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polycounter lvl 17
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(*) polycounter lvl 17
Hello there, im kinda new smile.gif, and i need some help

Im trying to render a logo in 3ds, the thing is that i have a white box up on the scene so one object get a nice
highlight( yes i already hide the white box from the camera). <u>I want the highlight just in one object</u> , but the floor which has also some reflection shows the white box in the render. So how can i magically dissapear the white box from the render?

I know my english is weird crazy.gif
thx in advance (*)


  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Couldn't you just use the material properties to define what gets a highlight and what doesn't?
  • (*)
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    (*) polycounter lvl 17
    if u show me how that would be cool.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    there is a help file. or manuals if you have a legit copy. I'm really not trying to be an ass, it's just a very very basic question you would be faster answering yourself.
  • (*)
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    (*) polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah i know, i searched what KDR_11k gave me as a partial solution, but i couldnt find where in the material editor or elsewhere u can choose the interaction between objects.
    and i thought that asking would be easier and quicker

    no worries ill find out myself.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Specularity is what you're looking for. If you don't want anything to fancy, you should just be able to play with the specularity (highlight intensity) and glossiness (highlight size - the higher the number, the smaller and sharper your highlight) controls in your material editor. It'll probably take a little tweaking to get it just the way you want it, but its not too complicated.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    i think he's actually using Brazil renderer (you should probably specify since different renderers handle things in different ways), so I think changing the specular settings are not going to have the desired effect here.
  • (*)
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    (*) polycounter lvl 17

    Thxs for replying.

    Jackblade as shown in the picture the floor has some raytraced reflection but i don´t know why the render keeps reflecting the white box if its invisible to the camera...the floor material dont have any specularity (Specular level = 0 and Glossiness = 0). As for the white box its a box with self-illumination.

    And MoP this time im using the default scanline renderer cuz i need to give the max file to a friend (so he can make all the renders he wants)and he doesnt have Brazil. I hope u can understand what my problem is...anyway thanks
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    In Max you can set an object to be "invisible to raytracing" as well... I think it's in the Properties dialogue (right-click the object).
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    No idea if you have already tried this or by doing it you disable the reflection, but try going into Object properties and uncheck this box:

  • (*)
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    (*) polycounter lvl 17
    Valandar i tried what u said, by turning of (Visible to Reflection /Refraction) and thats what it does, it wont show the box on the floor nor on the object so no nice highlight for me frown.gif

    And yes Cubik by unchecking the (Renderable) thing it just wont render the box at all.

    I decided that the floor wont have any reflection, so i can keep the highlight on the object but not showing on the floor, since it looks like the scene its "floating" ill add some lights to create shadows and give like its on something.

    EDIT: Finally i just found that in the raytrace options there is an "local exclude" button,it let u choose which objects will show for the reflection or refraction. Now i have a nice highlight and nice reflection on the floor!

    I think KDR_11k was refering to this.

    Thanks for the help people. be sure to check the "Pantera" car i did, there was a design problem that u could help me resolve.

  • Eric Chadwick
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    A quick way... move the white card upwards until it no longer reflects in the floor, but still reflects in the curvy object. That way you still get reflections of the other meshes within the floor.

    Or you could go old-school by deleting the floor and manually mirroring all the meshes to make pseudo-reflections.
  • (*)
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    (*) polycounter lvl 17
    thanks eric. but i just found the answer ^^
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