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Concept art wanted

polycounter lvl 18
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Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
For a while now I've been putting together ideas for a tutorial, but I think it would be much easier if I pulled it all together and released it as a biggy - perhaps in sections.

The tutorial will be "Building a character for next generation consoles"

My idea is to take a raw concept, build the model, unwrap it, explain why I'm building and unwrapping in that style (games industry building and unwrapping can be different from hobby stuff as your work often needs to be reusable). It'll get normla and spec maps, a skeleton and I'll weight it. Perhaps someone will stick it into a game.

Anyway, I'd like a concept - a good sold charcter that would suit a nex gen game. I was going to build myself, but thats too conceited even for a ego tripper like myself.

Any donaters out there? Ideally I'd like a concept and model sheets if possible. Colour in the concept would be a bonus. WE could even have a few submissiosn and poll as to what one peple would like to see.


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