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"The Devil Wears Prada" meets "Final Fantasy"

Hey all, this is my first real post on the polycount forum and I thought it was about time I let people know what I'm workin on.

I decided I wanted to "update" the wardrobes of two well known character classes from one very well know video game franchise. The character classes...The Black and White mage...the game...Final Fantasy! I wanted to make the costumes more realistic and very fashionable. (The Devil Wears Prada meets Fantasy)

As of now I have the Black mage modeled and I'm looking for some heavy feed back for her....theres alot of first for me in this model so any suggestions would be very helpful, thanks.

Oh, and as I was photoshoping these images together I realized that her arms were to short so I did fix that...if anyone else notices too.tongue.gif


  • StJoris
    Offline / Send Message
    Are you going for a cartoony look or a realistic look, a look at the arms being tubes I would think the first, sorry if I'm wrong.
    A lot of polys can be saved where they don't alter the shape, like in the boots there are multiple loops you can delete, the legs, jacket and arms suffer from the same
    The face uses a lot of polygons, but doesn't look as detailed, if you are using this much polys you might aswell use them to define smaller shapes aswell. Having soo many polys in the face and then having flat ears doesnt feel right for me.
    Don't take this advice as law, I make mistakes aswell.
  • jgarland
    Offline / Send Message
    There are some anatomy issues that could be fixed. Her legs are either too long, or her torso and arms are too short. I can't tell which. The skirt might be throwing off my perception. I also seem some edge loops that aren't needed. If an edge loop doesn't help define the silhouette of a character, and they aren't being used for animation, removing it can really help with the polygon count.

    Aside from those issues, it's looking pretty good. I wouldn't instantly recognize her as a black mage, however. She looks too "The Devil Wears Prada," and not enough "Final Fantasy." The only thing that tells me she could be a mage is the hat. And really, it just looks like a funny hat.

    Keep working on it, and post some new updates. I'll be watching this one. smile.gif
  • Robbiek1000
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    For the anatomy I used a Victoria Secret model named Adriana Lima. She had a very interesting body type...mainly because she had such long legs....I actually did go back a fix the arms though before I originally posted this...
  • neosorcerer
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    neosorcerer polycounter lvl 10
    I think she needs a magic staff, or something magic, umbrella, purse, cane, cellphone, something.

    It should be more recognizable as Final Fantasy when its textured, as long as you stick with a black mage colour scheme.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    wasn't the black mage a guy and the white mage a female?
  • Robbiek1000
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    Actually, I do have a staff modeled as well...I just forgot to make renders of it. And as far as the sex goes for the Black and White mages I'm pretty sure in every Final Fantasy game that featured the job classes both a male and female could be either a black or white mage....I just decided to go with a female for the practice....and as far as fashion goes...it more of a girl thing too.
  • Robbiek1000
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    Ok, so I took some time and listened to your guys advise and reduced the number of polys on her by around 700...I really should start posting a poly count on the images...but I'm lazy and forget...I'll remember next time. I also lengthened her arms...and cocked the hat a bit to its side...I'm sure there are still some edge loops I can part with...anyway, again, let me know what you guys think. I'm going to start unwrapping by the weekend.

  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    The arms look too long to me now, and they're still very tube-like, more curvature would help a lot, even though she's wearing a jacket, the arm should still be more shapely. Of course, textures will probably help that a lot. Overall I like her, though, the rest of the body looks good, which is probably what is making the arms stick out so much for me. Looking forward to seeing her in color.
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