Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Akr's Productions

I know, right now I am a total noob at this and my work doesn't even come close to anything else here, but I want your sincere and honest opinion, cause family always says "It looks great, I love it! Your the best!" and we know that you could've scribbled on a paper and have the same reaction. So post here what you think and any tips/suggestions of what I can do, I used 3DS for this barrel.



  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Model looks okay, but you could probably save some polygons. As for the texture, all I see is a flat color and some random normal/bump detail. Mind sharing the flats?

    Also, I was, (and probably still am,) in the exact same position as you. If you really want your work to be as good as all of your favorite artists, why not just simply decide to make it better? It's not going to be easy or fast, but push yourself. If you know your model isn't good enough, spend a little while thinking about what makes the work you aspire to better and get back to work on it.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Hello Akr

    Welcome to polycount. First things first if you want a critique you need to display your model a little differently. Right now the lighting is kind of hiding the texture. Check out this article on how to display your model.
    As far as what I can see. It looks like you have no texture variation at all, and it looks like there is some uv stretching on the rim.
  • Akr
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks man, as far as the flats, I don't have them on me now, since the barrel I uploaded it to photobucket from my laptop and I am posting this on another computer, but when I get back home I will get you the flats.
  • Akr
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    @ Low odor: Thanks for the link I read over it roughly and will read it more in depth later, as for the uv strechting, not sure really how to get rid of it, remember, I am and utter newbie at this, I just got 3ds intalled on my laptop, before that I have been using a friends compuiter.
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