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The Monolith

Ive been working on a short film, around 10 minutes or so of all ive learned after 2 years of animation skooling.


  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Might we catch a glimpse of your 'monolithic' film?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    nah, he just wanted to let us know that hes working on it.

    Keep it up buddy!! We're all rootin for ya!
  • ohsomogilicious
    Demo Renders
    just a clip of some test renders ive done so far, i have a lot more, actually a whole lot more but ill trickle them a few at a time XP


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  • ohsomogilicious
    The Monolith is a film ive been working on for about 6 months now, ive been going to bradley academy for the visual arts for animation, ive been learning 3ds max but have since branched off cause its just never enough and ive had my eyes open to this entire world of the most creative people i have ever seen, so many people dont give enough credit to these "masters" of their art and i hope to be among them one day.

    anyway, this story i derived off of playing diablo 2 back in the day and watching and playing all 3d and cg games and movies, such as final fantasy, this story revolves around a young paladin wandering through the desert in search for horuses jewel, Horus is the egyptian equivalent to satan, thus this takes place in egypt, he enters Horuses tomb and meets up with a young amazon woman, together they fight through the tomb, only battling skeletons at first because i am not pushing too much at my current skill level, but still im pushing the envelope enough for me at least. the enter a collosal room and take on Horus himself, he is at least 50 times the main characters size, and after a intense battle with flame arrows and overdrive sword moves, they manage to take down the demon and retrieve the jewel. the temple begins to collapse, for a reason i have yet tocome up with, it just seemed apparent i need a flashy ending to the story, they barely escape through the halls and up the stairs and back onto the desert sands as the pyramid in the background begins to crumble. This is the end of the film. im extremely anxious to finish this thing i work tirelessly on it for days at a time in hopes itll be everything i hope it can be. as my first attempt at a film of this calibur, its a lotta work learning new programs and applying new plugins to make my vision come alive.

    im using 3ds max as a renderer
    turbosquid for effects
    z brush for high-poly modeling
    motionbuilder for my character animation
    adobe audition and pro tools for sound effects and music
    and topping it all with post production
    in after effects and premiere

    id love to hear everyones input as i progress as well as ill have many questions for you all the countless times problems will come up.

    good luck to me. hahah. XP

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You might want to do a little more research. Horus was the Egyptian sky-god as has actually been likened to Jesus. I'm guessing you're getting confused with the use of the Horus character in the Warhammer 40k mythos.
    I'm not entirely up on my ancient Egyptian theology, but I don't think their pantheon actually had a villainous god. Anubis, the god of the underworld, is probably the closest you'll get but what with all the revering of the dead in Egyptian culture, I don't think he was ever considered to be evil.

    It probably doesn't really matter. If you turned up in Horuses temple and started making a mess I imagine he wouldn't have any qualms about laying down a righteous smiting.

    Anyway, your effects video has some impressive stuff in it. The smashing skeleton works particularly well. You've got a hell of a big job ahead of you now.

    I wish you luck with it. Give us a yell in a couple of years when you get it all done eh.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I did a pre-rendered short. I was learning a lot of things about Max at the time and it took me almost 8 months to complete it.


    Some of your test footage is pretty cool. Good luck!
  • ohsomogilicious
    haha, i didnt use horus because he was THE egyptian devil, i kinda started fabricating and sorry that i didnt clarify, that there was a demon inside of him kinda thing, same thing as diablo, but honestly im just glad pple are talking to me tongue.gif
  • StJoris
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    That looks pretty impressive! Really looking forward to your final result, though it will take a looong time. My knowledge of egyptian mythology is not really as good, but I thought Seth was the evil dude.
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