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Polycount Challenges Idea

polycounter lvl 18
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thnom polycounter lvl 18
Today, watching Dodgeball I came up with the idea of a community like mod-project. Now I was thinking of something SIMPLE (like Dodgeball or 'Ultimate Frizbee' (3dguy's suggestion) into an engine that doesn't take much work. I'm proposing something with a lot of artistic freedom (again, Dodgeball the movie - all the different team sets, etc.). How does this tie into polycount challenges? Right now they seem a tad 'empty'. The current challenge has 2 entries. There is ALWAYS mad interest in Q3 'quick' (to modern standards) SDKs. I'm thinking of challenges like:

"Design a team with at least 2 body variants" (no head involed). Week after (or w/e): "Design at least 2 head variants)". Then have people release their models for other people to skin (much like an SDK). I'm basically typing out loud here..

I see one problem in the fact of coders. If it was a mod idea (so all the challenges link to a 'final piece') it would need a coder, not easy to find.



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