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polycounter lvl 17
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thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
Hi, I started a new model today and after a few hours of work this is what I've got smile.gif

I'm still not entirely happy with how it looks, but I don't really know what is bothering me frown.gif

so if you could tell me what is wrong with the model or what parts are just ugly as sin, then I'll know what to change tomorrow tongue.gif



  • lildragn
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    lildragn polycounter lvl 17
    not much to go on here, but one thing that is killing it so far is it's posture. His center of gravity is way off.

    GOod luck!
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    Couldn't agree more. He's made of 90* angles which is making him look unnatural. Rigid things are associated with the mechanical. Pop his knee out, bend his foot (ankle to hoof = foot?), give him an ass! I think getting him in balance would help tremendously. Here's me mucking about (also played with proportions some, but you could give him a bigger build if you want).

  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    thanks laugh.gif
    I'll make it more balanced, and I think I'll also make the upper leg a bit longer smile.gif
    expecct some updates soon tongue.gif
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    and here is the promised update smile.gif
    changed some bits of the leg, mostly around the knee

    next step is probably going to be refining the arms as there still isn't much shape in it frown.gif


    tell me what you think smile.gif
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Curve his spine!
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    Haven't been able to model a lot these last few days, but here is another small update laugh.gif

    added a few poly's on its torso and gave him some hands smile.gif


    All comments welcome laugh.gif
  • NuclearTes
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    NuclearTes polycounter lvl 18
    Your latest changes already improved your model a lot. I hope my feedback will help you to improve your model even further.

    I hope I'm not too harsh, but I think the upper body looks a bit too bulky and large compared to the legs. The torso is a bit stretched as well. I think it would look better if you moved the shoulders closer to his chest/pectoral muscles. I also think the abdominal muscles are a bit too stretched. You could also improve the flow of the mesh by giving him slenderer elbows. He doesn't seem to have elbows now.
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