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quake 3 character 1st work ever

polycounter lvl 18
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MiSHENRON polycounter lvl 18
Hi My name is Misha and I'm a student this is my first character for the game i'm not really satisfied of it cause there are many many problems with my textures and It's kinda difficult but here it is so if you have something to say and there'a a lot 2 say about just tell me!! I want 2 LEARN!!! 2tijvmpoyomtinfog7ch.jpg


  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Instead of linking to the website, why not link to the actual image url? :P
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Let me start by saying: 100% self illumination, wireframes and front, side and back shots. And a texture flat would be useful as well.

    Your character has very little detail in the skin. Its almost completely purple, with some random noise and lines. This could use a whole lot of work. A few smoothing groups in the face would also help a lot.

    Punctuations and capital letters were invented for a reason. Use them grin.gif
  • Noisybast
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    Noisybast polycounter lvl 18
    The texture on the body doesn't give any impression of form. Just looks like random swirlyness.
    Take a look at other WIP threads to get a better idea of how to represent the contours of the human body with light & shade.
  • thinsoldier
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    thinsoldier polycounter lvl 18
    At first I was going to comment on the shape of the model itself...but since I just finished playing some good 'ole n64 games....I think if it had a better texture it would be passable. Are u one of the Heajes? I saw some stuff from another heaj that had superb texture work, you should ask that person for some pointers on the texture.

    You definitely need smoothing groups (max?) / soft edges(maya) on the face, expecially for that triangular area that looks like eyes. I zoomed in and saw that the eyes on the texture should maybe be moved down a little.

    As for the mesh itself, with some very minor additions/adjustments you could have much better hands and feet. I'd start by extruding anything that resembles a thumb off the sides of the hand.

    It would also help if you didn't post a 1024x768 image that wasts half the image with empty blackness. And 100% self illuminate the material on the model to make it easier to see, and post some wires too.

    Also, don't get discouraged if someone has something bad to say. It took me 2 years to get where I am now and I'm still not really very far. Honesly I have yet to 'complete' a total character model from head to toe. So you've got that over me. You actually did one. Congratulations =)

    One thing I've found that works for me when I know I won't be able to 2d texture something is to just add a pattern/line of faces in certains ares and then just apply a solid color material to them and use the way that looks in place of an actual photoshopped texture. Many n-64 games kinda used that technique instead of a texture.

    Example, look at the 2nd character from the right.
    He has on a hat and a coat and stuff. No textures needed. Just build the model so that the needed areas are separated and select the faces and apply different colors to them.


    On the other hand, many psOne games had characters with 'half' the number of polygons that you used and they look a lot better because they had totally sweet textures (Chrono-Cross for example)
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