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The Spirit Molecule (low crab!)

polycounter lvl 19
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shotgun polycounter lvl 19
Has anyone here tripped on DMT?


  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    nope! i hear it's craaazzyyy shit from which you stay messed up for a week. that's WAAAAYY over my line.

    i DO hear it's amazing tho. if you don't die?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    huh, I was just about to say it sounds like a rip-off, this site says you trip anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes depending if you smoked it or injected it.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, I've done it. It was largish crystals, like pieces of sand. We smoked it, but I didn't get enough to really throw down the full "sucked into the stream of time" effect I've heard and read about. It felt like a really intense sharpening of my sense of the room around me, but not multi colored or warping like with other "things" (cough) of that nature.

    There was a fly walking across the moulding around a nearby doorframe and when I saw it...I had a tactile response to every footstep the fly took, it was like thundering elephant footsteps but with no sound, only the impression of it hitting my body, like the way bass hits you from a loud speaker. That only really lasted a couple of mintues though and it just settled into kind of a buzz, and after about half an hour I couldn't tell I had done anything.

    Robert Venosa and Alex Grey are two artists that are fairly heavily influenced by their experiences with DMT and Ayahuasca. I'm not sure if they do any more but they used to hold guided Ayahuasca drinking artist retreats to some hotel in the middle of Argentina or Brazil or something. Crazy stuff. crazy.gif
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Hmm, I'm very disappointed you didn't join us,
    you missed a hell of a vacation! wink.gif

    in order for it not to work, well.. you see there are several ways, techniques, you must follow closely. pretty much anyways.
    otherwise, you dont get to ride the rocket.

    you should try another match.
    senseless, out of it, gone down the road out of control wacko

    oh ye, so you say, you are in florida?
    I am located in sarasota.
    It's extremely hard to locate the substance, isn't it?
    I wonder if you know.


    Wait a second.. your icons.. your paintings... ia ia cthulhu, its from that crazy ass comic book isnt it?
    With the nacromonium book, with those insane watercolor wash illustrations?

    i 'm onto you... we're onto each other wink.gif

    edit2 (hey.. I'm trying!)
    that venosa guy is fucking ee-ma-zing~ zing~ zing~
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    are you tripping right now???

    oh yeah, I'm in Lady Lake, Florida rules!
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Hehe well riding the rocket is what its all about I suppose!. Seriously though DMT is pretty hard to get ahold of, I only came across it as a fluke. At about the same time I also came across some stuff called 5-MEO-AMT and that shit took me for a ride. A 14 hour ride to be precise. At the time it wasn't illegal, infact you could order bricks of it from research chemical companies. Theres probably some kinda watch on it now though. Insane visuals, but alot of nausea and a weird twitchy nervousness. Not really the most fun, plus there really isn't any shift in your thinking patterns, no spiritual dimension to it, which for me, is one of the most rewarding things about the hallucinogenic state.....seeing things is pretty cool to though shocked.gif

    ...and yeah, Cthulhu lies dreaming in the deathless city beneath the water..."that is not dead, which can enternal lie, in stranger eons even death may die"
  • motives
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Your all talking about taking drugs on a site where employers and employees frequent?

    Your all idiots, and I hope you never get hired.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    That should be "You're", not "Your", Downsizer.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    You're all idiots, and I hope you die.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Public forum, open to discussion. I'm sure even these employers and employee's you speak of have tried something-or-other in their time. I'd much rather work with someone who is honest than with someone who jumps to conclusions.

    That said, to each his own. Although the experience you mentioned sounds interesting - I'll never attempt it. I'm interesting in hearing more stories if you've got them laugh.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    While I agree to each his own, I just wanted to say this serves as a list for me of people I just lost any respect for.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I agree it's pretty dumb to talk about this in a public forum, actually.

    Then again, I'm fairly against drugs. I haven't had so much as a paracetemol in the past 2-3 years.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Anything beyond weed kinda scares me... Still, if I learn I have only a few months to live, I will no doubt try all the drugs i can find all at once.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, what a glorious shit storm. Ok I'm willing to admit that sharing drug stories, even in the general discussion section, on a site populated with professionals probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I don't seriously believe a prospective employer is going to look past my work and not hire me because one time, on one of the 3 or 4 forums he/she checks out, someone who may or may not be me, mentioned doing some drugs that most people haven't even heard of, a couple of years ago. I've got a job now anyway, and I seriously doubt they care that a few years ago I took some hallucinogens. My point is that in a month or two bearly anyone is even going to remember this thread existed, a new video game will come out and all this foolishness will be washed away. I'm also not going to feel bad for doing something which probably hurt me less that eating a fucking cheeseburger, and gave me an interesting experience to talk about.

    In shot's defense, "Theres a time and a place for everything...its called college" Seriously though, shotgun is an amazing artist and some silly post on a forum regarding the possiblity of drug use is not going to get him blacklisted.

    Anyway, in the interest of not being told someone hopes I die or that I'm no longer worthy of any kind of respect because I shared a "questionable" experience, there will be no more of that material, sorry to have contributed.

    James Ball
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Still, if I learn I have only a few months to live, I will no doubt try all the drugs i can find all at once.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny stance people take. While they're alive, they slowly kill themselves. When they come to find they're going to die soon, they want to kill themselves faster. So much for value of life, eh? What a waste. But then again, more room for me to enjoy it. If I were to die soon, I'd spend last moments with those who knew me and enjoy traveling the world I barely experienced, while you sit in a corner and giggle.

    Yeah, it's a natural chemical within the body, but the body sets limits for a reason. And I've never witnessed a cheeseburger break up the close bond of a family or send a young man to prison with a criminal record to his name. Tried it once, and learned is one thing although stupid, but most would rather not see people pushing the terms around on a forum as if it were a cool thing to do. If you go to college to try that shit, obviously your parents fucked up when they had you. Keep raising your hands and add a new term to many a young minds curiousity on a public forum.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    I've never done anything beyond marijuana or alcohol (the only prescription drugs I've ever taken are antibiotics and antihistamines... never any prescription pain killers), but I still find it interesting that recreational drug use carries such a stigma in our society. A person experiments with something that you would never consider doing yourself, and because of this you lose respect for them? I don't understand why.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Holy shit.

    Wierd people.

    Well anyways, I've never taken any hallucinogenic, I don't smoke cigs, (only have 1 lung so forget about it), I rarely drink alcohol, yep not even coffee. I eat organics, etc... you get the picture.

    My only drug is my soul.

    So all of you people who just pointed your finger and went "omg.." - why don't you get some proportion on life, eh?

    Gotta love how people in this forum always rush into conlcusions.

    I think what I've been reading lately about DMT is quite amazing. Click the link below for some info, and experiences descriptions. Really fascinating.

    I guess being illegal and natural fear of the unknown and realizing we are as primitive as ants is why DMT is not an extremely popular drug. What, the shit they sell here in america in every gas station, the energy stuff, that's better?

    Just think of the possibilies for humanity to rise, finally, out of this childish games we've been doing for the past... well 3000 years or so.

    Yes, I may end up doing it some day.

    No, I honestly don't believe this can harm me in any possible way as an aspiring artist, not proffesionally and not personally.

    How many people here look up to Kevin lewellyn religeously?
    Quite a lot I bet. That guy's all into shit, and all his friends as well, they openly admitted it @ the ca.org workshop, on stage. And they have not lost their friends since then / went to jail / exhiled from human society / just read Elysium's post. Take it easy man...

    Poop: good to know, was nice knowing you then.

    Aesir: Me too!

    Justin_Meisse: no, but I havent slept in 3 days!! O YEA

    Let's try and discuss the possibilities of this curious chemical called DMT, rather than act like a couple of 100 years old grannies seeing a boy and girl kissing in the middle of the street. I think it's very interesting..
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Alright...First the college thing, it was a joke...its a quote from a South Park episode. No one goes to college to get fucked up, that would be waaaay to expensive. However I don't see why Mr. ElysiumGX is so bothered by the fact that some people would want to try things they hadn't before. Are drug dangerous? Sure, so are cars, but you probably get in one every day, and even if you don't you surrounded by them. They're not too dangerous if you know what your doing and have some sense. I'd say alcohol is way more dangerous than any of the aforementioned substances.

    Also...did I detect some attempt to blame me for corrupting the minds of young readers? I sure hope they read this and figure out that its better to just wish death on people, and call them fuckwads (mommy whats a fuck...wad?), than try and understand anything.

    James Ball
    PS- humorously enough (unless of course you think getting inebriated is a humorless human tragedy devoid of any possibility of worth) I lived in Wilmington NC while I was engaging in the aforementioned activites
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Poop doesn't need drugs anyway, he's high on life! My impression of him is based entirely what I see on these forums, and that'd be enough to make me lock up any caffeinated beverages and over-the-counter cold medicines if he were around laugh.gif

    On the other hand, I totally don't get the fascination with drugs. I'm completely not interested in changing how I see, think, feel or in any way deal with the real world - I'm happy with how I am sans chemicals.
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    cut your hair you goddamn druggie hippies.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Shotgun, does this drug make your art for you? If so then i lost any respect i had for your art. wink.gif

    Its ok to try new things, i may think some people are stupid to try some of them but they are the type of people who cant learn from any other method. On the other hand steadly useing any drug is not ok, it changes who you are. I personaly hate drugs because they can kill and do kill. I dont want to hear about any one hear passing away because they needed to know what it was like.

    I did paoti once, because it was part of my friends wedding ritual. Or at least it was part of his wifes wedding ritual as she is native american. Now am i evil because i ate a little bit of a plant that is concidered a drug by the government? I was told before hand that you see things on it, but i guess that was not for me, that or it really wasnt paoti... tasted like ash.... might have been.

    Note i dont do any drugs and never have other than paoti, not even smoke a cig. I drink once in a blue moon when i can get a good margarita.
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    I think I'd experiment with narcotics, if only once each, if I thought I could get away with it. As it is, I'm so afraid of cops that just driving past a patrol car, occupied or not, releases a nice dose of adrenaline through my body and starts my heart a-pumpin'. The presence of something illegal in my pocket would very likely incapacitate me with terror. Sad, eh? I'd seek therapy but I'm not too sure about psychiatrists either.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    slightly off-topic but still relavent in the drugs sense.

    my close group of friends have all gone to university and come back and now ALL of them smoke weed...im thinking WTF is up with that,if I took every spliff ive been offered over the easter period and sold them on id be at least a few quid up by now...do we have any other UK uni students here that can just clarify for me that this isn't across the board??

    As you can tell from above,im not against people doing drugs,there life,they live with the consequences I don't even mind sitting there watching people smoke (not got any option now by the looks of it) but ive not tried a ciggy or anything else,I just think ive had my fair share of health probs without adding to them through soemthing that can be so easyily avoided.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Oh blah blah blah everyone stfu. Get back to work, you damn slackers!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Alright, the point being, DMT is a very interesting drug, that has enormous potential as a medical supplement for mental or spiritual illness, and we *may be
    probably are too stupid to understand that because the way society lives.

    And that same society is what created the prespective some of the people who replied (and destroyed) this thread.

    It's miraculous, I think, to find at least 1 person here that has experienced this (although not too its full potential.. unfortunately), and maybe one day I'll be another.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    You must be tollerant of everything, save intollerance.

    So because you say this drug can be the way of humans next evolution, we should all hop on board the drug train express revolution?

    I think I'm still entitled to my opinion, as I pointed out in my first post, you are entitle to yours. I won't ever say someone cannot use these drugs in the privacy of their own home, but I sure as hell don't have to start praising the lord you've found some amazing new mind altering experience.

    If you think this is something you want to try, go for it. Don't accuse people of being shriveled up grannies because we don't feel the same. I hardly would compare a couple kissing, to someone using a mind altering and potentially dangerous drug.

    *quote* No, I honestly don't believe this can harm me in any possible way as an aspiring artist, not proffesionally and not personally. *quote*

    I hope that works out for you. I doubt very seriously most people who have died from drugs/alcohol/skipping rope, ever thought that would harm them when they started.

    Also, I look up to artists because of their artwork, not because of their lifestyle, and in cases like lewellyn, it's in spite of their lifestyle I like them, not because of it. Don't try to justify something because someone famous did it.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    I asked for this thread to discuss the possibilities of this phenomenal drug called DMT, and in a very specific context: Medical and Spiritual supplement. That's all. I would never advise people, like you, who have nothing to do with these kind of things (and better off that way) to use DMT for any other purpos. And I never mentioned and other drugs either, since really this thread has nothing to do with any other drug. No other drug has the charachteristics and capabilites of DMT. This thread only has to do with DMT, and it's fascinating possibilities. And all I wanted to know is perhaps someone from our community has experienced it, and would like to share it with us. It's very interesting indeed. Dmt. Aka the Spirit Molecule. Aka the name of this thread.

    So lets try and stick to that ok?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I asked for this thread to discuss the possibilities of this phenomenal drug called DMT, and in a very specific context: Medical and Spiritual supplement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You picked a hell of a way to begin. I'm more willing to discuss it without the following.

    [ QUOTE ]
    you missed a hell of a vacation! wink.gif
    you must follow closely.
    you dont get to ride the rocket.
    you should try another match.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    However I don't see why Mr. ElysiumGX is so bothered by the fact that some people would want to try things they hadn't before.

    I sure hope they read this and figure out that its better to just wish death on people, and call them fuckwads

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've tried a few things in life. But never something like this. It's fine for someone to try something, it's a learning experience when young...but to try it for several years and ask other to join? Ok, so maybe it's not fine to try something if you're aware of the risk, or completely oblivious.

    Oh and touche.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I lived in Wilmington NC while I was engaging in the aforementioned activites

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe it. I avoid driving in this town as much as possible. They recently caught kids selling drugs from a Wendy's restaurant. They were the employees.

    It doesn't hold many possibilities because most people who get there hands on it would not use it responsibly...example: college students.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    On the other hand, I totally don't get the fascination with drugs. I'm completely not interested in changing how I see, think, feel or in any way deal with the real world - I'm happy with how I am sans chemicals.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I feel the same way. I'm content with how I am now, and I just don't see the need for any kind of drugs (not attacking anyone that does :P).

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd say alcohol is way more dangerous than any of the aforementioned substances.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alcohol is a bit different in my eyes. When people drink alcohol, they often not only become a threat to themselves, but a threat to me, friends, family, and everyone around them, and that's when I have a problem. Alcohol is drank for one of two reasons : Social (usually to fit in), or they have problems they want to drink away, and I can't respect either one of those.

    Still though, all these drugs are potentially harmful to anyone, especially dumbass younger people :P, so as long as you're responsible with yourself and keep it within your own home, I don't see a problem with it. It's when they come into the rest of the world's space that it often becomes a problem.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    Elysium: I see.

    For you, what I wrote to Cthugua means: from I've been reading on dmt, you had missed a hell of a trip, as it is specifically described DMT must be "consumed" in very specific technique in order for it to unfold it's fully potential. Otherwise, yoyu "only" get the visuals. If you do it wrong once, it won't work, and further "consuming" will not work either initially. I suppose he didn't try again since then, so he never got to experience it fully. Since he is alreayd into it anyways, I do honestly suggest to him to give it another ago. It should be worth it.

    He understood me fine.
    *the message was for him
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Alcohol is a bit different in my eyes. When people drink alcohol, they often not only become a threat to themselves, but a threat to me, friends, family, and everyone around them, and that's when I have a problem. Alcohol is drank for one of two reasons : Social (usually to fit in), or they have problems they want to drink away, and I can't respect either one of those.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So when I pour a nice glass of port for myself and sit out on my back porch to enjoy the summer breeze I'm either: 1)doing it to fit in or 2)drinking away my problems?
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Alcohol is a bit different in my eyes. When people drink alcohol, they often not only become a threat to themselves, but a threat to me, friends, family, and everyone around them, and that's when I have a problem. Alcohol is drank for one of two reasons : Social (usually to fit in), or they have problems they want to drink away, and I can't respect either one of those.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So when I pour a nice glass of port for myself and sit out on my back porch to enjoy the summer breeze I'm either: 1)doing it to fit in or 2)drinking away my problems?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is just a guess, I could be wrong, but I'm guessing the first time you drank anything like that you were with a crowd, and you were trying to fit in. Then it became a habit. You're right though, I did forget to include that one, because it's typically not the case with college goers (my age range). I apologize, that's a different case smile.gif.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Your all talking about taking drugs on a site where employers and employees frequent?

    Your all idiots, and I hope you never get hired.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    if anything should be censored it should be closed minds, I think most employers in the games industry have done their fair share of whacked out benders.

    Personally I think it's all part of the learning process and there's no harm in seeing things from a different angle from time to time. Sort of like steroids for artists.

    Coffee is a more powerfull drug, and people are whacked out on that shit all day.

    http://www.cannabis.net/weblife.html <-- check out the caffeine image
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    At what point did Shotgun ask whether any of you socially conditioned retards, approved or disapproved of potentially perception altering intoxicants?
    I`ve never had the chance to have a go at DMT, I`ve known a few who have, and they enjoyed themselves aplenty. Good luck when you get some fella, sounds like it will be FUN!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    At what point did Shotgun ask whether any of you socially conditioned retards, approved or disapproved of potentially perception altering intoxicants?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure if you started a thread on infantalism, necrofelia, suspension (you know the hooks in the back), driving drunk, or riding a motorcycle without a helmet, you would get very similar responses.

    Because we share our opinion doesn't make any of us socially conditioned retards. I'm sure it's nice to visualize yourself as an open minded visionary because you have nothing against trying anything under the sun, but some of us hold a higher value on life and our dependancies on substances, and we are more than entitled to share it in a public forum where this is brought up without being called "retards".

    Also, he asked when he started the thread here. I'm sure anyone who gave it any real thought, could see that it would be a potentially controversial subject, in the same way starting a religious or political thread would be. You can't state your opinion and then only allow people who agree with you to post. That's how public discussion with people from all walks of life works. Suck it up. If you had wanted a serious discussion on the pros only, a drug related message board would have been more appropriate than polycount, where the majority of the members are younger than 25, and the topic of discussion is focused on art and the game industry.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Poop's got a point. If you post on a public forum, you've gotta expect all kinds of replies from every possible angle. You can't pick and choose and censor individuals because you don't agree with them. That would just be stupid.

    I don't have a clue what DMT is, nor do I particularly care to find out. I'm pretty sure my life is fine without it. What you do with it is your choice, not mine - just as it is my choice to express my opinion on your actions.

    Sonic: That's a rather ridiculously blinkered view. Had it crossed your mind that people might enjoy the taste?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure if you started a thread on...necrophilia...you would get very similar responses.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know what's great about dead women is when you're eating them out, you can hear the maggots crunching in their teeth. Who here has tried it, raise of hands? You should. Yummy. Ride the corpse.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh blah blah blah everyone stfu. Get back to work, you damn slackers!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree thumbup.gif
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I asked for this thread to discuss the possibilities of this phenomenal drug called DMT, and in a very specific context: Medical and Spiritual supplement.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You are a fucking moron.

    Frank the Avenger
  • qubism
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    qubism polycounter lvl 18
    I am not goint to say a thing.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    First time I drank my stepdad almost knocked my teeth out while shoving the bottle in my mouth. Jack Daniel's is an aquired taste for a six year old.

    I'm of two or more minds on this.
    One it isn't wise to talk about your illegal anything on the interweb. Two While I strongly disaprove of all drugs above irish coffee(and even then...), on some level it's up to you to make your choice and live(or not) with the consequences. I'f nobody is hurt but you I really don't have a problem with anything you do.
    As I said it's none too bright to put this stuff up on a pro board, at the same time compared to the general populace the artistic community, in my experience, is a fairly drug-soaked bunch. So I find it odd we're so outraged in general thoug this is bad.

    If a doctor told me I had a week to live I wouldn't go do drugs, I'd fuck my brains out. Hey if he go it wrong I'd have a hell of a week-end with no regrets.

    It's not like drugs are some free ride, you can't go screwing around with you brain chemistry and come out on top.

    Evolution through drugs is shit. It doesn't work like that! Go find a fucking hippie and try to have a conversation, then remember that the shit they were using was like smoking clove cigarettes compared to the shit floating around today. Medical and Spiritual supplement? That just fucking crazy you're just getting fucking high.

    I'm sure I missed out on a few things so point them out and I'll shoot them down too.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    The question was "Has anyone here tripped on DMT?". No where did shotgun ask for anyone to get up on their soap box and determine whose work you would or would not respect cause they ate sausages this morning.
    So who`s homosexual around here then? I can`t stand them poofs or the work they put out.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    You know what I suggest...its something really amazing and you can try it sometime...and it offers an almost infinite well of spiritual, and creative ideas, bringing forth the most interesting, wacked out, abstract, and trippy things from the human subconscious. It also has yet to be made illegal in any country worldwide...

    ...its called dreaming...but if you're not so great at remembering them after they've happened, you can keep a dream sketchbook or learn to lucid dream. So stop all this bs of OMG THIS DRUG IS TEH ROXXORS!!1 Its an artificial, man-made chemical. Just because you think its some revolutionary new way of having spiritual/creative moments for humanity isn't showing humanity's lacking, or the "benefits" of DMT. If at the end of the day Mr. Lucid is still turning out great material, and feels great, thats a hell of a lot better than the drugged up guy next to him who has to pay for a substance for the same effect...

    ...so perhaps to each his own...I dont really care in the end. But don't try passing your lifestyle off as the wave of the future if there are others doing just as well if not better without it...
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    The question was "Has anyone here tripped on DMT?". No where did shotgun ask for anyone to get up on their soap box and determine whose work you would or would not respect cause they ate sausages this morning.
    So who`s homosexual around here then? I can`t stand them poofs or the work they put out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ^^^ = good english!
    Save myself the trouble. I may not be able to write clearly, but a lot of people here can't read. God damn, read the thread before you reply. Or don't - and hopla, you look like a retard.

    Medical and Spiritual supplement:
    Yes. It sounds extremely positively promising to me. Have any of you actually researched this chemical and it's effects before calling me a retard /criminal /outlaw /you sound like medivel time people who think the world is flat..

    People with schyzofrenia, paranoia, "lost soul", people who seek purpos and understandig of life. DMT seems to have a very long-term calmness on people who experienced it. Just once. They have, literally, seen the light. Everything makes perfect sense for them, and they are cool. Yup, they are healed.
    So, why couldn't it be a recognized medical supplement to therapy?

    Because of retards, perhaps.

    Poop (and others):
    I am not pretending to choose replies. I was, naively perhaps, expecting two type of replies to the question "have you experienced":
    1. Yes, I have, and this is my exprience...
    2. No, sorry man, can't say I have.

    Anyone who answered otherwise, as I see it, tends to look for things who are not there, and should ask himself infront of the mirror, "what made me post the way I did?"
    If he could answer that to himself, honestly, he will learn something new about himself, he will admit it, and find enlightment. a small "level up". No DMT. Try it.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    just to teach you a lesson,
    I dont know who you are, so I don't care about skinning you.
    You have just volanteered to be the example of a retard.

    "Anyone who answered otherwise, as I see it, tends to look for things who are not there, and should ask himself infront of the mirror, "what made me post the way I did?" "

    Now let me asnwer it for you: "Because I dream,... I want people to know about my dreams and I want to spread my lifestyle and people to know about what I dream. It will be fun for my ego."

    And you just told me not to spread my lifestyle - which I absolutely did not do. You should read what *I* actually wrote, before you reply.
    And so, like I said, you read what is not there, between the lines, and talk like a barbaric.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Anyone who answered otherwise, as I see it, tends to look for things who are not there, and should ask himself infront of the mirror, "what made me post the way I did?"
    If he could answer that to himself, honestly, he will learn something new about himself, he will admit it, and find enlightment. a small "level up". No DMT. Try it.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I answered the way I did because I'm sick of people who need drugs to make their lives better acting like their lifestyle is the be all to end all for getting better. That and taking the easy way out of things.

    "Here have a drink, it'll make you feel better..." Yeah...guess what so will a nice jog or drive at night with the windows open on an empty stretch of road alongside a beautiful landscape.

    "Here take this drug, it'll make you feel better spiritually and you'll see some awesome shit" Yeah, so will falling asleep, or prayer/meditation...

    I don't see diabetics walking around proclaiming man made insulin treatments are the wave of the future for all of humanity...they know it'll only help diabetics. And why is that? Oh yeah...because the purpose of drugs is to treat people who are sick, or have a problem biologically, mentally, etc...

    ...so, since you seem to feel this drug is so great...whats your sickness/deficency?

    [ QUOTE ]
    just to teach you a lesson,
    I dont know who you are, so I don't care about skinning you.
    You have just volanteered to be the example of a retard.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well...you criticizing reading skills? Where in my post did I mention you specifically? I was responding to everyone in this thread posting in favor of DMT useage...
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    Rofl thoses threads are priceless

    IMO, when u start talking tooo seriously thoses thread in General Discussion is because u are obviously looking for some DRAMAAA

    Its far to easy to say poooo and lies anyway, Tbh, to some extend what u say on thread like this, doesnt realy define who u are in life anyway. TO some extend anyway.

    General Discussion on pc is like the Toilet at eatpoo. Rofl

    D R A M A Q U E E N
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    I would like to address

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Medical and Spiritual supplement? That just fucking crazy you're just getting fucking high."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Here take this drug, it'll make you feel better spiritually and you'll see some awesome shit" Yeah, so will falling asleep, or prayer/meditation...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Theres a body of evidence that suggests the effects, chemically/biologically speaking of prayer/meditation/deep religious experience/intense aesthetic experiences and the chemical effects of certain hallucinogenic drugs are the very similar. Infact, chemically speaking, a religious epiphany whether derived from deep meditation, sudden shock, starvation, or drugs is basically the same thing. There is a very good book on this topic called, "Why God Won't Go Away, The Biology of Belief," that collects a bunch of research regarding activity in various parts of the brain during different brain states and what happens chemically in the brain. Its also a good book because it makes no attempt to take a position on whether or not "god" exists, infact they present some good arguements from both sides.

    Also keep in mind this is also only in regards to certain specific hallucinogens. However anything can trigger a trancendental experience. What triggered it is basically irrelavent in the face of the actual experience. This experience is a universal thing as well, as it in reality has more to do with biology than culture. So what if Tolstoy and Blake experienced spontaneous visions of god and heavenly glory because of a form of epilepsy, and some mideval monk felt bathed in the same light from a long day of meditation. The trigger may be differny, but the action is the same. Also those visions are an intensely personal, totally subjective experience contained within the mind of one man, and it is up to that man (or woman) to decide what to do with that experience. That having been said its interesting to note the almost perfect similarity in the subjects impression of such experiences. If it were just garabge being spewed out of a malfunctioning brain why would the experiences be almost identical across generations and cultures? This points to there being a totally natural, non-pathological brain state often descibed as "trancendental."

    Anyway...so yeah, its not all just "hippie crap"...read some anthropology books people. Its all just theory, but in my humble opinion thinking is better than just judging.

    James Ball
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    So, why couldn't it be a recognized medical supplement to therapy?

    Because of retards, perhaps.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How is it therapeutic to you? Did you consider yourself to have a brain chemical imbalance? Has a doctor prescribed it to you? Why should you and others take on the responsibility of studying the potiental of drugs when there are in fact several studies being conducted by professionals? Why is it you take the responsibility without the supervision of professionals? Have you donated your time to the studies outside of your dorm? You've asked for two separate discussions within this thread, which is possibily due to the drugs impairement of your ability to rationalize.

    You asked if anyone had tripped, and now you try to justify your experiements with the reasoning of saving the lives of others. Chemicals within the Dorsal cavity should not be toyed with. What's in nature is placed for a reason, and to deviate from it has consequences.

    DMT causes impaired judgment that often leads to rash decisions and accidents. It can lead to extremely frightening trips or flashbacks. It's not an addictive provoking drug like cocaine, heroin or alcohol, but it produces greater tolerance in some users who take the drug repeatedly. The result is higher doses must be taken to achieve the same results. This is a dangerous practice because of the unpredictability of the drug effect on an individual. It's basically LSD without the side effects.

    You started the thread, now live up to it, or delete it.
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