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orc head painting

polycounter lvl 17
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Oddmind polycounter lvl 17
my first little doodle with my new 9x12 wacom.

I didn't really know how far I wanted to take it, but this was more an exercise to help me use colour more freely.

Still not really happy with it, but maybe you guys can give me a few tips?



  • Sharx
    Offline / Send Message
    I would suggest adding a lot more shadow to it
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    It does need more shadow. As well as more definition in some parts.

    The teeth bother me a great deal, because they just sort of look like a couple of spikes sticking out of some pink stuff. They don't look as if they'd serve any sort of purpose. The Gums also look as though they are bone dry. You should paint on some stronger highlights on them to make them look a bit more juicey, same with the teeth.

    Here are some random teeth from some prop shop
    I figure they have a nice ferocious monster quality.

    It also could use some texture.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    its that freaky deep-water fish look!



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