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WIP - Myth II Soulblighter redesign

polycounter lvl 17
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Arkus polycounter lvl 17
Hello everybody! smile.gif

Well, I'm starting a new model, next - gen character, my first one is here: normal mapped barbarian Hope that this time I will do better .
I decidet to redesign Soulbrihter, the character that apered in Myth II game (1999r.). I really love this one, it's one of my favorite game character ever, so I don't want to offence him with poor model wink.gif

Redesignin seems to be quite popular these days, but I like the idea of makeing it.

ok, so here are some references that I'm using



And here what I have now - I'm on blocking stage of making this model:



hope you like smile.gif


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    hmm, this mesh is shaping up pretty well so far.

    some suggestions from me:

    - the reference and background of the guy make him seem really bloodthirsty, powerful and insane, but the model just looks like a regular dude with big pants, a weird mouth and a slightly shocked expression.

    - push the proportions to be really pumped and exaggerated - smaller head, bigger muscles (although try to stay within the realm of belief - don't make them too crazy!)

    - refine the form and shape of the mesh around the shoulder/neck/clavicle area, it's really blobby and un-detailed right now, even though you have enough polys to make the right muscle + bone shapes in there. check anatomy references and try to model them more like that.

    - you can probably remove and optimise polys from the hands, i'm sure his palms don't need that many right now.

    - not sure why you've got two layers of polys on his lower leg area, some sticking through the others. Any reason for that?

    generally though this looks like a really good start, it's a solid mesh to work from, just keep pushing it and refining it until it looks even better smile.gif

    keep it up!
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    hej Mop, thanks for you critik and kind words laugh.gif

    [ QUOTE ]

    - the reference and background of the guy make him seem really bloodthirsty, powerful and insane, but the model just looks like a regular dude with big pants, a weird mouth and a slightly shocked expression.

    - push the proportions to be really pumped and exaggerated - smaller head, bigger muscles (although try to stay within the realm of belief - don't make them too crazy!)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I will do more muscles on the normal maps, will think of changing proportions a bit smile.gif The last time did to much of it and it's not good to. well, will experiment on this one. yeah, the face need much more detail, I have 7 k limit on this, so will work on his expresion and moth.

    [ QUOTE ]

    - refine the form and shape of the mesh around the shoulder/neck/clavicle area, it's really blobby and un-detailed right now, even though you have enough polys to make the right muscle + bone shapes in there. check anatomy references and try to model them more like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I didn't ment it's more like a base model, will attemp on making detail there. The neck is still not conected to the rest of the body so that area will need much more work smile.gif
    [ QUOTE ]

    - you can probably remove and optimise polys from the hands, i'm sure his palms don't need that many right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will try to optymize a bit, but I'm not so strict about it as I have 7k to spare smile.gif One hand is sth like 500 tris right now, and I guess that hands are nearly as importand as the head. But you are right, there is much polywaste there, will try to fix this smile.gif

    [ QUOTE ]

    - not sure why you've got two layers of polys on his lower leg area, some sticking through the others. Any reason for that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is still a basemesh under that (I modeled a naked guy at first, than make trauses etc, will delate it later, now I use them as reference for clouth.

    [ QUOTE ]

    generally though this looks like a really good start, it's a solid mesh to work from, just keep pushing it and refining it until it looks even better smile.gif

    keep it up!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Will do my best laugh.gif Thanks a lot for sugestions agein! smile.gif
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    Ok, here is a little update: Didn't done too much during holidays, Will start working hard now, as the deadline is coming soon...

    His weapon is not ready jet, I just made a simple model to block proportions etc.



    Hope you like smile.gif
  • ultra
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    ultra polycounter lvl 18
    Damn! nice model!
    This is just a personal preference, but I preferred the teeth as they were before
    Great job so! GL!
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    ultra -> thx a lot smile.gif
    I think I will just smooth the geometry of teeth that I have now and bake a normalmap from it on the previus geometry. To much poly used for that.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Damn I loved that game smile.gif

    Good work on the remake so far. Looking much better after the edits.
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    Vassago - thx a lot smile.gif Yeah, Myth II is one of my favorites RTS game smile.gif

    Ok, here is a small update: I have made some of the normal maps - just for the body, the cloth will be next. The normals are made only in ZB so far, later I will ad some more detail in photoshop.


    and the wires here:


    hope you like smile.gif
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