I wanted to ask what is the best way to texture a racetrack?
At the moment Im struggling to put skid marks and other track markings on the track with out using masks. How would this normally be done in a racing game? Its the same for the terrain. Would things like vertex colour blending be used or is just maps? Looking at games like flatout 2, using just maps to blend in all those details on the ground would need alot of maps.

I included this image as a example the tire marks i mean.
And this is my track so far.

Its early but the track issue has been bugging me.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Decals, or multilayer materials. Each layer can use the same geo but different uvs, so you get one set of tileing track textures and another set of skidmarks.
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I think this is how I was going to do it when I was planning my track project. After playing Forza 2 I might just revisit that project.
As for the tyre marks, decals are usually the best bet to keep the polycount/fillrate low, while still adding in what you need. It also means you can make them as sharp or soft as you want/need.
about decals, the most efficient way would be packing different "grooves" next to each other in one texture. and then have all decal strips be the same mesh but have uv shifted to pick one of the grooves. the grooves could still tile vertically, to compensate reptition in longer trails.
for "fade in & out" of a trail you could use vertex alpha again for the end&start edge.
on a sidenote, if that track is dynamically "vertex lit", you might want to cut that big poly in front of the tunnel into smaller ones that have a more "even" distributed triangles. else you will get shading artefacts. (actually you should see those in the viewport, too). Though ignore if you manually bake light into vertices or a lightmap
ok bit of an update, been playing with the decails and haven't quiet got the hang of it but am getting there. i was using strips of tire marks for the straights and corners, but found that i needed lots of polys on the corner peices to prevent warping, so i have created a seperate decal for the corners.
Some thing look weird with the scale in the scene at the moment, any thoughts?
Also, add some more segments to your curves. Those are looking very chunky right now.
I'd recommend getting down on track level, and working on making the stuff on and near the road surface as good as possible. This is where you need the most detail. If you're using Max, put a camera on a path to drive the stretch, and use walkthrough mode to look around a lot, from the perspective of the player. Once the stuff near the track is looking solid, move your way out further from the track, where objects do not need to be as detailed.
A lot of our tracks on Forza and Forza 2 look kind of odd if you take screenshots of them from 50 meters above them. The entire game is meant to look best from the player's perspective, so as we tested stuff this is where we'd like to view stuff from.
And people have got it right with the multi-texturing + decals. You absolutely have to use multi-texturing to break up the huge expanses of tiling terrain, gravel traps, road surfaces, etc. Whether you're doing this with vertex blending or alpha maps depends on the game. We mostly used large area alpha maps for the games that I've worked on.
@ toomas - I was approuching the model as only making this section, i could maybe some strong visual clues like a tv camera stand tower on the opposite side of the main stand ect.... hmmm
@ Ryno - cool post, got me think alot. so far i have been modelling it from above, so added a camera like you said and it has changed my view on how much more detail i need on the road surface than the barriers ect.... the trees look sort dinky when look at from track level, and the track doesn't feel wide enought. at the moment i am thinking of going almost back over the model and using the current one as a referece to my new one. there goes a couple of hours down the toilet... i'll try getting a new thread started on the pimpin and review side of the boards as this track is turning into more of a project now.
What would be the normal work flow on a forza track?
Props really close to the track need more resolution in texture and geometry. Don't short these object. If you must cut corners somewhere, cut it on the props that are off in the distance. Also make sure that your texel density on any surface that you are driving is nice and high. Cracks, ruts and pebbles zipping by underneath you really give you a great sense of speed, and blurry blob texture does not.
That's not all in the exact order that you'd do it every time, and I'm sure that I'm forgetting some stuff, but that's a pretty reasonable summary of the workflow.
I just worked on another racing game: http://games.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/1498/SEGA-Rally-Revo/ where we used a crazy combination of masks and vertex blending to get some really nice terrain variation. This has been a really fun game to work on, and I hope to share more about it once it gets released.
The new sega rally games look cool, the effect on the road which allows the cars to cut through it look similar to the effect in motor storm. i did wounder why the new colin mcray didn't have a similar one. I'll look forward to seeing some pro modelling and texturing shots of the game when you can.
Check out MotoGP 06 as well.
Road Texture #1
Road Texture #2
Road Texture #3
Road Texture #4
Road Berm Texture#1
Road Berm Texture#2
Road Berm Texture#3
Road Berm Texture#5