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Mythic building

I've been real interested in Mythic Entertainment's artwork, so I decided to model one of their concept drawings. I used a 512x512 and a 1024x1024. Any crits are humbly welcome! Thanks compadres.




  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    looks good, I'd like to see your textures.
  • Por@szek
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    Por@szek polycounter lvl 18
    Looks cool, would looks better with little enviro around, like soil and grass.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    agreed. You don't need the whole hillside, but make a small patch of grass for it to sit on, with a little bit of a dirt road leading to the door.
  • abigbeast
    Yea, that's pretty cool man. my main crit would be to vary the brick texture; it looks like it its pretty flat, so some color would probably help push the character of it quite a bit.
  • dabu
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    dabu polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like you pretty much nailed it, except your brick is looking a little repetitive (as brick tends to do).

    I would add a decal or two to break it up, notice how there is some yellow coloration / dirt on the right edge...

    You forgot the little rectangular windows...

    Also add some chips out of the tower edges, to break up the silhouette a tad more, like in the concept piece.

    good work, textures?
  • dkorch
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    dkorch polycounter lvl 17
    one of the biggest reasons why your bricks look so repetative too is that you dont have the corner stones around all the corners...those are really large bricks on the concept and help break things up, as well as add more interest and realism...go and add those.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I'd recommend you use more smaller textures rather than 2 fairly large ones.

    I'm assuming that the texture you have used for the railings is on one of those large textures, hence the entire texture will be 32 bit to support the alpha.

    I'd have a wee think about the character of the building. It's not new, the roof hole is due to age/damage, not due to construction. With this in mind you might want to push the dilapidation a little more - some more listing, sagging roofs, broken and decayed accessories. At the minute ti looks like an oldish building with brand new bits.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    My fav part is the roof tile texture. It reads nicely and accurately even from the distance shot you posted.

    Top triangle roof could be bigger, but overall the top section of the model is pretty good. Lower half of the model needs more detail. Model in all the corner bricks to add silhouette detail, and look at all that brick detail in the concept at the base.

    Brick texture doesn’t read, but might look ok up close. Also add a lot of weatheration, such as grime, dirt, etc to break up the tiling. Don’t worry too much about keeping your textures heavily optimized as making your final look exactly like the concept.

    I could really keep going here, but that’s all for now. Great first pass, now finish the job!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I'll chip in with a little bit from what cholden said.

    As with doing any environment art, you need to keep your focus on what the player is going to be seeing. Right now over half of your model is wasted, and not going to be seen. You put so much detail into the top of the tower that nobody will be able to get up to and see. And from down at ground level there is hardly any kind of detail going on.

    You mention that you used a 512 and a 1024 to texture this thing. That doesn't sound like you used enough tiling textures to get a decent texel density.
  • simplyrude
    thanks fer the crits guys. these are good tips that i didn't notice. ill get right onto it and repost a newer shot.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    the bottom half seems too small, theres a huge step where it goes up into the bigger top half, makes it look off ballance, in the concept the connection between the 2 sections is much less abrupt

    kinda funny 3 of the replys in this thread are from people working on Warhammer online
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Good Start.

    Definitely put in those big corner bricks; they're more important than the random sticky-outy bricks you have right now.

    Put a few more divisions along the long section of the tower, it's odd that you only have one right now. Don't be afraid the jank up the shapes some, the building is falling apart after all.

    Get some dirt on the walls near the ground.
  • simplyrude
    Lil update, I'll have more later on. Once again thanks fer the crits!

  • Por@szek
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    Por@szek polycounter lvl 18
    Nice, but IMO the bricks as a separe boxes look a lot better if U will give them different color then the wall. Some more yellow, dark yellow woll be better. If u take closer look on a concept u will see that this extruded have a bit different color.
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
  • dkorch
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    dkorch polycounter lvl 17
    ok, well now instead of adding all the corner bricks you only added a few...take a look at the concept...those corner bricks are very well designed, and imo help out immensly as part of the design of the building...dont sparatically add those corner bricks... they are down the whole building. and also, they are not exactly the same shade as the other bricks...changing there value and somewhat color will help pop them out more and not give such a confusing look to your brick pattern...anyways, its lookin alot better though keep it up. your getting there!
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    looks great,but in the concept,its much more dirtier.Some more wouldnt hurt
  • simplyrude
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Looking good, duder.
    This is looking better with each update. The cornerstone bricks you have are still not as continuous as in the concept. When these types of structures are actually built, these cornerstones are all laying on top of one another. Try building ONE continuous corner piece of geo that runs from the top of the tower to the bottom and t-junction that bad boy in to the main structure.

    Send us an application so we can get you a proper art test!
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    The steps bother me - you've got them the same as the concept, and they bother me there too - the wooden steps with huge hole just don't seem to fit.
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