like shit!
anyway, looks good!
The model was kinda rushed. If I move forward with normalmapping, I'll probably redo the mesh aswell.
True, the edge should probably be more defined.
The shredded look isnt very well displayed in the current model, kinda bulky blocked out.
Ill make it a wip, more updates comming (need sleep Zzz).
Dig it.
So no mudbox for moir, instead I made the normal maps etc. in PS.
Blade still looks like a popsicle, but wtf >D. Enjoy
I tried tweaking the ice idear a lil, basically just working with the transparacy and normal/spec. Want a decent thickness to the blade, while still looking sharp.
they seriously need to hire some better designers. hope to see the final product.
Also the blade is a bit too smooth. I feel like if it's an ice blade that it needs to show a lot of flat, jagged edges...I don't mean like on every surface of the blade...but I just think it's a bit too smooth and clear at the moment
Don't get me wrong, this is probably the coolest weapon ive seen in a long time, and I also don't even know how an Ice blade WOULD look, so my critique could be wrong
I just dont think it really has the true feel of an ice blade
Gonna try modifying some of the parts towards the crits. Will probably add a sheath to seal off the project.
@ironbearxl - I'll do a 360 when its all fin .
@Marshal Banana/Laheen - Ye both crazyy, craaazy.
@MatOaf - Hehe, I would have entered but didnt know. Never played GW, and mmorps generally take up waaay to much spare time... I should know
@DarthRevanII - Thanks for the crits m8. I know the fusion between the two halves are a lil too sudden, bounchfx mentioned adding debris further out. Originally the blade wasnt made of ice, but rather super cooled iron (twisting/flaking/cracking as it got warmer towards the handle). Was hoping the blades smoothness would draw attention towards the jagged edge, giving that sharp look. I'll see what I can do =D.
@oobersli - Would probably look awesome, especially with some diffuse refractions showing the underlying sword, maby another project xD