Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

White and Black :

Ok im' so so troll sometimes ...
and i'm so so so bad at 3D art , that i'm gonna
Black and White crazy.gif


Thanks people for your last critique on my marine : very constructive smile.gif

Now do you think the style is ok for an indie and fun game action (even if i haven't done lots of 2D art researhc one more time blush.gif ) ?


  • indian_boy
    maybe u shoulda just put this on ur cartoon marine thread? and wait.. is it just me, or is that 2d? stick to 3d man! even if u spend two hours a day [thats what i do] you'll improve over time like i did! [or so i've been told laugh.gif]
  • TheExpert
    no it's really 3D :


    Ok so , you are sayong it's too poor even for an indie game ?
    So i should definitively forget cartoon textures or bla,ck and white and try again something more realistic/colored ?
  • indian_boy
    nono... u heard/red me wrong. sorry. i was under the impression that its 2d splines cuz of the outline [oopsies]. show the wire?
  • Jaco
    Offline / Send Message
    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    The arms are thicker and bigger than the legs, the neck hole is also too large. Concentrate on proportions first (he has the proportions of an ape, not a man at the moment smile.gif ) use some reference images and keep practising.
  • conte
    Offline / Send Message
    conte polycounter lvl 18
    2indian boy, 2d splines?
  • indian_boy
    no i meant... dammit imma make a fool of myself. i thought it was a shape made of lines/planes with alpha. gun me down. i've been saying splines nurbs and polygons 500 times a day to kids who don't listen to instructors the first time lol. owrds aren't coming to me atm. id call diffuse maps normal maps if i was typing fast lol.

    so what i was trying to say was: it looked 2d.
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    yea, basically Indian meant it was made in a 3D modelling program, but the model was "flat"...like a plane

    at least he was trying to say it appeared that way at first
  • indian_boy
    thank you Darth!

    i thought i was typing gibberish. How much sleep should an average person get again? i think i have too much sugar in me. Freezies are so nummy!
  • TheExpert
    JAco : i know i haven't used any reference pic: i've retouched proportions a little , but still perhaps not good confused.gif !

    Here si the wires :


    And the proportions retouched a little and texturing from the back side now :

  • DarthRevanII
    Offline / Send Message
    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    Arms seem a tad bit long, try shorten'n em up a bit
    Try standing up and put your arms at your side, a mirror might help with this. Try and see where your fingertips stop when your arms are relaxed. When your arms are at your side, they should be halfway down your thigh, just below your crotch

    Now either before or after doing that, do what I described with your model, and see how far down it goes. I'd almost bet on it that they are too long

    Also what kind of helmet is he going to have? or what kind of head rather. On these two threads you have made I noticed you haven't attempted to make a head or helmet, why not?
  • TheExpert
    I know i should have used this :


    For the head , i know head modeling in low poly :
    Warcraft 3 Style smile.gif
    In medium i'm not strong and prefer to use some retopology tool and do a head from a hight res done in Blender sculpting tools !

    I'll do the head soon , the helmet : perhaps a little futurist or today one !
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