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UV Snap Shot problem

polycounter lvl 17
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Krisonrik polycounter lvl 17
I am trying to use UV snap shot in Maya to export an image of UV map. But for some reason, the snap shot area always remain 1:1 (X : Y) ratio. Here is the UV exported file...
And this is the screen shot of UV editor.

It doesn't matter what I change... UV range... entire range... or User defined (in this case, I use U -1 to 1, V 0 to 1. Still doesn't work. Change image size X and Y, in aspect ratio or not... it always export an image with those blank space included. Anyone can tell me where I went wrong? I am so frustrated ><;;


  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Sorry, this bit of Maya is confusing to say the least. To understand rectangular uv's apply a rectangular texture to your model and turn on use image ratio in the uv texture editor window. You should see your uv's are actually way out of range, scale them back into a rectangle, which is actually a square when image ratio is turned off! Then take your uv snap shot using these settings.

    size X 512

    size Y 256

    UV Range Normal (0 to 1)
  • Krisonrik
    Offline / Send Message
    Krisonrik polycounter lvl 17
    So for UV snap shot to work, it has to be in normal range? Than why do they give you option of user defined range? It's all so confusing. >.>
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    uv range is completely relative when you are talking about the mapping you want to do so there is no advantage to using the -1 to 2 range since you are wanting a uv snapshot that is in the 0 to 1 range, it's just numbers relative to where you have moved your uv's to. -1 to 2 would actually be your image tiled 3 times which is not what you're trying to take a snapshot of. Just apply a temp checkerboard texture that is 512x256 and turn on image ratio and you won't have to think about it, you can just see that it looks correct.
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