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Normal maped Barbarian

polycounter lvl 17
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Arkus polycounter lvl 17
First post -> hello everyone laugh.gif

Did this fellow here during last mouth. It's my first fully finished next gen character ever smile.gif (I did some next gen textures before, some props and some speed excercises, but never the whole character).

So hope you like it



  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    everything looks good to me but the hair.... its hideous. lol, welcome to polycount.
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    thanx Jarrod smile.gif

    jeah, think I should work on hair some more, I suck at making it lol smile.gif
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    And the eyes look a bit cartoony. Besides the eyes and hair it's looking good for your first next-gen character!
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Ok here are my thoughts

    1: The hair needs more work like others have said .
    2: The eyes need more work
    3: The pictorials are to low they need to be raised up to about were the middle of that steel ring thing is.
    4: The grain size in the leather is to large if you scaled it down a bit it would look a lot better.
    5: The abs are to large
    6: The width of the nostrils does not fit with the bridge of the nose it looks strange
    7: The wrappings/bandages ? look strange he would look a lot better with boots IMO.
    8: Maybe make the thigh muscles a little more cut in the high poly so you get some tone because it looks a little odd his chest and abs being so cut and his thighs are normal

    His shoulders,neck,hands and arms look good !..work on the other stuff and you'll have a very portfolio worthy model !
  • Arkus
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    Arkus polycounter lvl 17
    Hey, thanks for coments and ideas smile.gif
    Yeh, guess, I should fix lots of things smile.gif Will do this, eyes and hair for sure, will think abut a rest of it smile.gif

    Don't want to spend too much time on this one, as I can do a new one insted... I see that I made a lots of mistakes, but well... Just need to make sure I will lern on them smile.gif

    Fixing all of this will actualy reqired me to go back to the design stage smile.gif

    Thanks a lot for pointing the bugs for me smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work so far Arkus, good to see you responding so well to the critiques too, not a lot of people are able to do that!

    I think it's a great idea to start a new model with a new design and put what you've learned from making this one into practise - I'm sure you'll find it's faster and easier to make the next one, and it'll come out looking better smile.gif

    For the hair on this guy it looks like you need to put more time into the opacity map, at the moment the polygons are still too obvious, in future you should probably paint more transparency into it so the square shapes aren't so obvious.

    For the cartoony eyes, all you need to do is darken the whites, and fake some spherical shading around them - the eyeballs should get more shadow from the upper eyelid.

    Keep it up, can't wait to see your next model! smile.gif
  • Mark Dygert
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    I can't remember the last time I saw so many smile.gif in one thread heh.

    Welcome, and thats a great model you have there, nice work. The hair need some help but you already knew that. MoP made a good point about faking some shadows on the eyes and painting a more random opacity map for the hair, those should be pretty easy to do and shouldn't keep you from your next model. You could always shave his head and have a bald barbarian?

    I look forward to seeing more from you! You have talent and a good attitude, double win in my book.
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