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Heroes thread!

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Lost has it's own on going thread, why not Heroes!? Post your thoughts, theories, predictions, etc etc. And obviously, this will be chock full of spoilers!


  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    heroes like to eat potatoes in daylight
  • bounchfx
    I should start watching this. I was going to, but then I heard there was another season going to happen instead of the previously announced 1. Bleh, I was hoping to watch them straight through, now if I watch it I'd have to wait for the other episodes! I'm already waiting for one show! I'd die if I needed to wait for two!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    heroes isnt all that good anymore imo...

    I mean, the last episode... wtf (SPOILER TIME): Hiro just fucking killed a ton of those poor soldier guys. They were just 9-5 security gaurds Im sure. Not evil or anything. Hiro could have just stopped time and gone around them, but noooo instead he wanted to slash them all with his sword. Which also makes no sense since he didn't stop time, so how did he kill those 10 guys with automatic rifles. Anyways, whatever. Probably done with that show..
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    He's a time-stopping samurai, dude, wtf...

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    bounchfx, huh? You can watch all the episodes online from the first show up to last nights on the website.

    aesir, hiro did stop time to fght those guys, thats how hes able to kill them with the sword. Why he had to kill them? because his friend would have been killed by them if he didn't. When he stops time everyone else is frozen so only he would be able to by pass the guards.

    What i love about this show is that in one episode it gives you as much info as lost does in a whole season. No year long blueballs like lost. They give away tons of background and plot info, that causes more questions and shit to take into account. I love after each episode you know so much more of the picture while at the same time showing you that its even bigger than you thought.

    heroes >>>>> lost
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I love this damn show. I hate waiting for the next one. I have been watching since the first episode and I am hooked for sure.

    God damn syler is a sneaky bastard.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    tgz: hiro can stop time for multiple people if he grabs hold of them and concentrates. Peter could stop time too. They just love killin peoples.
  • Ramucho
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    Ramucho polycounter lvl 18
    aesir: they just wanted to show us some low quality stunts and poor vfx fights tongue.gif
  • bounchfx
    [ QUOTE ]
    bounchfx, huh? You can watch all the episodes online from the first show up to last nights on the website.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nonono, I know that.

    I'm saying if I'm going to get addicted to another show I want to see the whole thing straight through, none of this waiting for new episodes crap that I'm already doing with lost.

    If Heroes stayed one season, that would be great because the season is already almost over, so I could do just that and watch it through.

    But now, since it's continuing, it makes me not want to watch it, me getting all giddy having to wait for new episodes make me cry when it coulda just been a season.

    I'll probably see it eventually, but I'm not a huge tv person
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    no season 2 wont have anything to do with season 1, except the base idea, Mutants!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Funny, I was thinking the same thing today... why is there no Heroes discussion here. I thought that last episode was great. The battle in the hallway with the different lights flashing was awesome and I liked Hiro as a badass in the future.
    Heroes is winning a bigger spot in my heart over Lost, because they actually fill you in on some of the secrets rather than just creating new ones. Lost has pissed me off by not revealing anything. I was already upset with them using the Lost fans as pawns to sell products to or to pimp their other worthless shows. For example, offering peeks into the next season if we watched Daybreak. Or how about the whole online game that ended up sending you to the Sprite or Jeep websites.

    Heroes stays on track, doesn't break in the middle of the season for no fucking reason, and it just offers good plots with a few good twists thrown in here and there.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, Heroes may give out more information, but that also means the show is going to dry up sooner than later. Take your pick.
  • Mark Dygert
    I'm right there with ya bounchfx, waiting for one episode per week is a drag. Especially when you have to be in a specific spot, at a specific time. I was a big Lost fan until I caught up and missed a few. I'll watch em all, but later.

    I'm liking Heroes when I get to watch it, and being able to catch up on episodes is great, but I'll be in the same boat once I catch up. meh... now I remember why I stopped watching TV.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, Heroes may give out more information, but that also means the show is going to dry up sooner than later. Take your pick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's the thing though, they close one thing and open another. They have the right amount of teaser balanced with closure. That's what Lost keeps missing. I do partially agree with you though. I'm curious what they will do when they finally reach the explosion date.... or stop it. Will the storyline be able to advance much more beyond that.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    The latest episode was cool, damn this series takes A LOT from XMen! Going into the future to see what could bad things could happen if you don't save the present? Humans exterminating "mutants"? Give that cheerleader an adamantium skeleton and claws already!

    Sylar needs to die already, there was tons of times last episode where he could've been killed easily, but nope, gotta save him for this big showdown in NY. I was glad to see in this episode that Peter had grown a pair, though the whole FIRE VERSUS ICE thing was just too goddamn silly that I laughed.

    Fun series, definitely some great cheese.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Cheap and nasty X-Men rip off anyone?
    Haven't seen the latest episode yet (so I had to roughly skim through this thread to avoid spoilers), but I don't think Heroes is all that great. It's interesting enough to watch to kill a good hour or so of your night when you just want to wind down. It requires no concentration, which is probably why I still continue to watch it.
    I like how things are resolved sooner rather then just letting things drag on for an entire season, though as Vassago said it will just dry up sooner or later.
    Good concept, just think it could have been done a little better.

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I think what they are going for is more along the lines of how comics do it, doing a story arc that wraps into other arcs but have conclusions. So one season would be a set of story arcs that use the same world and carry on the same universe but don't flow directly into each other. This way you don't get stuck with one thing like lost is stuck with. If they give away too much info they are fucked because they only have one story to tell.

    I keep hearing people call it a rip off when its not, there have been so many other books and comics that are about superhumans that you really can call it a rip off. You can call it an over used concept, but id disagree with you because its not over used just used badly fr the most part. They deal with alot of the same things in heroes as in the marvel universe because they are the parts that are universal. Humans will always fear what they don't understand, so anti superhuman legislation just makes sense to have.

    Don't just think of this as a comic book rip off and think about why the things are happening and youl see what i'm talking about.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Agree they will run out of ideas really quick. Maybe they could turn timelines into multiple universes or something.

    One thing i'd like to see is Hiro go back in time and train with real samurais, that would make more sense than "Ando died so Hiro became a badass".
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    *kicks the door open*

    More like Zeros thread!


    *runs off*
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, Adam, you know there's love in your heart for Heroes too :P

    The X-Men is one of my favorite comic series, which is probably why I like Heroes. I know it's very X-Men-ish and I can see why people would call it a rip off, but since they can't seem to make a decent X-Men TV series, I'll happily take Heroes.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I love Heroes. I don't love this thread.

    Superman has been around for 75 years, the X-Men for more than 40... why is Heroes going to run out of stories to tell? I've read thousands of heroic plotlines in my day, and I can't see why Heroes would quickly burn through all that source material.

    On the matter of ripoffs... man, I've read that everywhere. Who gives a fuck what inspired the story? Alan Moore has outright stated that Watchmen was based in part on a plot from an Outer Limits episode. Does that mean Watchmen is shit? Of course not. With the registration thing ripping from Marvel, with Days of Future Past, Mutant Massacre and Civil War parallels... I'm pretty sure that Stan Lee was ripping of the Nazis with that one. So few ideas are original anymore, it just doesn't matter who thought of what first - great execution of a familiar story trumps a shitty version of an excitingly original concept 9 times in 10.

    When Peter and Hiro walked into the lobby in last night's episode, I was excited because it was an homage to The Matrix. I can't see why other sci-fi/comic geeks wouldn't feel the same way.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    future hiro did go off and train with real samurais, psyko, he mentions it when ando says that hiro always wanted to be a kendo master.

    sylar is bad ass, even with his freaky eyebrows, wonder what they'll do with him next season.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, really like the feel of this show. Wished we got to see the big superfight between Peter and Sylar though, those fireballs look awesome
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Personally I don't mind that it has so much material from X-Men, while it is very eerily similar, it is well done. And I appreciate that it's such a hit, on one of the main networks in the country, that usually is all about producing crap like THE REAL WEDDING CRASHERS (sucks they canceled the Black Donnellys and replaced it with that...).

    Considering some of the folks from LOST work on Heroes, I doubt they would run out of ideas, my question is, what would happen to the series AFTER they save New York? That's really all they are focused on, but what happens once the only plot going on is concluded? Am I missing something? Will more happen afterwards?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    They're superheroes, I imagine the writers will find some other stuff for them to do.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    what would happen to the series AFTER they save New York? That's really all they are focused on, but what happens once the only plot going on is concluded? Am I missing something? Will more happen afterwards?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are a gojillion things they can do. This season isn't really focused on NYC as an event, but Syler as a villain, and there will always be more villains. The X-Men defeat Magneto and then Apocalypse shows up. They take out Apocalypse and then Mr. Sinister causes trouble. Etc etc.

    Bigger than that, though, are the different basic themes the show might use. This season is the "origin story", so to speak. Right now, the rest of the planet doesn't know about the heroes - they will probably do a season emphasizing that, the heroes being discovered. Once they're outed, guys like Hiro, Peter and others who are really into it might form a Justice League type group - that could be quote a story. Linderman is an apparently evil super-being and has tons of money/power, he may set up the first evil super-team, a Hellfire Club or Brotherhood, etc. Maybe international politics get involved - the registration idea doesn't have to be a concentration camp kind of thing, but maybe a draft,w ith the US pitting its heroes against China's super army, haven't seen that happen in a comic before.

    I think there are logical story arcs we can speculate on, but I'm really rather glad we don't know where the show will go. With Lost, we always know what the goal is - get off the island. With Battlestar Galactica, we always know what the goal is - find Earth. With Heroes... blank canvas, they can go a million different ways with it. In a way, I think that's a real twist on the general sci-fi type show - it's not what the characters are doing that draws you in as much as simply who they are. Kind of unique, really.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Verm that was pretty much spot on what I was thinking. The only way it would dry up is if they end up with a bunch of shit writers. 24 has managed to go for like 6 seasons (I don't watch this show it may be crap), and they have a lot less to work with.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Like i said, season2 is all new actor all new storyline.. (except the mutant thing)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    started to watch, im on episode 4 of first season...O M G awesome.
  • andym12
    So much fun to watch so far. I love the fast and furious story line. Who cares whether it finishes in its 3rd season or not - I loved Band of Brothers and it was a mini series, who says Heroes can't be a big-mini series? :P

    I love the badass future Peter. The only thing that got me in that episode was when the guard walked into him holding his gun out just to get swatted away. Why would you walk into him if you have a gun out?
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Heroes = Awsome. I've always been a X-men fan, and before seening it I thought it was a bullshit rip-off, but now I love it!

    Great way to expose more people to the cool ideas and themes I loved in X-men. It has its flaw's but I think its very well written and produced. Im glad its not X-men the TV series, and that they didnt use well established actors (besides Dr who and Sulu) its a real breath of fresh air.
  • Mark Dygert
    I think they are approaching it right, like a comic. Instead of making a pilot, hoping to get picked up and worrying about what will happen later until they get season under their belt (lost). They are delivering in perfect comic format. No real need to hold back on everything just because they don't have anything left.

    There is so much they can do, and I think a big problem would be if they put too much attention on the NY show down. I think it would be a watershed moment in the series if they turn it into a ginormous event and try to get everyone to tune in for that one event and play it up like "this is IT, the FINAL SHOW DOWN!" It will break the series. I think everyone would ask what now, how can they top that? At that point they can't go back to doing regular heroes episodes. Whatever it is, will have to be bigger and more threatening and even if they manage to come up with something it will still stand in the shadow of what came already.

    Verm brings up a good point about there being more villains in the sea but who does everyone remember as the X-Mens main enemy, Magneto. The other villains where B-Listers compared to him, even tho they struggled hard with those villains to make them bigger and more powerful, they still stand in the shadow the one that came before them. Same with Heroes, any villain they come up with after this arch is over will keep the story going but won't stack up, because he/she wasn't the first.

    I would love to see more back story about other people in recent history that had powers, maybe ancestors of the current heroes cast? I would load my pants if they put on full on, time stopping samurai battle linking Hiro to his sword. I keep waiting for that filler episode but it just hasn't come yet. Maybe they already did it and I missed it? I have some episodes to still catch up on...
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Bought the 1st episode (Genesis) on iTunes last night. Not bad! My likey smile.gif
    Now I just need to pick up the first season on DVD smile.gif
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    vig another way to look at it is how long can you really take watching the same villain keep getting away alive and coming back to fight again? Me if magneto was always the bad guy then x men would have sucked, but changing it up and having him take breaks where he wasn't the bad guy and someone else was made it fun.

    You really think sylar is that powerful, and that big of a threat, i can think of a lot more dangerous things to have as the true villains of heroes. To keep the x men idea this season would be like the first year of xmen where they were just forming and didn't know who was good or bad. now you have the xmen fighting the kree and staving off other powers that destroy worlds.

    I cant wait to see where this show goes and just hope its as good or better quality as it goes on.
  • Mark Dygert
    Very valid point TGZ. I hope they learn to navigate the slippery slope of "supper villain down, now what?" If they stick to the X-Men story line as a rough plot outline then I'll love Hero's for a very long time and so will many many other people.

    My big concern isn't so much that they keep Sylar around, but that they DON'T make such a big deal over him and his death/defeat that it feels like the show is over when they take him down. I don't want the reason the show continues afterward to be because of ratings and "oh crap we better come up with something". I want it to continue because the story is written that way.

    I don't want him to go down in history as being "THE" villain of Heroes, like Magneto was tagged as "THE" villain of the X-Men. I think hyping his death/defeat as the big event and turning him into THE super villain of the series could kill it when they take him down. Because people won't be as open to what fallows.

    I just don't want to see it turn into another SG-1 (/me ducks) Sliders, FarScape, or Lost (/me doges Brome's Right hook) where it can't recover once the big thing is out of the bag and they have to answer the question of what next.

    Hype Sylar, destroy the show.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    I love SG-1, because its my brainless fun.

    Can't remember where i saw this but the creator of heroes already said he has the next 5 seasons all planed out. I just hope he ends it at 5. Id rather have 5 great seasons then 10 with the last 5 not making any sense...(SG-1)
  • Mark Dygert
    Look something posted on Digg that isn't the HD DVD Decryption Code...

    Heroes before they where Heroes.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Just starting to watch Heroes now, (watching the DVDs of season 1)

    Cool story. I went on a camping trip with a bunch of artists while in LA, and I asked everyone what their professions were. Most people answered actor or actress, but in actuality worked a waiter or waitressing job. Well one guy says, I'm going to be on this new series called Heroes (hadn't started yet, and I hadn't heard anything about it). I blurted out "Oh so you reall ARE an actor!". Hahahah, the other people didn't respond well to that.

    Turns out he's Hiro's best friend (on the show). I talked with him a few times over the weekend, and again over email after the trip, very cool guy. He was huge in the Japanese film industry before coming to the US, gigantic filmography over there.

    Anywho, that was my only interaction with anyone "famous" while living in LA.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Cool story, Poop, but I'm a little confused. Do you mean James Kyson Lee? He's the guy who plays Ando on the show, but he's actually Korean - his Japanese is almost as bad as mine, can't imagine he'd been in a lot of Japanese movies talking like that.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Yup, that guy. My bad on the Japan/korean confusion.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
  • Ramj
    Heroes is one of the most compelling shows that I've seen , It's got a real knack for cliffhangers,

    I've also read all the online graphic novels and stuff, unfortunately not being in america I can't access the other stuff that happens at the same time.

    I thought the epsiode before the future one was one of the best [email="I@ve"]I@ve[/email] seen, I can't believe they are doing it on a comparatively limited budget.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely. It's a real shame they don't have a big FX budget - I'd love to have seen the Syler/Peter fight from the 'future' episode in awesome summer action movie fashion.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Damn poops. Cool story.

    Yeah this show rocks my fucking socks off. I can't get enough and I hate waiting for the next week to come. Man oh man when Peter and Sylar started getting heated up I was on the edge of my couch waiting for it. I wanted to see some bad ass shit go down. Oh well. Show is still awesome as hell.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, in the latest episode (watched it last night) the fight scenes were piss poor! I was expecting some sweet Matrix style shit when they raid the place to rescue Past-Hiro. So disappointing!

  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    glad to there are actually others out there that don't just love it unconditionally like everyone else i've seen. i don't see the show being as popular/successful without lost. the lack of action on that makes heroes seem lightning paced. but you're reaching the end of the first full season & they're still not up to manhattan exploding? to me it's still too slow (& most of the storylines just seem wholly unnecessary).

    a friend & i joked that if we were writing it, it'd be more like warren ellis's authority at this point. just crazy, with superpowered chinese soldiers just raining down on the city like bullets & them just taking control of the country & becoming the world's police force because they said so. the old x-men plotlines are getting so trite at this point. call me when they start ripping off jla or better yet... watchmen.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    So ripping off Watchman = bad, but ripping off Authority = good?
  • ill_logic
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    ill_logic polycounter lvl 17
    at this point x-men's plotlines are really trite. if they ripped off watchmen or (grant morrison's run on) jla & brought it to the masses, it'd at least be interesting. make your own moral judgement on whether it's bad or not.

    when i said we'd make it like the authority, i meant scale. this whole season's been about ny exploding. that would have been resolved in the first or second episode & things would have been progressively crazier on a giant scale.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I don't really agree, I think it has been paced pretty well. Most of the characters just discovered they had powers in the first three or four episodes, typical origin story stuff. If I woke up tomorrow and found out I could stop time or something, I'd probably need to spend a little time getting my head around that before zipping off to NY and saving the world.

    That said, Authority would be an interesting take (I prefer Stormwatch, but same deal) and I think it would be fun, but that's from the perspective of a hardcore comic geek. Warren Ellis wouldn't play so well at 9pm on NBC, the stuff is too out there. Heroes is a *good* adaptation of comic book themes in a regular serial TV drama, and that's more than enough to make me happy right now.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    The Nikki/Jessica, Mikah and DL episodes are balls! Anyone else agree? What's with Nikki's "superpower" anyway... Mental illness! Wooo... Look at me, I have a split personality.
    I only seem to watch this show now because I've already invested enough of my time and may as well see what happens. I find myself finding plot holes and just odd bits that don't work or make sense. Its a fun show to complain about.

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