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  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
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    there are actually no duel core alienware laptops so you cant even compair really

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    Athlon X2 is dual core and its offered with Aurora M7700 and you can get it for under $3000, 17" display is nice too.

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    I own one of these, as it happens.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Mac pricing: 640 Euros for a freaking Mac Mini, weak configuration. Single core 1.5GHz, 512MB RAM, 60GB HDD and a fucking Intel graphics chip. For 600 Euros I can turn my PC into a sweet gaming rig. Okay, I'll keep components from my PC for that so let's say 1000 Euros gives me that sweet gaming rig (generous, all I'd need is a HDD, case and optical drive to make that upgrade into a PC, maybe 200 Euros). The iMac has comparable stats but you can't get it for less than 1350 Euros.
  • EarthQuake
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    A clean install of xp(that is KEPT CLEAN) is extremely stable. My work pc has been running for a month straight with NO PROBLEMS, and thats a month of maxed out usage, highres modeling, rendering high res ambocc maps, running buggy builds of our game, ect... Perfectly stable. On the other hand i have to restart my home system occasionally just because its so loaded with shit i put on it. Oh oh oh, and max wont be bothered to run on my work computer, no matter how many times i reinstall. I think thats about 200% of the stability problems i've had on xp in the past right there, max.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
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    my "super" laptop died a few months ago, bit of a shame I can't get it fixed without sending it half way around the world for a 700GBP price tag. It's a dual pentium4 3.2 and would undoubtably kick this macs benchmark into the dust.

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    Find a small independant repairshop, one that does not provide warranty repairs (as those who do are prohibited from fixing anything, they can just swap components) and ask them to look at it. There are "pots" (dunno how they are called in english) that can go bad and are easy, fast and cheap fix.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think you mean capacitors.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
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    my "super" laptop died a few months ago, bit of a shame I can't get it fixed without sending it half way around the world for a 700GBP price tag. It's a dual pentium4 3.2 and would undoubtably kick this macs benchmark into the dust.

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    Find a small independant repairshop, one that does not provide warranty repairs (as those who do are prohibited from fixing anything, they can just swap components) and ask them to look at it. There are "pots" (dunno how they are called in english) that can go bad and are easy, fast and cheap fix.

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    nah the graphics card overheated and died. Unfortunately the geforce go 5700 is built into the motherboard, so the whole lot needs to be replaced.
  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
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    It is true that XP seldomly crashes completely, but the bad thing is that crashed programms often take other processes down with them. The explorer (not the internet one but the desktop one) for example crashes very often alone or together with a application (it recovers quickly on its own though)

    [/ QUOTE ] Considering I work with up to 5 WinXP machines a day, that sounds a little rich to me. Explorer rarely, if ever crashes, without it being the user's own damn fault. (and even THAT is hard to achieve)

    [ QUOTE ]
    and after a crash of a program XP often feels sluggish as if some memory eating remains stay on for a while (quickly restarting the same application that just crashed is sometimes also problematic).

    [/ QUOTE ]I have Mac experience too, and saying this NEVER happens on OSX is bull. It does happen, albeit very, very, VERY rarely - just like WinXP.
    Fact is, both WinXP and OSX are stabile OS'es. Some people just like to rag down on that which they don't know sh#t about.

    And what is with that XvsXP site? Looks like they're dumping scores at random, on both sides of the board, just to piss people off! :O
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Microsoft have had a Stable OS since Nt/2000. It's not perfect, but few things are.

    XP is a great operating system, and I've never really had any issue with it.

    I think the major advantage that Apple has with stability over microsoft is that firstly OSX is built in *nix, so thats a pretty damn solid base. Lets be brutally honest - unix has a history and it is robust.

    Secondly, for the most part, OS X written by Apple runs on Apple build hardware. Microsoft have to support hardware from 100s on manufacturers, each of whom write their own drivers. All this hardware can interfere with other hardware. I believe that Vista is going to really help these issues for MS.

    That being said, I now prefer OSX to XP. The interface is nicer, and everything just feels right. If I was a PC gamer I'd probably spend all my cash on a PC. But I'm not, so I get to play with a nice, silent, white computer that came in a dinky white box.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
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    nah the graphics card overheated and died. Unfortunately the geforce go 5700 is built into the motherboard, so the whole lot needs to be replaced.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What makes you think so?
    If a company that does warranty repairs said so then you should seriously doubt it as they are not allowed to fix anything so they always say "motherboard needs to be replaced, $1000 please!" while it could be fixed with a $1 part and 1 min soldering.
    But then again why should i worry if you throw your money away?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    nah the graphics card overheated and died. Unfortunately the geforce go 5700 is built into the motherboard, so the whole lot needs to be replaced.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What makes you think so?
    If a company that does warranty repairs said so then you should seriously doubt it as they are not allowed to fix anything so they always say "motherboard needs to be replaced, $1000 please!" while it could be fixed with a $1 part and 1 min soldering.
    But then again why should i worry if you throw your money away?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol trust me, I've tried every possiblity. The card is now out of stock in America because so many failed. BTW I'm in Japan where this laptop was never sold / HP don't support over here.

  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    jes, in a 3000 person XP environment, i can tell you we have about 1 user caused crash a day at most. We have two macs the only thing they use them for are photoshop boxes, and testing web site apps. I've managed to crash one once just trying to learn the interface :/

    then again our xp installs are fairly restrictive. the solution, like it or not, is to stop running as an administrator account. You can always shift-right click an exe to 'run as' and enter your admin password. this is very effective in stopping malware and apps from accessing files they should not be etc yadada. vista kind of forces you to take notice of this with it's many 'will you allow this application' notices.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    macs are a mixed bag they really are.

    a mac with loads of ram will hardly ever crash, and I've never know osx to crash, only applications in it, which is fairly normal whatever os you use. Hell my phone has crashed more times than the software on this mac, mac os has never once been down.

    then again I am running it with 2gb of ram

    older macs and ones that run os9 or lower will certainly crash a lot when running new software or trying to perform tasks they were never built to run (like handling large video files or sourcing raw images). However I've had experience in using mac os8 for about a year day in day out and it didn't fall over once.

    My work pc on the other hand had to be replaced twice, the os crashed very frequently taking all of my work with it.

    I guess it's all down to experience, and lets face it, there are less macs out there, so they have earned the reputation of being stable... even if it's not true in certain cases!
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    do macs not have swap space to account for low ram machines?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Back in the old days, memory allocation for a Mac was actually all user specified. You would tell it how much to use for Photoshop or whatever, and that's how it went. I don't know when dynamic memory allocation, handled by the OS, became the norm, but it was very late 1990s at the earliest.
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