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Motor E3 2005 vs Now ? ..wtf ?

polycounter lvl 17
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McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
I was playing the Motor Storm demo at walmart and thinking to myself wtf ? Is this the game I seen that was shown at E3 2005 which blew me away ? Then seen gametrailers posted and then and now comparison between the 2


Higher res Motor Sport E3 2005 video

From 2005 till now the game has lost at least 5 times the resolution . Sad thing is the CEO of revolution studios said
the E3 2005 footage was realtime ! How do the Sony management sleep at night ? Hmm well maybe Playstation 4 ?



The game still looks really good it's just disappointing to see such an awesome demo which was pimped as real time lose so much quality. It was fun to play however and watching stuff blow up was pretty awesome. Played it for about an hour till some little brat started whinning to his mom tongue.gif


  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    All of the next gen stuff is disappointing in that way. We were all promised the moon, then given a dirt clod instead.

    Even the best looking (released) game I've seen, Gears of War, is a far cry from all of the media we were shown, prior to release. Hell, even some of the vids shown at E3 showcased real-time shadows on everything, and had much higher res textures. Granted, the end result is still amazing. But it's 1/5th the visual quality than it was.

    Sony in particular, is notoriously bad at preview movies. They show CG and claim it's real time, betting their granny's life on it, if given the opportunity.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Although disappointed, the Motor Storm 2005 demo does show a lot of promise as far as there still being a lot of room for graphics to pushed and create sales . I mean if that game looked like it did in the 2005 demo i'd buy it in a minute and im just not into racing games but it looked that awesome .
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Haha that's too funny. I literally had the exact same experience.

    Motorstorm was genuinely about the only thing I was interested in for the PS3. Last sunday I'm playing the thing in Best Buy, and guess what thought pops into my head 'OMG, Sony you absolute lying cheating motherfuckers, you've done it again' and some dude behind me was saying the same thing as he watched me play. So yeah, it wasn't horrible, but the framerate was sucky, the ragdoll sucked massive sweaty balls and all in all it was a far, distant cry from those stunning 'in game' movies with fluid dynamic mud particles that I saw on Gamespot a year ago.

    I am *really* sick of the Sonys bs and have absolutely zero interest in the PS3.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Heh, same experience tonight, although after i played motorstorm I walked over to the Wii and played Excite Truck, one of the two was a lot of fun...
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Played a little bit of it at an igda meeting the other night and was also surprised that the crowd watching the race are all flat billboard sprites. *_* They weren't even animated, they just stand there like zombies.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    yeah ps3 sucks, resistance fall of man sucks, and looks like utter crap. I'm pretty sure that whoever sticks with the ps3 will eventually learn to make games look good, but by that time the next xbox is going to be out which will be even better than the 360... which even now is a better platform than the ps3. motorstorm was pretty fun though, but not a console seller type game, if it looked like the movie... oh man i'd be all ABOUT that shit smile.gif
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    If i was sony right now, i'd be hanging on to Kojima and Polyphony for my dear life.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    yeah ps3 sucks, resistance fall of man sucks, and looks like utter crap. I'm pretty sure that whoever sticks with the ps3 will eventually learn to make games look good, but by that time the next xbox is going to be out which will be even better than the 360... which even now is a better platform than the ps3. motorstorm was pretty fun though, but not a console seller type game, if it looked like the movie... oh man i'd be all ABOUT that shit smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think Sqaure will make some nice looking games for it & Devil May Cry 4 will be worth the buy but other then that it's just a guess . You know ive looked at that E3 footage a few times and im not even sure a Nvidia 8800 could pull that off and PS3 supposedly has a GPU more along the lines of a G force 6 card . Im thinking the graphics in that E3 2005 demo is more along maybe even the next-gen probably series 9 cards from Nvidia I mean those particle effects and destructable models at that level will take some serious brute force computation.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Im sorely tempted to register the URL 'ps3bs.com' and get together some awesome before and after stuff, with lots of 'this is in game footage' type quotes from Sony. Man, I don't know why it makes my blood boil so much. I'd dig up the infamous killzone2 thread If the pc search engine went back that far, just for a smug laugh.
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Im thinking you love game development and graphics and when a company flat out lies just to sell more units it bothers you ..maybe that's why your not so fond of a former employer huh ? Personally I like Nintendo's approach . They new they couldn't up the ante with graphics so they went with game play and it seems to be working . Personally I don't want Sony to flop because it means fellow developers will be out of a job but I wish some of the upper management had integrity.

    To sum it up
  • eld
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    I for one think one of the big reasons why the graphics had to be downscaled so much is the insanely low amount of ram in the PS3 confused.gif

    But I was less than amazed by the latest ET:Quakewars video either, so this phenomenon seems to hit PCs now too, which really arn't ram limited at all frown.gif
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Lol but i got to give some props to Sony's marketing team. Just yesterday a bunch of idiot kids were on the computer next to mine on a internet cafe watching PS3 old E3 movies. They were totally freacking out: "OMG"... I didn't say nothing, they wouldn't get it anyway...
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    I wondering why they spend so much money into making that "pseudo previz we say its real but its clearly not" videos?

    I mean besides the videos are CLEARLY rendered, and no way real-time, couldnt the studios just invest a bit more money in lets say knowledge about how the next gen stuff is to be done really?

    But, I have to say I really do enjoy previz / target render whatevers like a the new star wars games videos. But it was labeld as previz...
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoy watching people spend an unreasonable amount of money on lies. Games are games, as they should be. Consumers should stop falling for the "cinematic quality" bullshot. Support the companies that deliver what they promise.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I for one think one of the big reasons why the graphics had to be downscaled so much is the insanely low amount of ram in the PS3 confused.gif

    But I was less than amazed by the latest ET:Quakewars video either, so this phenomenon seems to hit PCs now too, which really arn't ram limited at all frown.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    er, eh? 'downscaled'?! Dont start me off again! The original motorstorm footage featured non baked GI lighting, fluid dynamic mud, the Killzone stuff featured GI lighting, procedural hair, and both of them were visually claiming to anyone who knew what they were looking at that realtime subdivision was here. There isn't a polygonal edge in sight in either video!

    And Im really not sure what you mean about ET: Quakewars. Show me the footage that clearly was a pre-rendered movie being presented as in-game? That's what were talking about here: Sony trying to totally bs people. Why aren't there laws about this crap? In what other industry could you get away with lying like that? If a car manufacturer said an upcoming model looked like a Ferrari and did 200mph in a promotional campaign, and upon its release it managed 100mph and looked like an Acura, there would be an uproar. Sorry, but to me this is a little more drastic than a 'lack of ram'. I really want to see an end of this kind of nonsense and Sony actually having to stand up and be accountable in public.

    *edit* eld, that video rocks my fucking face off, thanks.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    afaik quakewars was always ingame, the last video may not have been the most exciting one, but everything that was shown is a fairly accurate representation of what the game is like.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    @Daz: Wasn't really specificially taking about these two special cases (which seem to be total scams as far as those videos go), as to be honest I haven't really cared about them (and anything that is on a console) anyways.
    I was talking about a general trend also visible on the Xbox360 where they obviously start of with great, but reasonable in game work and then scale it down a lot on the final hardware (see that Unreal3 stuff... I think it is called "gears of war" or something like that).

    And the same seems to happen to ET:Quakewars right now, but can not be explained by the lack of ram in those shitty consoles frown.gif

    Edit: Yeah you are right, I kind of missed what was really talked about in this thread wink.gif
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I for one think one of the big reasons why the graphics had to be downscaled so much is the insanely low amount of ram in the PS3 confused.gif

    But I was less than amazed by the latest ET:Quakewars video either, so this phenomenon seems to hit PCs now too, which really arn't ram limited at all frown.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    er, eh? 'downscaled'?! Dont start me off again! The original motorstorm footage featured non baked GI lighting, fluid dynamic mud, the Killzone stuff featured GI lighting, procedural hair, and both of them were visually claiming to anyone who knew what they were looking at that realtime subdivision was here. There isn't a polygonal edge in sight in either video!

    And Im really not sure what you mean about ET: Quakewars. Show me the footage that clearly was a pre-rendered movie being presented as in-game? That's what were talking about here: Sony trying to totally bs people. Why aren't there laws about this crap? In what other industry could you get away with lying like that? If a car manufacturer said an upcoming model looked like a Ferrari and did 200mph in a promotional campaign, and upon its release it managed 100mph and looked like an Acura, there would be an uproar. Sorry, but to me this is a little more drastic than a 'lack of ram'. I really want to see an end of this kind of nonsense and Sony actually having to stand up and be accountable in public.

    *edit* eld, that video rocks my fucking face off, thanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it's a lot to do with immaturity of the industry and consequently the consumer. Because noone takes it seriously we end up with box full of cliches, uninspired design, lies and over promises.

    This reminds me of the Call of Duty 2 televised trailer, which featured a fully prerendered action scene (mind you it looked rather weak as cinematics go).

    I thought to myself "why? why do they even bother? A. they are misrepresenting the actual product and B. they are not giving the artists proper justice because in fact COD2 was a game with some pleasing visuals ...

    They still think they can get away with it because they are not going to face any repercussions for misleading the consumer.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    IMO sony are absolutley the pioneers of bullshit graphical claims. Surely it has been done in the past to a certain extent with demos of footage that dont actually meet the final cut of the game, but nothing like sony in recent years. I guess you cant really blame microsoft coming out with Halo 3 "ingame" demos etc. if the competition are straight-up lying mutherfuckers, it would be hard to compete when your demos would look so much shitter even if they were the real deal.

    Anyways I hope something comes from all of this, I know I wont be buying a PS3 I just hope someone in the industry can come out and let the less educated consumers know theyre full of shit

    My 2c
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    They still think they can get away with it because they are not going to face any repercussions for misleading the consumer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you're probably right Fuse, but without any legislation or accountability, where are the lies going to end? It's like anything goes out there. I can't think of another industry where such blatant mistruths are told about a product that go completely unchallenged. I suppose drugs and other consumables where peoples health might be affected, but usually there is accountability when the product doesn't do what expected.

    At least in the case of the CoD TV ad, after enough consumer complaints to the advertising standards authority, it got pulled in the UK for reasons of product misrepresentation, so that made me very happy, but I personally want to see this kind of legislation go much much further.

    It irks me so much that Sony get away with it. Seeing that wanker Sony exec in the vid that eld posted protecting his own personal gains by blatantly flat out unashamedly LYING that that movie is realtime gameplay running on a devkit? Grrr, it makes me so bloody mad. Just incase that isn't obvious smile.gif

    Once Killzone2 is out, I want someone to interview the fucker again and play back the tape to him live on camera. I want to see him squirm and look like a lying cheating douchebag. I guess a lot of my rage stems from an intense dislike of all the leeching suits in this bizz. I've met more Jack Trettons than I care to remember; people in this industry for all the wrong reasons. He clearly doesn't even know what he's talking about. 'the devkits are so intuitive'? What the fuck does that even *mean* ? 'I'll bet the dev team themselves were extremely uncomfortable about representing their non existent game in that fashion.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    its fucking sad , most of the people i know that want a ps3 believe that the """""""""""""""""ingame"""""""""""""""" footage of those videos are real , they ejaculated when they saw that halo3 BS trailer , so i was like " hm...its bullshit , masterchief is actually an onion now" they were like " yeah ! your just jealous you dont buy a ps3 , you want to stick with piss !" , of course i laugh to myself and really hope they blow away 500 euros smile.gif
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    What I hate the most about this is how the actual team working on the real game gets bad credit because of these marketing moves.

    Just like the NFL pics shown above : the one with snowflakes really looks like a internal previs shot, but since it has been widespread and sold as an ingame screen the final product seems awful in comparaison.

    I'd be very mad at whoever claimed it was ingame if I were part of the team working on that title. Because every review might start with something like 'The game looks far from what was shown at E3 200X'.

    My only hope is that the kind of lies we are now seeing everywhere will stop as soon as more than a handful of ps3 games are released. But by then the system will be sold... Sony wins again!

    It's a shame that Sony's lies actually stains the rep of some talented studios.

    On a side note : it would be quite hilarious if the killzone2 vid we all hate end up as the introduction cinematic of the game :P But I hear that a new one is being worked on?
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think what happened to gears is anything like this. It's quite common for the quality to take a dive before final.

    I'd like to see how Crysis holds up. It looked absolutely stellar playing realtime (10fps or so) at E3 but no one has a PC that can do that at home.
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    I wondering why they spend so much money into making that "pseudo previz we say its real but its clearly not" videos?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's a dodgy practice to pass it off as realtime, i interviewed at a production house a while back that made intro cinematics and they were increasingly making these kind of fakey cakey gameplay movies, often at a very early stage of the actual game development.

    The chap who interviewed me suggested they had several uses; as a design tool for the devs, 'total game overview' for publishers as well as a promo for public consumption. The main rationale was that they're a comparatively cost effective way of gauging whether a game is likely to be popular before sinking thousands or even millions into next gen development.
    I saw some very convincing 'next gen games' and I don't trust trailers no more crazy.gif
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    The main rationale was that they're a comparatively cost effective way of gauging whether a game is likely to be popular before sinking thousands or even millions into next gen development.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never even considered that, good point. None the less they could have done it without global illumination, subdivisions etc. and show something that looks even remotely like the end product, motherfuckers.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I really have no issue at all with the concept of previs movies or visual and or gameplay target movies. Or even marketing movies. I can see their value and in fact I wouldn't be surprised at all that when these movies were originally commissioned that was in fact their initial purpose.

    But somewhere along the way Sony exec decided in their infinite wisdom that they would use them to blatantly lie and make outrageous claims about their products capabilities, and that, in my view, is completely lacking in integrity, damaging to the developer and downright dishonest.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    thats the key word daz : dishonesty , something that makes me icky when buying something.

    And if there is a law for publicited products to be truth in the practicall way they are advertised ( sectio ajdasjd of the cdjfdsjf civil code ) why not the same for games ? if company A is selling product B claiming that it IS REALLY C , and the end product is E , theres something wrong here...

    Still the promo images are awesome, the trailer for halo , killzone , etc , those were both badass , but claiming that they were what we were going to play....Even kojima on his mgs4 had to drastically change how it looks...wii come to papa !
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I definitely echo daz and pior, misrepresenting the product only sets an impossible standard that measures the final real-time visuals. People will omit the hard work and artistry of the people and will, instead draw direct comparisons to a horrible move by the publisher/hardware exec.

    With killzone especially, the devs are probably between a rock and a hardplace to try to deliver a fraction of what was promised by a few moronic comments by Sony. With production costs and dev cycles so high who needs another set of headaches ?
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I finally went to BestBuy today to check out the PS3 and Xbox360 (no Wii on display). After playing Motor Storm on the PS3 demo machine, the main thoughts that crossed my mind were (Graphics are okay but not as impressive as the hype lead me to expect. This machine is not worth $600 to me. I'm glad I'm getting a Wii). Blazing Angels on the Xbox360 was a fun demo.
  • EarthQuake
    holy crap that shity xbox1 looking motorcycle game is supposed to be that awesome game demo way back when?!?! I saw some guy playing it and it looked so shity for a system as hyped as the ps3 that i didnt even bother waiting around for 60 seconds as he got bored and walked away.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    thats the key word daz : dishonesty , something that makes me icky when buying something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i am use to it by now, i mean come on, every company lies about its products so you will buy it. i have never tapped into the rockies by opening a coors light and was suddenly surrounded my hot girls in bikinis. axe body spray does not make girls instantly want to bone you.. cambells soup is not mmm mmm good, it all taste like crap. air jordans dont make you any better at basketball. shit even all detergent doesnt really get out those rust stains. bounty paper towels are not really that absorbent...we are lied to about everything that is for sale. games are no different, i remember old nes tv ads with the kid saying "wow! realistic graphics!!" i mean it was 8 bit for christ sake. this is just how the world works, nothing new or surprising about all the hype and lies to me, really i am past it even bothering me.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Good point, but I think I'm looking at it from a developer standpoint Arsh, not a consumer. Fuse just made me realize why this issue gives me heartburn.

    I think the reason its so utterly irking to me, is that as a member of a dev. team at a very large company for so long, I have been burnt oh so many many times by some clueless idiot exec who didn't know what the fuck he was talking about making ridiculous impossible to keep promises. No more!
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    LOL...the truth comes out ..you hate corporate exec morons ..nothing new

    Anyways Arsh in this case it is a little bit different. Especially after seeing that video of the Sony Exec straight up lying ! I mean maybe I don't see a axe corporate exec saying in interviews " ohh yeah man this stuff makes chicks go wild im getting laid 300% more since I started using it " or like Micheal Jordan saying " yeah buy my shoes hell it makes my cousin jump 3 feet higher " .

    That's the kind BS that was slinged around . Advertising is one thing like a PS3 isn't going to make a rubix cube blow up and paint a room we know that, but when a Sony company rep says that Killzone trailer is real-time or the Motor Cross target is what the PS3 will deliver it's a whole other kind of lie in my opinion.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    it is different in the fact that no one is asking other corporate heads about their product in this manor, for instance, there are not people trying to interview the ceo of axe and asking him " does it really get you laid??" corporate executives have an obligation to stand by their product no matter what even if that means lying. on the same token sony didnt go out of its way to say killzone was real, they kind of dodged the question unless they where forced into a corner to answer the question. even the presentation of these things is a bit dodgy when these things came out you heard things like this is what you can expect on the ps3, not this is the final shipped product. i dont disagree that lying is wrong, i just dont see this as new behavior from a corporate camp trying to peddle its goods to unknowing consumers. i am sure sony is learning from its mistakes by now, (lets hope) but making a big fuss out of it is a good thing i think too, if you really confront these guys about it they will have to change up their policies.
    and daz i know your pain, but at the same time, that same clueless idiot exec who didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, also dosent know the difference between what we were promised to get and what we are getting now.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    yeah I mentioned how the game sucked balls in my review of TGS 2006 here.

    I'm very un-happy that you guys get wii sports for free... it's $40 here
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    I enjoy watching people spend an unreasonable amount of money on lies. Games are games, as they should be. Consumers should stop falling for the "cinematic quality" bullshot. Support the companies that deliver what they promise.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well in the UK it's illegal to advertise games with pre-renders on TV.

    Put that in your crack pipe
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, what about the screenshots? The "real" and the "in game" shots?

    We know they are usually faked - they might start off as a screen grab, but then they always end getting a little bit of photoshop treatment.

    And are those any different from the touch ups done to any model/actress/actor photograph for a magazine/poster?
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, what about the screenshots? The "real" and the "in game" shots?

    We know they are usually faked - they might start off as a screen grab, but then they always end getting a little bit of photoshop treatment.

    And are those any different from the touch ups done to any model/actress/actor photograph for a magazine/poster?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess that depends on whether or not I'm going to be having sex with those models. I don't look at screenshots just because they're pretty; I look at screenshots because I plan on someday playing that particular video game.

    But that sort of thing doesn't bother so me much -- screenshot touch-ups and early game footage that is later scaled down is expected. What does bother me is what Sony has been doing for years now. I think Asmuel was spot on when he said they're pioneers of bullshit. They've been selling blatant lies since the PS2 launch. I remember a few months before the PS2 launch, the CEO of Sony told Newsweek that the PS2 used the "same interface" and same concept as seen in the movie "The Matrix." He said some bullshit about a cybercity and "jacking in" to the Matrix.

    Talk about bringing bullshit to another level... it's like the guy challenged himself to come up with the most astronomically bullshit lie capable of being imagined by the human mind.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I think maybe you're remembering a description of one of the TV advertisments for the PS2 which was showing off the PS9 (I think) with all its fancy Matrixy features. It concluded with something like "That won't be ready for a while, so try the PS2 for now." Its no doubt available on Youtube somewheres.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    a bit more

    this kind of practice has been banned by the department for trade and industry (DTI) & Ofcom after numerous complaints over the years, Mostly about EA's medal of honor and BF1942 for miss-leading consumers.

    to mind the only game to cause uproar from gamers was Killzone and now this Driving game, which doubles up as a handy coaster for your beverages.
  • _Shimmer
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Arsh i think you're looking at it from the perspective of the consumer and not the dev who's involved. I mean the publisher could just bullshit about anything they can, and then create expectations putting pressure on noone but the developer.

    In other industries, you already have a shippable product and the success/failure of that product heavily relies on the marketing strategy employed.

    In this industry though execs sell the public the idea first and deliver the product second, and somewhere in between the artists/designers have to live up to the false expectations.

    When Mazda unveiled their sports car and subsequently launched it they promised something around 270 horsepower, but in reality only delivered around 230. The numbers are not important but what was important was that they admitted to their lie and gave the buyers a cash compensation or an option to give back the car for full reimbursement. That happened because simply, they lied and underdelivered.

    Would sony give you a reimbursement for killzone2 if you went and showed them a clip of the exec bsing about the prerendered trailer? absolutely not. They got the word out, boosted the sales and cashed in.

  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I bet they are already taking pre-orders...(ps9)heh

    Went by Target this morning when they opened...
    They sold out of Wii in less than 10 minutes. Apparently some moms and grandmoms had been waiting outside since 4am this morning. I refuse to do that. My town isn't even more than 50k people strong. Guess I'll check BestBuy a little later. Oh...and I checked my online tracker site...and between the time the Wii sold at Target until about 10 minutes after I got home...an auction had already appeared. Buying systems to sell them at marked up prices to the guy who is standing behind you in line and won't be able to get a system is so lame. I hope their paypal gets locked.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    really don't get how this is considered something new. hyping up consoles, pc graphics boards, whatever. remember the C64 loading screens? sometimes beautifully pixeled stuff and then the actual game looked like poo...

    what's the big deal with the PS3 now, is it somehow in fashion to constantly bash that "box to run games on"? boooooring.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Such a boring issue that you felt the need to contribute to the thread eh? Nobody said anything in this thread about this concept being new. Why does it have to be new to moan about it? The observation is that Sony are the masters of lying about their products capabilities and flat out getting away with it.

    As a piece of hardware, the PS3 falls technologically VASTLY short of Sonys claims from several years ago. It's got absolutely fuck all to do with 'fashion'. No, of course this isn't the first time it's happened, they were claiming Toy Story graphics for the PS2. But the fact that they consistently get away with lying about their tech specs year in year out is pretty fucking outrageous (to some). But clearly boring to others. As far as I'm concerned, the more publicity there is about exposing their bs the better.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    why dont you talk that sexy to me daz when i think its boring?
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