I felt like starting a model I would update from start to finish here. I really don't know if I'll make it but it might be a good way to get some things done in a short timeframe...
I started thinking about semi-realistic lowpoly versions of SF2 characters. I eventually want to create a few personnal designs but decided to start with famous existing ones since I really enjoyed to work from a famous concept when I did that Patriot thing.
So yeah, some chinese in a rigid pose, hum.

threedee is next!
I can't wait to see what you do with this Pior. Street Fighter characters with your personal style would be a very interesting thing to see!
More, faster!
She needs spikes on her braclets,
and do blanka
then Sagat.
Then a super slutty cammy...tee hee.
Started on the actual work this afternoon. I want to block in most of the textures before starting on the model.
Also I really don't know the meaning of the symbol I used on the back, let's hope its not offensive hehe.
Anyone ever played Street Fighter EX + Alpha ? Was the 3d transition any good for the gameplay?
BTW have you got any of the Street Fighter comics? They have some awesome comic artist contributing to them!
Sweet work, pior.
Anyways, quick concept sheet. I want to keep it fast hence I don't think I will polish it more than this. A blend between the Anatomy for the Artist asian woman and the Chunli SFAlpha sprite, plus ASICS!
Lampoly, yes that's what I am trying to do, at least with the most tricky bits like the face. I think it is easier to lay down facial features on 'paper' than on a 3Dmodel. It won't work for the whole model of course, but I found out it's a neat little technique for heads and accessories.
Can you also see a Korean factor on the texture? Or is this on the concepts? From what I have seen so far it seems like asians have a broad jawbone and maybe the teeth going slightly outwards in general. Now that I am looking at some more Korean/Asian cross references I see that global skull width and lips thickness makes a big difference. Hence My chunli wearing thick lipstick might throw it off, amongst other factors.
Not the same age, but still:
I love it when working on a character teaches things like this!
very nice concept, pior but what is it about the shoes?
In a certain way it allows to have all the reference you need in one picture. Instead of having side and front views to model from, pretty much everything is included in the texture, with the added benefit of knowing where to put the necessary details. It also saves the frustration of "okay, now lets try to texture that model to make it look okay", because it's already there.
I also tried a shift to a more Chinese look on the texture.
Sa74n, Chun li wears this shoes in the Alpha series... Hence I just colorised some picture I found of a pair of Onitsukas and slammed that on the model sheet. Bruce Lee, the Bride - and Slum- all wear that model, and it seems like the Alpha Chunli is a tribute too Lee's style.
Or is that something else you wanted to point out?
I am really interested to see where u go from here =]
The symbol is Shinto, Shou, meaning long life: http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefsshou.htm
The ease of doing texture to model is dependent that you already understand `form` and have practiced laying it down in 2d format, particularly understanding unwraps. It`s a time saver of a technique.
Looking nice Pior. Saussison?
usually have sharper chins , thiner noses and longer faces
your character at the moment reminds me of korean pop star Hyori Lee
Chinese girs tend to have more compact faces, bigger cheeks, wider noses, and flatter chins,
i personally think Huang Shengyi would make good ref for a chun li
there is also a lot of difference in the eye shape, how much lid is showing, how round/ flat they are in different areas.
good luck its one of hardest things i have ever had to learn, but after spending so long looking at the differences it has allowed me notice key features of all races and was one if the most valuable lessions i learned. here is the chinese girl i made.
hey that new texture looks really nice!! much more chinese than the concepts.
looks good.
Chinese girs tend to have more compact faces, bigger cheeks, wider noses, and flatter chins
[/ QUOTE ]
You do realize that china is a huge country, with more that a billion people that differ quite a lot regionally, right?
A south Chinese girl look about as similar to a north Chinese one as a Korean, or a Japanese one (let alone Tibetian girls).
I am not by any means trying to start an argument, but you were really over simplifying things.
Edit: No I don't have an asian girl fetish
P.S.: Really nice start on everyones favorite kick ass girl, pior.
Also finished the first pass on the head. I went too fast and overdetailled, because of this I definately lost something on the way... I think she needs more prettyness. Tomorrow will be pretty day!
Edit - no img tags anymore, that was crap :O
might need to remove the dark lipstick, as ChunLi is more of a natural girl I think.
Devon Aoki has that triangular face like the early Chun Li
Good call on the gymnast legs, I just realized I did not look into jumpy females references and I am sure that would help.
Sorry about the temp hair color! That will change. It is so risky to model a famous character : there is always someone to be (rightfully) unsatisfied
Hope you don't mind the mini updates guys, just want to make it some kind of daily thing.
Would also like to know how you modeled the head exactly. Did you start flat using the texture as a guide and then wrap it around a skull?
Anyway, keep going!
1. Paint concept
2. Start painting out the texture as you assume you're going to lay out the uvs
3. Model around the painted texture
4. Make a better unwrap and render to texture if there is stretching
5. Paint out stretching.
ah hu hu hu!!
looking cool, detail looks nice, this looks different than your usual stuff, I LIKE!