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specular and alpha problem (max8)

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rollin polycounter
small wired problem

ok lets say i have a max shader (standart)
diffuse is only grey
some normalbump
i have a spec map with lets say a checker pattern

and i have an opacity-map with a greyscale alphamap

the wired thing is .. i can see (only if i render it) the specular even in parts where the diffuse is not visible bc of the alpha map

is this a common problem ?! and does anyone know a solution ?


  • Rick Stirling
    Offline / Send Message
    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    yes. Grumble grumble.

    turn you spec map into a mask rather than bitmap

    put the spec map in one slot, and the diffuse alpha in te other

    you can reuse the diffuse texture, just use the alpha component
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    thx.. this get rid of this stupid spec.. but there is still some very tiny edge visible.. ?!? but i think i can get rid of it by using an desaturated object-id renderer as alpha mask in photoshop *cracycracy*

    btw.. checkt the alpha map 1000 times.. it´s loaded correct and yes its the map i make changes on black is black and white is white and i tried rgb-tga and grayscale-tga.. maybe i should try a tif.. uhaaa *death*
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hi man trying to recreate your situation, when I do it all with seperate maps renders fine so is it an alpha channel thing mebes?

    grey diffuse material,
    normalbump in bump
    spec map - tga? has alpha channel?
    opacity map - is this in an image alpha channel?
    edit: pix would be handy smile.gif
  • rollin
    Offline / Send Message
    rollin polycounter
    jap afer work i will try again to fix the problem..then i will post some pics.. thx for the time you take to try !!!!
  • rollin
    Offline / Send Message
    rollin polycounter
    ok i made a new max-material and also masked the normalbump now it seems to work

    edit: the mask-map seems to reduce the masked-map-map-sice about the half or so.... why??
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